UFO: Alien Invasion Issue Tracker
UFO: Alien Invasion
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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Closed Bug report #5741 » Open Feature request #3829 » Open Feature request #5362 Transfer: Enter amount instead of thousand clicks
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geever (@geever) has been working on this issue since August 23, 2015 (12:26)
Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Feature request
  • Category
    Not determined
  • Targetted for
    Not determined
  • Status
  • Progress
  • Priority
    Not determined
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
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Issue details
  • Complexity
    Not determined
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E.g. i want to transfer 1000 Antimatter from one base to an other base, i am forced to click thousand times with my mouse pointer on it. I would prefer a small window/popup where i could enter the amount of objects which should be transfered.
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