UFO: Alien Invasion Issue Tracker
UFO: Alien Invasion
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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Closed Bug report #839 2.2 trunk 10394 - no alien model
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    3. Normal
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[http://sourceforge.net/p/ufoai/bugs/839 Item 839] imported from sourceforge.net tracker on 2013-01-28 18:38:45

I got one of those random missions, and during it I saw a purple object where an alien was supposed to be. I know it was an alien because the object had a weapon, and I was able to kill it... See the attached picture.
I have no idea what kind of alien this was suppose to be.

The log shows those lines:
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (death1) (model: (null))
Changed camera mode to first-person.
Changed camera mode to remote.
Shai ended his round
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Can't start shoot, LE not an actor
Can't shoot, LE is not an actor
Can't start shoot, LE not an actor
Can't shoot, LE is not an actor
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk1) (model: (null))

Once I ended my round there was some alien movement, but then there was a CTD (crash to desktop), without any crash error or message.

Attaching the log.

Win XP SP1
UFO: AI 2.2 trunk 10394
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====

====== smalul10 (2007-07-29 21:09:45) ======

A picture of an alien with no md2 model
====== smalul10 (2007-07-29 21:10:53) ======

Logged In: YES
Originator: YES

File Added: ufoconsole.log
====== smalul10 (2007-08-02 10:32:23) ======

Logged In: YES
Originator: YES

Trunk 10485 - I managed to finish that mission, but once again there was no alien model. Here are the console messages I got during that mission:

Starting the game...
Shai has joined team 0
(player 0) It's team 1's round
Shai has taken control over team 1.
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (death2) (model: (null))
Shai ended his round
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (panic0) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (panic0) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (death2) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand2) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk2) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk2) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk2) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand2) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (death2) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (move_rifle) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (shoot_rifle) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk1) (model: (null))
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand1) (model: (null))
Shai ended his round
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (walk1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand1) (model: (null))
Anim_Change: No md2 model - can't set animation (death3) (model: (null))
[STATS] 2007/08/02 13:25:00 - End of game - Team 1 is the winner
[STATS] 2007/08/02 13:25:00 - End of game - Team 1 is the winner
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
AL_CollectingAliens: Can't collect alien with no teamDescID
AL_CollectingAliens: Can't collect alien with no teamDescID
AL_CollectingAliens: Can't collect alien with no teamDescID
AL_CollectingAliens: Can't collect alien with no teamDescID
AL_CollectingAliens: Can't collect alien with no teamDescID
AL_CollectingAliens: Can't collect alien with no teamDescID
AL_CollectingAliens: Can't collect alien with no teamDescID
stringcmd from client: disconnect
==== ShutdownGame ====

Notice the last few lines - "AL_CollectingAliens: Can't collect alien with no teamDescID". Does this mean the "alien" with no model is a totally new alien, or is it an existing alien "with bugs"?
====== faucon (2007-08-06 11:40:59) ======

Logged In: YES
Originator: NO

I confirm this.
====== lfloden (2007-08-07 12:13:25) ======

Logged In: YES
Originator: NO

I had this on the Greenville mission last night, same thing was seen. Purple diamond blobs floating around with weapons. Sorry, didn't get the log.
====== voovoos (2007-08-08 11:59:32) ======

Logged In: YES
Originator: NO

It is most probably Sheevar with armour (we lack models for them), see the debug info in #1769165
====== voovoos (2007-08-08 15:05:50) ======

Logged In: YES
Originator: NO

Real reason: teamDesc definitions are NOT assigned to aliens. no le->teamDesc at all
====== voovoos (2007-08-09 10:31:40) ======

Logged In: YES
Originator: NO

Revision r10654 should fix this, please verify.
====== smalul10 (2007-08-10 13:26:23) ======

Logged In: YES
Originator: YES

Trunk 10662 - it seems the problem is gone. Thanks for the fix.
====== sf-robot (2007-08-25 02:20:06) ======

Logged In: YES
Originator: NO

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