UFO:Alien Invasion

Development => Translating => Topic started by: sunsolzn on September 26, 2008, 03:19:30 pm

Title: Chinese translation
Post by: sunsolzn on September 26, 2008, 03:19:30 pm
This is my first translation, my English is not very good, 66% translated, with some of the google translation. Font file using the windows bring simsun.ttc, in the display windows, where the normal 1024X768.
 :o :o :o ::) ::) :o :o
zh_cn.po in attach zip file.
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: Mattn on September 26, 2008, 04:35:04 pm

thanks for your work - but please keep in mind, that you also have to update the wiki articles. We are using a merge script that is fetching the translated articles from the wiki and put them to the po files. So if you add translated articles to the po file, but not to the wiki, the next merge run will delete those articles from the po file.

see http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/List_of_msgid
and http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/Translating for more info
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: sunsolzn on September 27, 2008, 02:01:22 pm
from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=128192 (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=128192) get  wqy-zenhei font file.
This font provides full coverage to
zh_cn, zh_sg, zh_tw, zh_hk, zh_mo, as well as the
code-points needed for ja (Japanese) and ko (Korean) locales for fontconfig.
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: Mattn on September 27, 2008, 06:45:11 pm
ok, i've added it to the repository, thanks

you have to make sure, that this font is used - can be done in the po file (just translate the font filename to wqy-zenhei.ttf)
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: Mattn on September 27, 2008, 06:51:32 pm
in the wiki, please add zh_CN (not zh_cn) - thanks
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: sunsolzn on October 04, 2008, 10:33:33 am
for 2.3dev

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: sunsolzn on October 06, 2008, 12:05:32 pm
Chinese support for this flawed, I found that in the game, the line is too long this will not be able to show that because it seems unable to deal with a branch. May need to add man-made line breaks or change the script automatically to the Chinese or any other branch of the East Asian text
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: Mattn on October 08, 2008, 06:07:20 pm
can you provide screenshots please?
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: kracken on October 08, 2008, 08:54:50 pm
Chinese support for this flawed, I found that in the game, the line is too long this will not be able to show that because it seems unable to deal with a branch. May need to add man-made line breaks or change the script automatically to the Chinese or any other branch of the East Asian text

The line is too long because there are no whitespaces at all in one line in the wiki. At the moment, the game uses whitespaces to know if it can split a line in 2 or not.
The problem is that the Chinese sentence is just considered by the game like only one word. Therefore, there is no new line.
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: BTAxis on October 09, 2008, 11:50:26 am
It doesn't parse \n characters? If not, it probably should.
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: sunsolzn on October 09, 2008, 01:07:19 pm
My English is not good, it may point not clearly.
update_po_from_wiki.sh should be no problem.
For the Chinese, in zh_CN.po, i use \n split sentence, such as tips.ufo's sentence.
if the tip is too long no whitespace, will not show in game.
In the ufopedia ,if too long, lower fps.
I see the Thai translation, use a whitespace split sentence.
perhaps in the wiki, an Note that is a solution to the problem.
Perhaps the sentence should be separated by a whitespace
By the way, Chinese comma and dot ,not ',' and '.' , is ',' and '。'
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: geever on October 09, 2008, 01:40:29 pm
What about splitting the text with spaces between words (as it's done in latin languages)? Is it wrong in Chineese? You have words either, haven't?

Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: BTAxis on October 09, 2008, 04:51:11 pm
Chinese doesn't use whitespaces, typically.
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: geever on October 09, 2008, 05:04:26 pm
I know. I've read it somewhere (here/irc). but does it (putting spaces) make the text unreadable (for them)?

Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: BTAxis on October 09, 2008, 05:11:36 pm
No, it'll just look weird. It's like NOT using whitespaces in English. You can read it, but it's just not right.
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: sunsolzn on October 18, 2008, 07:13:33 pm
thx for fix the bug. ;D ;D
new po for 19655.
r_main.c:346  "Take a screenshot"
cl_aircraft.c:1205 1213 aircraft->name
cl_map.c:1874 1884 selectedAircraft->name
no _()
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: sunsolzn on January 04, 2009, 11:33:48 am

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: Mattn on January 04, 2009, 11:41:29 am
thanks, commited to trunk
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: odie on April 08, 2009, 10:54:26 am

Just want to let you know that i am looking at your translation and is very interested in helping to polish the translation. I am a Singaporean chinese, and is very fluent in my bilingual ability (chinese, english).

I will start looking through, (already making adjustments)...... I will upload and let you have a look before asking the folks to commit the translation ok? :)
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: sunsolzn on April 13, 2009, 06:13:46 am
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: odie on April 14, 2009, 05:39:24 am
Sorry folks, this is meant for sunsolzn only.


#~ msgid "Base '%s' is under attack - you can enter this base to change soldiers equipment or to kill aliens in Alien Containment Facility. What to do ?"
#~ msgstr "基地'%s'正受到攻击—你可以进入基地装备你的士兵或杀死所有在外星人收容所的异形。你要做什么?"


#~ msgid "Build at least one functional Alien Containment (click for more info)"
#~ msgstr "需要建设一个外星人收容所(点击察看详细信息)"

中的“外星人收容所” 改为 “外星人遏制所”

Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: odie on April 14, 2009, 07:07:08 am
I have also decided to change the

1) Saracen-Class' translation from

伊斯兰 to 杀猎臣

I thnk the translation is more accurate in terms of pronounciation, and also sounds deadlier, since saracen class is a more well....deadly class of interceptors.

It literally mean:
杀 - Kill
猎 - Hunt
臣 - Minister

A minister who hunts and kills......

2)Change the 龙级 to 巨龙级.

In chinese, a dragon means nothing. But to demostrate its power, a dragon is usually described as a huge dragon, fierce dragon, mighty dragon.

In this instance, i have decided to first try, 巨龙级 (Huge Dragon Class).

Open for suggestions. :)

3) Changed the starchaser-class from 追星者级 to 追星级

The 者 seemed redundant here in translation, as it sounds too literal translation and not nice when classifying a class.

4) Proposing a change of 魟级 to a proper translation of stingray (黄貂鱼).
But it does not sound nice, so i decide to use its other name - 魔鬼鱼, which literally means : Demonic Fish. Lol

Aint that better? :P

Got my inspirations for this from:
Stingray (http://baike.baidu.com/view/66576.htm)
Stingray Baidu (http://baike.baidu.com/view/477027.htm)
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: odie on April 14, 2009, 09:15:37 am

Do you want to help me take a look at this first 15 pages.

I did a lil modifications.....

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: sunsolzn on April 14, 2009, 04:00:02 pm
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: geever on April 14, 2009, 05:33:44 pm
I  don't know what happens here :) but "Base '%s' is under attack..." msgid has changed recently - well, month ago if not earlier. You should update your po-file.

Title: Chinese translation (Proposed Translation Progress)
Post by: odie on April 15, 2009, 03:50:59 am



如果这一个UFOAI可以带到全世界的华人,还真是不得了!!  :D




第三,我们翻译了名词,装备描述,我们才来翻Research Proposals这方面。因为,若没有名词的一致性,或没有装备的概念,翻译方面可能会遇到一些的问题。


1)World Lingo (http://www2.worldlingo.com/en/products_services/worldlingo_translator.html)
This is not the best translator, but it does quite a good translation word for word / website translation.

2) 爱词霸 (http://www.iciba.com/)
An excellent translator IMO. For English to Chinese. Just type english word into search, and out pops chinese. :)

3)Babel Fish (Yahoo's) (http://babelfish.yahoo.com/)
Quite good also. :)

4) Google Search (http://www.google.com.sg/firefox?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official)
Everyone's favorite. If its not, they are missing something. lol. This is where i go when the first 3 and my experience fails me.....

5) 汉典 (http://www.zdic.net/)
This helps me clarify meaning of certain chinese words.


Let us work on this like this ok? =D
Title: What is Going On Man?
Post by: odie on April 15, 2009, 03:58:53 am
I  don't know what happens here :) but "Base '%s' is under attack..." msgid has changed recently - well, month ago if not earlier. You should update your po-file.


Well, that was all pure chinese, my dear geever.

Was seeking sunsolzn's permission to first edit certain stuff this way and tat. Getting mutual respect and understanding kinda thing u know? :)

Next up to the last entry, was trying to coordinate some translation efforts for the chinese po. Its actually not really complete in a sense, so was trying to standardise the terminologies, like names, equipment, places names, etc first.

Then moving on to the the descriptions of all the equipment so that the game becomes a bit more playable when the weapons come online.

Lastly, then was proposing moving on to the research proposal descriptions and research results' report. Cos that would be longest and most efforts, and almost hard to do, if the prior terms and names are not standardize. Yupz.

PS: That is also why ppl do not understand things, and keep proposing new items and stuff - when old things are not yet done up, and alot of translators here requiring alot alot of change. lol. :P

Re the Msg u said, are these the ones?
msgid "Base '%s' is under attack! What to do ?"
msgstr "基地'%s'正在被攻击,怎么办?"

#~ msgid "Base '%s' is under attack - you can enter this base to change soldiers equipment. What to do ?"
#~ msgstr "基地'%s'正受到攻击—你可以进入基地装备你的士兵。你要做什么?"

#~ msgid "Base '%s' is under attack - you can enter this base to change soldiers equipment or to kill aliens in Alien Containment Facility. What to do ?"
#~ msgstr "基地'%s'正受到攻击—你可以进入基地装备你的士兵或杀死所有在外星人遏制所的异形。你要做什么?"

If so, as u can see, they are already done and i have seen em and is in the midst of looking thru em. :)

if not, pls let us know where else ok? :P
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: sunsolzn on April 15, 2009, 08:35:02 am
one question:   
The contents of http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/%E8%A3%85%E5%A4%87/%E6%BF%80%E5%85%89%E5%BC%B9%E5%A4%B9 (http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/%E8%A3%85%E5%A4%87/%E6%BF%80%E5%85%89%E5%BC%B9%E5%A4%B9)  can not be updated to po file,in po file is english http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/Equipment/Ammunition/D-F_Cartridge (http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/Equipment/Ammunition/D-F_Cartridge)
I use windows,so can't test update_po_from_wiki.sh .
what wrong in http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/%E8%A3%85%E5%A4%87/%E6%BF%80%E5%85%89%E5%BC%B9%E5%A4%B9 (http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/%E8%A3%85%E5%A4%87/%E6%BF%80%E5%85%89%E5%BC%B9%E5%A4%B9)  page ?
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: odie on April 16, 2009, 07:00:58 am
one question:   
The contents of http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/%E8%A3%85%E5%A4%87/%E6%BF%80%E5%85%89%E5%BC%B9%E5%A4%B9 (http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/%E8%A3%85%E5%A4%87/%E6%BF%80%E5%85%89%E5%BC%B9%E5%A4%B9)  can not be updated to po file,in po file is english http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/Equipment/Ammunition/D-F_Cartridge (http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/Equipment/Ammunition/D-F_Cartridge)
I use windows,so can't test update_po_from_wiki.sh .
what wrong in http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/%E8%A3%85%E5%A4%87/%E6%BF%80%E5%85%89%E5%BC%B9%E5%A4%B9 (http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/%E8%A3%85%E5%A4%87/%E6%BF%80%E5%85%89%E5%BC%B9%E5%A4%B9)  page ?

Eh, sunsolzn,

I am afraid you have lost me there too.... not quite sure what are you referring to.....

Is it that you are trying to update the Chinese Page for DF Cartridges (http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/%E8%A3%85%E5%A4%87/%E6%BF%80%E5%85%89%E5%BC%B9%E5%A4%B9) but was unable to?

You were referring to English Page for DF cartridges (http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/Equipment/Ammunition/D-F_Cartridge) because of???

Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: geever on April 16, 2009, 10:01:51 am
The po files are updated (with wiki content) with update_po_from_wiki.sh only. It isn't done automatically.

Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: odie on April 16, 2009, 10:32:49 am
The po files are updated (with wiki content) with update_po_from_wiki.sh only. It isn't done automatically.

Hi geever,

Eh, i think the both of u lost me there now. lol.

Wat do u mean by "the po files are updated etc yada yada...." ??

Does it means that the wiki are updated into the po files (in the src trunk) or .....??
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: geever on April 16, 2009, 02:18:38 pm
Does it means that the wiki are updated into the po files (in the src trunk) or .....??

Yes, the game uses the po files only. So occasionally (quite rarely) we run that script to sync the text in po file with the wiki.

Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: odie on April 16, 2009, 07:37:58 pm
Yes, the game uses the po files only. So occasionally (quite rarely) we run that script to sync the text in po file with the wiki.


WOW! I never knew such a script existed! Man, this should really simplify alot ALOT of things for me!

I tot that updating the wiki has to be a 1 by 1 by 1.... -.-" kinda thing. Haha.

Thanks geever for enlightening.
So it was the script tat was not synchronising properly? Is tat the case here?

PS: I might be quiet in the beta testing for a while, since i know tat the pathfinding issue is major hiccup and i am not able to help there further. I will be working with sunsolzn getting more translation to simplified chinese done.

Sunsolzn: If you are looking at this, you might want to email me the new translations when u have any, to my email account directly, preferably in Microsoft document format. Try highlighting the changes you have made in red? That would really help. I will then try to get the stuff back into text form / po format and commit back.....

geever - I have been reading abt a certain po editor..... quite too many threads here, able to point me to a link / homepage for that pls? And do enlighten me, its just a simply text editor rite? If so, i guess i be happier sticking to my document editors, then converting back to Ansi complex text format. (Aka unicode format. lol)  :P
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: geever on April 16, 2009, 11:10:31 pm
WOW! I never knew such a script existed! Man, this should really simplify alot ALOT of things for me!
I tot that updating the wiki has to be a 1 by 1 by 1.... -.-" kinda thing. Haha.

I'm not sure you got me right. The script copies translations on wiki into the po file for long texts (which have just a some_placeholder_txt as msgid). Did you do that by hand before?

If it doesn't find a translation it put in the English text to make the game playable (don't have just msgids which doesn't tell anything in this case).

So it was the script tat was not synchronising properly? Is tat the case here?


geever - I have been reading abt a certain po editor..... quite too many threads here, able to point me to a link / homepage for that pls? And do enlighten me, its just a simply text editor rite? If so, i guess i be happier sticking to my document editors, then converting back to Ansi complex text format. (Aka unicode format. lol)  :P

Please use, PoEdit (http://www.poedit.net/).

ps "...Aka unicode format" <-- which one? ;)

Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: Mattn on April 17, 2009, 07:22:25 am
Please use, PoEdit (http://www.poedit.net/).

indeed - use a po file editor like poedit. please no other editor to edit the files. they are in 99% screwed after it and it would be a waste of time and a pity to lose the translation work.
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: sunsolzn on April 17, 2009, 12:54:35 pm
I look the po file
Revision 23764 Modified at Sat Mar 28 21:26:37 2009 UTC by geever and SVN commit log message is "updated Hungarian language file and synced with wiki"

the page http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/%E8%A3%85%E5%A4%87/%E6%BF%80%E5%85%89%E5%BC%B9%E5%A4%B9 Modified at 06:12, 16 December 2008 ,but the page content no sync to po file,what wrong?
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: geever on April 17, 2009, 03:49:20 pm
Syncing is done per po file. See the help of the script:

Code: [Select]
$ ./update_po_from_wiki.sh
Usage : ./update_po_from_wiki.sh lang
   where lang is the prefix of one .po file (en, de, fr, ...)

Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: odie on April 17, 2009, 05:28:39 pm
I'm not sure you got me right. The script copies translations on wiki into the po file for long texts (which have just a some_placeholder_txt as msgid). Did you do that by hand before?

Nope i have not done tat by hand before, though i was thinking of.

Okie, now i know that there is actually a script tat reads the po file and update the wiki.... interesting. At least i know this task can be automated. :D Thanks for enlightening.

Please use, PoEdit (http://www.poedit.net/).

ps "...Aka unicode format" <-- which one? ;)
I used the winword first to edit wat i need, saving the format for converting back to PO using wordpad's unicode standard (which does not bother abt language.....).

Unicode simply stores it in such a way, that when u tell the system its jap, it will convert according to jap style. If chinese, then chinese (trad / simp) style.

I show u one of such.....on Monday when i am back at office. Left my file @ office.
But will check out the po-editor. So far, i seen it in hex format, looks like norm?

I will need to look into this more bah. Thanks for the warning ahead of time! :) DOwnloading POedit now.
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: geever on April 17, 2009, 06:10:55 pm
Okie, now i know that there is actually a script tat reads the po file and update the wiki.... interesting.

Well, no. The script reads the wiki and update the po file. :)

Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: odie on April 18, 2009, 03:12:40 pm
Well, no. The script reads the wiki and update the po file. :)


Its the other way around!? Man!

So, if we have updated the POs, is there a reversal type of script for this?
I have downloaded the POeditor last nite btw, will check out how easy this will be. hehe.

I got some script up and wanna ask if something like the file attached will work?

Or will i have to get it in .mo or .po format?

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: Mattn on April 18, 2009, 06:14:16 pm
So, if we have updated the POs, is there a reversal type of script for this?
I have downloaded the POeditor last nite btw, will check out how easy this will b

No, you have to do that for the long translations in the wiki
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: odie on April 19, 2009, 08:42:48 am
No, you have to do that for the long translations in the wiki

Nods nods. Sorta like a copy and paste work i guess??

Thanks mattn.

Still on the attachment previously, is that document viewable in the original format in that case? Or must i use the POeditor??
Reason: Its much easier and faster for me to edit in the current style as compared to the POeditor. Yupz. If not usable, i will have to learn this POeditor....
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: odie on April 19, 2009, 09:08:57 am
Nods nods. Sorta like a copy and paste work i guess??

Thanks mattn.

Still on the attachment previously, is that document viewable in the original format in that case? Or must i use the POeditor??
Reason: Its much easier and faster for me to edit in the current style as compared to the POeditor. Yupz. If not usable, i will have to learn this POeditor....
Oh, i think my recent confusion arises from a basic question - Should i be editing the .po or the .mo files??

Because i realised that when i edit the .po files, i see text as plainly as i could in any other text formats, (Save for unicode in Simplified Chinese). Could someone pls help me see the zipped file i have attached earlier and see if it works the way it should pls? Thanks.

PS: Attaching a screenshot of what i do see typically when i view a .po file. Of course tat is done in a browser, but after editing, i still see this format, as i saved the text and copied out in an cross-editors platform, retaining the unicodes required for oriental characters (in this case, chinese simplified).

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: Mattn on April 19, 2009, 10:55:54 am
you have to edit the po file - but again: please use poedit for editing (or any other po file editor)

it's not only about text editing, but also about plural forms and so on.
Title: Re: Chinese translation
Post by: odie on April 20, 2009, 05:26:26 am
you have to edit the po file - but again: please use poedit for editing (or any other po file editor)

it's not only about text editing, but also about plural forms and so on.
Orh Nods nods.

Understood mattn!

I will get this working and spend some time on the poeditor part. :)
Title: Re: Chinese translation (PO Editor)
Post by: odie on April 20, 2009, 08:44:37 am
Oh thanks Mattn and geever,

Thanks for the early warning on the translations using po editor.

I think i have sorta understood the program and will transfer wat i have changed into the program.

Btw, i noticed 2 interesting thing abt POeditor:
1) It is color coded - black, yellow and blue. What are they standing for? I have noticed complete, fuzzy and incomplete. Something along tat line? (Yellow of Fuzzy translations which can be selected from the Edit menu?)

2) I have noticed tons of "\n" in the translated ZH Cn text. I am guessing that its a manual line break indication?? If so, does tat mean i can make the text bold, italics, underlined and stuff

Thanks. :P
Title: UFORadiant
Post by: sunsolzn on July 09, 2009, 09:38:21 pm
UFORadiant translation
Title: Re: UFORadiant
Post by: odie on July 10, 2009, 10:41:18 am
UFORadiant translation

Hi, can try this:
Import Map - 导入。。地图
Export Region - 导出。。区域
Processing - 处理当中。。。

Always use nodraw for new brushes - 新部件总是不更新画面(nodraw)

Then, i think the translation for "Brush" should not be "部件" but "画笔"
Discrete movement -should be 谨慎的移动 or 不引人注意的移动

_About -关于。。。
_Plugins -插件工具
_View - 观看
_Tools - 工具

not too sure what is Pa_rent,Vie_w and all the X-y and stuff -someone with radiant knowledge let us know pls?

_off - 关闭
_Set XY -设定XY

_Grid - 导航线 /格子

All the Grid-something can be say, Grid256 : 256格式

UFORadiant failed to start properly the last time it was run.\n
The failure may be caused by current preferences.\n
Do you want to reset all preferences to defaults?


Didn't find 'game' node in the game description file '%s'\n

This will close UFORadiant and clean the corresponding registry entries.\n
Next time you start UFORadiant it will be good as new. Do you wish to continue?

Reset Registry - 将电脑注册表还原

One more thing, i realised that the word "LOAD" or "LOADING" is to be properly translated to 载入(中)。 Can i have the consensus of at least sunsolzn and Sirine here to agree on this? (I wonder if there are other potential chinese translators??

That also means "SAVE" and "SAVING" is translated as 保存当案(中), bracketed word refer to continuous tense.