damn, why do you not tell what exactly erroe messages was? I use POEditor with W7 and have not any problems.
Yoz Kildor,
Chill.... I know probably u r from russia or that region, but still, do mind the lingo used.... "Damn" is not well received esp in the local region i stay in, and is easily associated with a strong retaliation word as close as f***. Besides, our dear friend there may be new to forum (its his 2nd post only), and he is perhaps unfamilar with how error reports / help can be seeked.
To Xracer,
What would really help the good folks here help u faster would be in future to provide:
1) System used (Which u have, Win 7, which is crappy IMO. Lol)
2) POEdit's version (That might help too).
3) The exact error at different stages (If u are lazy to type, juz do a screen shot of it.) - This will really help isolate and narrow the problem down.
4) State if this problem repeats? (I am assuming it does, since it frustrates u).
PS: Just being curious, do u have another system (Maybe winxp) which can run this POEditor? U can try it, and see if it repeats? If it does not, maybe u wanna use tat? I am not too sure if POEditor is exactly compatible 100% with Win 7, though Kildor reports it works for him.

Updates with more info, pls, ok?
