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Author Topic: Searching translators  (Read 153280 times)

Offline TroubleMaker

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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #120 on: November 18, 2007, 12:13:41 pm »
I can become (secondary) Russian translator.

What instruments should I have and what should I do to start?
I have POedit on my Ubuntu box, and I have some experience in translating. For example, I'm an official volunteer translator for Weather Underground ( and Safer Networking ( - spybot search&destroy anti-spyware tool).

Offline Mattn

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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #121 on: November 18, 2007, 12:33:02 pm »
poedit is the tool we are using here, too

it's all written here:

in general it's divided into two steps - translate the strings in the po file - and translate the ufopedia articles in the wiki

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #122 on: November 18, 2007, 01:17:46 pm »
about your problems: i'm not sure whether i understand exactly what you mean. could you please provide some more examples and explain a little bit more what we have to do to fix this?

He means that sometimes, where English and other languages use one word to describe two subtly different things, Japanese uses two different words. It's like how Eskimos have 19 words for snow (well, they don't. But that's the classic example).

So what he wants is to unlink the word list. Each word in the game should be translated independently, and no string in the po file should be used twice.

Edit: here's an elaboration of his example:
Code: [Select]
#: ../base/ufos/menu_options.ufo:360
#: client/cl_mapfightequip.c:1710
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "中"

should become

Code: [Select]
#: ../base/ufos/menu_options.ufo:360
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "中"

#: client/cl_mapfightequip.c:1710
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "中量"
« Last Edit: November 18, 2007, 01:47:41 pm by BTAxis »

Offline Arkblade

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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #123 on: November 18, 2007, 03:17:56 pm »
reupload files.

Edit: here's an elaboration of his example:
Thank you for saying what I want to say.

It is as follows because of the specification of po files.
(Same msdid cannot exist in pofiles)

Code: [Select]
#: ../base/ufos/menu_options.ufo:360
msgid "Medium[1]"
msgstr "中"

#: client/cl_mapfightequip.c:1710
msgid "Medium[2]"
msgstr "中量"

I hope to translate become independent in each scene like this.
(Excluding the proper noun, Item Name)

By the way, Can Japanese page be added to List of msgid of UFOAI wiki?

and that seemed to be the bug was discovered.
It is not displayed on the screen though I translated some tip of the day.
(They are displayed as an empty)
Code: [Select]

#: ../base/ufos/tips.ufo:22
msgid "Build a workshop and UFO hangars to be able to disassemble UFOs."
msgstr "工房とUFO格納庫を建設する事によって、UFOの解体が行なえるようになります。"

#: ../base/ufos/tips.ufo:29
msgid "Build a hospital to be able to faster heal your soldiers for the next mission."
msgstr "医療施設を建設する事によって、次のミッションまでにより早く兵士を治療する事ができます。"

#: ../base/ufos/tips.ufo:45
msgid "Build an alien containment to be able to imprison aliens alive."
msgstr "エイリアン収容施設を建設する事によって、エイリアンを生きたまま捕らえる事ができるようになります。"

« Last Edit: November 18, 2007, 03:44:35 pm by Arkblade »

Offline Mattn

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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #124 on: November 18, 2007, 04:02:40 pm »
By the way, Can Japanese page be added to List of msgid of UFOAI wiki?

of course - you just have to add it ;)

Offline Arkblade

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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #125 on: November 19, 2007, 04:00:15 am »
These are can't displayed.
i think it's problem of processing of the long msgstr or character-code.
and, it seems to make space to End-of-Line.

Code: [Select]

#: ../base/ufos/campaign.ufo:156
msgid "txt_veryhard_campaign"
msgstr "とても高い難易度の通常キャンペーンです。この難易度では全てが問題となってプレイヤーに降りかかってきます。人員補充は非常に少なく、各国家からの要求も過酷なものとなり、エイリアンは一片の慈悲すらないでしょう。この非常に高い難易度はHard Campaignでは満足できない、より難しいゲームを求める人の為のものです。"

#: ../base/ufos/campaign.ufo:180
msgid "txt_hard_campaign"
msgstr "これはより難易度の高い通常キャンペーンです。人員補充は少なく、各国家の要求は厳しくなり、研究の進歩も遅くなり要求要素も増えます。さらにエイリアンはより強くなります。熟練したプレイヤーのための難しいモードです。"

#: ../base/ufos/campaign.ufo:213
#: ../base/ufos/campaign.ufo:368
msgid "txt_standard_campaign"
msgstr "1人用の、侵略に対抗するシナリオです。プレイヤーはPHALANX 計画の司令官となり、エイリアンの脅威に対応していく事になります。ランダムな要素とストーリー的な要素の混ざったダイナミックキャンペーンをプレイする事ができます。また、このキャンペーンは複数の難易度でプレイ可能です。この難易度は、挑戦を望む初心者向けの標準的なモードです。"

#: ../base/ufos/campaign.ufo:265
msgid "txt_easy_campaign"
msgstr "この難易度は通常キャンペーンのゆるいバージョンです。エイリアンの強さは抑えられ、UFOの襲来の頻度も減ります。そして戦闘による人員の損失を埋め合わせる為の新人の量も増えます。難易度は簡単で、通常キャンペーンよりスムーズなプレイを行ないたい人向けです。"

#: ../base/ufos/campaign.ufo:298
msgid "txt_veryeasy_campaign"
msgstr "この難易度は通常キャンペーンの非常にゆるいバージョンです。部隊はより強力となり、エイリアンの脅威は減少し、キャンペーンを通して殆ど失敗を経験する事はないでしょう。難易度は非常に簡単で、UFO: AIがどのようなものか体験してみたい人向けです。"


Perhaps, I found the cause of this problem !
It is an amount in the character buffer.
UFOAI seems that a buffer necessary to display a Japanese long sentence cannot be secured.
when the sentence that was not able to be displayed was changing to very short sentence, it was possible to display it.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2007, 09:09:18 pm by Arkblade »

Offline Arkblade

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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #126 on: November 19, 2007, 08:01:29 pm »
I wrote the patch that changed some msdid to the independent one.

Offline Mattn

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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #127 on: November 19, 2007, 10:10:24 pm »
thank you very much - i've already applied some of your changes and will look into the others soon.

if you find more ambiguous strings, please upload more patches


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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #128 on: December 21, 2007, 05:50:14 am »
I'd translate to Polish, if needed.

Razorix 22

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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #129 on: December 21, 2007, 08:12:17 am »
I should continue the english-french translation in my spare time. :)

Offline n.mamos

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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #130 on: January 13, 2008, 07:35:07 pm »
hi there i almost done a translation in greek, gr.po.
can you help me what to do pls.

Waiting for your reply.

Offline Mattn

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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #131 on: January 13, 2008, 11:49:37 pm »

Offline Rost

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Updating po files?
« Reply #132 on: January 14, 2008, 03:16:25 pm »
Hi all,

I just wanted to update the German translation. I noticed that several msgids are missing in de.po, e.g.
msgid "Construction time:\t%i day\n"
I called "make update-po" just like I was used to from all the other projects. After this command finished, de.po was only 10% of its original size. I thought I just have to call "./ de" to fill it up again but this did not work...

How is the standard way for updating the po files? Unfortunately, the Wiki was not very helpful here...

Offline Mattn

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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #133 on: January 14, 2008, 05:44:35 pm »
are you talking about 2.2. branch or trunk? in general make update-po is the way to go - this will fill the po file with translateable strings from the source code and the script files

Offline Rost

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Re: Searching translators
« Reply #134 on: January 15, 2008, 10:12:27 am »
are you talking about 2.2. branch or trunk? in general make update-po is the way to go - this will fill the po file with translateable strings from the source code and the script files

I was talking about the 2.2 release.
Could also you try "make update-po; ./ de" with the 2.2 release? Does it work on your system? I was testing on Debian testing and Ubuntu 7.10 and in both cases the updated_de.po file did no longer contain the msgids from the wiki, e.g. "intro_sentence1" (it was still there but commented!?!?).