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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Open Feature request #5295 Panning on a multi-monitor system
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I have a minor annoyance playing on a multi-monitor system. When I try to pan the view to the right by moving my cursor to the edge of the screen, my cursor usually ends up on the other monitor and then the system scrolls to the left, the opposite way of where I want to go. It's annoying enough that I pretty much have to rotate the view and pan left all the time to get what I want to see.

The biggest problem is that it seems that the area I have to be in is only a couple pixels wide on the right edge of the monitor. I thought that since there are probably a thousand ways and configurations you could run into trying to debug this for every situation, that maybe the easiest way would be just to add an option to the settings to make the area larger, maybe 20 pixels or so, or scalable depending on the resolution. I play on a 1920x1080 resolution, so 20 pixels would be fine for me, but maybe too big for smaller resolutions.

So my thought was to have four options that could be set at any time that pad each edge of the monitor so the panning area is a bit wider. Arrange it something like this:

Multi-Monitor Support:
Pad Left Edge of Screen: XXX
Pad Right Edge of Screen: XXX
Pad Top Edge of Screen: XXX
Pad Bottom Edge of Screen: XXX

The "XXX" would be a scroll wheel integer input so everyone could select exactly how they wanted to pad their screen and adjust it fit their style. Yeah, top/bottom is probalby overkill, but I bet someone is running with a monitor up above their main one, and seems if you do it for one edge, the other three aren't that much more work.
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