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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Closed Feature request #4035 Misc shortcut keys
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "Not determined".
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    Feature request
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    User interface
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    3. Normal
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[http://sourceforge.net/p/ufoai/feature-requests/551 Item 551] imported from sourceforge.net tracker on 2013-01-28 20:22:06

Some shortcut key suggestions. (Some may be a result of using the dev build, if so, just ignore those parts)

Most of the F keys are for dev stuff. Should be re-tasked for player stuff unless this is specific to the dev build.
There's no shortcut key that I can see to quickly take a player to the base or research screen or workshop screens etc. That's what the F keys should do right?

In battlescape - a shortcut key to let player go up/down a viewing level would be really useful. Page up/down are the obvious choices (I know they're taken).

Who thought "e" was a good key for "end battlescape turn" when it's surrounded with pan/zoom/general keys? It should be a key that the player is unlikely to accidentally hit. "e" is a terrible key for that reason.
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====

====== mcr2010 (2011-08-23 20:30:08) ======

cursor up/down change the viewing level on the battlescape
====== geever (2011-08-29 10:26:57) ======

"Most of the F keys are for dev stuff. Should be re-tasked for player stuff unless this is specific to the dev build."

What dev-stuff? Loading/saving game is player stuff, taking a screenshot is player thing.. What dev-thing is binded to F-keys?

"There's no shortcut key that I can see to quickly take a player to the base or research screen or workshop screens etc. That's what the F keys should do right?"

Wrong! You can have 8 bases each might be a research base so you'll need 8 F-keys just for the research screens. Let's say F-keys open bases; then what about sam sites, ufo yards, flying aircraft, ufos etc...

Up/down on battlescape are handled as MCR mentioned. And you can change keybindings for yourself if doesn't like the original by editing keys.cfg.

====== moriarty (2011-09-11 15:00:13) ======

"Loading/saving game is player stuff, taking a screenshot is player thing.. What dev-thing is binded to F-keys?"
I've deleted my install now, but I'm pretty sure that after F4 or so, they were things like activating debugging modes and the linke.

"Wrong! You can have 8 bases each might be a research base so you'll need 8
F-keys just for the research screens."
Why do you need 8 research screens? Is there any reason it can't all be on one amalgamated?
Alternately, if you're going to keep the one-research-screen-per-base system, then you can still have hotkey for research which brings up a screen where you can scroll between bases research screens.

"Let's say F-keys open bases; then what about sam sites, ufo yards, flying aircraft, ufos etc..."
What about them? Example:
F1 = bases
F2 = ufo yards
f3 = research
etc etc
Each brings up the most recent place you've looked at of that type and you can then scroll through them like you could in XCOM, just like I suggested above with the research. It's a pretty simple concept.
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