Nothing entered.
[ Item 398] imported from tracker on 2013-01-28 20:34:58
I added some parts to the german translation.
Can s.o. tell me, how poedit may be configured, to write two references per line?
The subversion version is using this configuration, my poedit ist writing one per line, this messes up the subversion diff...
- Added some new translations
- Changed some old translations, where the german was in my opinion not right
- Changed some Spelling mistakes.
I uploaded the file:
(or is there a way to get a subversion write access)?
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====
====== tlh2000 (2009-01-15 19:56:45) ======
please upload patches - not full files - it's hard to verify that "patch"
====== clarki (2009-01-15 22:19:51) ======
Like i said in my original comment:
my poedit messed the file a little bit up, so the patch would be much to big...
can you tell me if there is a way to set up poedit to use 2 references per line?
Otherwise my version does not match the version in subversion, which makes a rather ugly patch...
====== clarki (2009-01-15 22:45:07) ======
I tried to fix it using local diff and ignoring lines with comments in front.
i'm not sure if this will work:
====== clarki (2009-01-16 05:53:18) ======
Sorry, haven't seen that my diff messed the file a little bit up, the fuzzy keywords where partially missing.
Please use this version:
====== tlh2000 (2009-01-16 07:49:34) ======
the needler is not "Nadler" but something like "Bolzengewehr" or "Bolzenschussgewehr"
====== clarki (2009-01-16 08:34:02) ======
I disagree.
In recent science Fiction novels weapons like this are called "Nadler".
I'll explain in german:
Die Waffe heisst Nadler, da sie kleine "Nadeln" verschiesst. diese werden allerdings auf eine sehr hohe Geschwindigkeit beschleunigt.
Bolzenschussgewehr wäre auch vom Prinzip her falsch, theoretisch möglich wäre noch Coilgun (vom Wirkungsprinzip her). (Aber die gibt es ja schon).
I managed to create a real diff against the actual subversion Version, This one should be much easier to read. (I patched poedit for this one, it works now fine for me).
File Added: ufoai-de.po.patch
====== nobody (2009-01-17 22:37:53) ======
ok, i accept the explanation about the needler ;)
will commit your patch in a few minutes
there is a way to get svn write access - if you plan to improve the translation even more, let me know and i give you access.
====== tlh2000 (2009-01-17 22:40:56) ======
ups ... i wasn't logged in - it's applied to trunk now. r21874. thanks for the patch.