UFO: Alien Invasion Issue Tracker
UFO: Alien Invasion
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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Closed Bug report #2633 Shooting through walls
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "Not determined".
Issue basics
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    Bug report
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    Not determined
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    3. Normal
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    Not triaged
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    Not triaged
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    Not determined
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[http://sourceforge.net/p/ufoai/bugs/2633 Item 2633] imported from sourceforge.net tracker on 2013-01-28 19:43:45

1) This is for 31042 with the diff from http://ufoai.ninex.info/forum/index.php?topic=5056.45 for the AI improvements on the rivertown map
2) AMD64 deb/lenny + ati/fglrx
3) Not 100% sure, but here\'s how I came to notice this happening (quite frequently):
Since the modded AI takes a lot of shots towards every single enemy on the map (be it visible or not) by using the G_ClientShoot, it knows what it\'s doing. I\'ve noticed again and again that it can shoot from cornerns where you shouldn\'t be able to shoot someone, and also that sometimes it does shoot through solid walls (even floors!). Look at the attached screenshot, the mouse is where the alien just had a 1/3 succesfull single-shots from a laser rifle. The selected character was full health and just got shot. I might be off by about 1 tile in the placement, it could be the tile next to the one I\'m pointing at (the one against the wall aswell).
Since the AI tried to take that shot, the bug also appeared while it sampled the 10 mock shots before deciding to actually shoot.

I\'ve also noticed the same thing happen with a machinegunner in the previous game where he could literally shoot through the wall adjacent to the river (the underground store) at my squaddies trying to cross the river.

Now, I remember going through the GShootSingle code, and I do remember some code that moved the origin of the bullet a bit outside the gunpoint and then tracing it. Could this be the issue? If the gunpoint is right against the wall (or even inside the wall, don\'t know if that\'s possible), then moving the bullet like that would actually make it pass through the wall.
Another possibility could be that the bullets can go through the \'seams\' between the walls. If I\'m not mistaken, every single time I saw this the alien was shooting quite diagonally (in respect to his facing).
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====

====== nonickch (2010-07-21 00:01:30) ======

====== tlh2000 (2010-08-01 17:18:43) ======


this is the patch tracker item for the above mentioned patch
====== tlh2000 (2010-08-01 19:23:26) ======

sv_shot_origin is the distance which the muzzle vector is advanced with -but afair only from the mid of the cell the actor is standing in (and a cell is 32x32 in x/y direction)
====== aduke1 (2012-10-01 23:47:36.663000) ======

- **milestone**: SVN_trunk --> SVN_remainder

====== aduke1 (2012-10-04 19:56:01.144000) ======

- **assigned_to**: Martin Gerhardy

====== tlh2000 (2012-12-24 14:12:54.955000) ======

didn't you fix shooting through walls recently somehow? maybe this is fixed, too already?
====== darkrainx (2012-12-24 16:27:19.045000) ======

No, I don't remember fixing anything like this, maybe you are thinking of Accumulator's fix for [#3095]?
====== darkrainx (2013-01-10 00:40:30.873000) ======

- **status**: open --> closed

====== darkrainx (2013-01-10 00:40:31.149000) ======

As for the attached pic it seems that since the soldier and alien were a little higher than the floor due to standing in the stairs and ramp respectively, the shot could have actually 'traveled' in the upper level hitting the soldier in what little was visible from that higher level.
As for shooting through the store walls I have been utterly unable to reproduce it.
====== darkrainx (2013-01-10 00:43:43.626000) ======

- **milestone**: SVN_remainder --> notReproducible
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