Going through the maps, i'm left with the feeling that this game is set in the 1990s, not 70 years in the future.
While i appreciate that it's a lot of work to make all these models and maps, i'm struck by the absence of anything to make this look like the future... even assuming an global and technological economic downturn, something will change.
I'd like to suggest some differences:
* Display screens are cheap and nearly paper-thin. No clunky CRTs
* Paper is still used but not nearly so much
* Signs and labels whenever possible are iconic rather than verbal, due to more global mixing
* Cars are different, perhaps with much smaller engines (fuel cell)?
* There are more people, thus things tend to be more crowded.
* however it's the near future. Jetson's type tech like tele-transportation, anti-gravity, ubiquitous robotic servants/ AIs, flying cars are still dreams for the future.
I expect Winter will have something to say on this topic.