UFO: Alien Invasion Issue Tracker
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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Closed Bug report #2005 low fence blocks line of sight (r21976)
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "Not determined".
Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Bug report
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  • Targetted for
    Not determined
  • Status
  • Priority
    3. Normal
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
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    Not estimated
Issue details
  • Resolution
    Not determined
  • Reproducability
    Not determined
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    Not determined
  • Complexity
    Not determined
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    Not determined
  • Architecture
    Not determined
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[http://sourceforge.net/p/ufoai/bugs/2005 Item 2005] imported from sourceforge.net tracker on 2013-01-28 19:18:54

r21976 built in Debian Lenny

This type of low fence rail should not block line of sight. I also could not see an alien behind the fence but it's not easy to replicate that for a screenshot. See attached graphic. All shots hit the fence. Maybe one or two of them in a burst should, but it seems unrealistic that I can't shoot or see around a single plank of wood.
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====

====== hedges (2009-01-24 18:09:31) ======

====== roman-sharp (2009-07-12 15:14:26) ======

Occurs in last Windows build (R25071) too. Map "Farm". The aliens are invisible behind the wooden single-bar fence, what looks very strange.

I'm adding the log file to ease find problematic map.
====== roman-sharp (2009-07-12 15:15:42) ======

Citation from the log:

CM_LoadMap: "-farm/f_ +drop_firebird +craft_ufo_harvester +field_c +field_b +filler_l_a +stables_b +farmhouse_a +barn_a +barn_b +filler_l_a +filler_m_a +filler_l_a +filler_l_b +filler_m_b +filler_l_b +filler_m_b +silo" "8 -32 0 -40 8 0 0 0 0 -40 -40 0 0 32 0 -8 -40 0 -8 -16 0 16 -16 0 -40 -8 0 -24 0 0 -24 -8 0 8 -40 0 32 0 0 32 -40 0 32 -24 0 32 24 0 24 32 0"
Map:farm/f_drop_firebird Offset:(8, -32, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(136, 96, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 111, 3)
Tile bounds: (136, 96, 0) to (159, 111, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_drop_firebird in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_craft_ufo_harvester Offset:(-40, 8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(167, 159, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(88, 136, 0) wpMaxs:(127, 167, 4)
Tile bounds: (88, 136, 0) to (127, 167, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (167, 159, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_craft_ufo_harvester in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_field_c Offset:(0, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 159, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 159, 3)
Tile bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (159, 159, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (159, 159, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_field_c in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_field_b Offset:(-40, -40, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 159, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(88, 88, 0) wpMaxs:(119, 119, 2)
Tile bounds: (88, 88, 0) to (119, 119, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (159, 159, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_field_b in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_filler_l_a Offset:(0, 32, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(128, 160, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 167, 2)
Tile bounds: (128, 160, 0) to (151, 167, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_filler_l_a in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_stables_b Offset:(-8, -40, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 151, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(120, 88, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 111, 3)
Tile bounds: (120, 88, 0) to (135, 111, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 151, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_stables_b in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_farmhouse_a Offset:(-8, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(120, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 127, 4)
Tile bounds: (120, 112, 0) to (143, 127, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 143, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_farmhouse_a in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_barn_a Offset:(16, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 143, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(144, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 127, 4)
Tile bounds: (144, 112, 0) to (159, 127, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 143, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_barn_a in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_barn_b Offset:(-40, -8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 143, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(88, 120, 0) wpMaxs:(103, 135, 4)
Tile bounds: (88, 120, 0) to (103, 135, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 143, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_barn_b in 1.0s
Map:farm/f_filler_l_a Offset:(-24, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(127, 135, 2)
Tile bounds: (104, 128, 0) to (127, 135, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_filler_l_a in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_filler_m_a Offset:(-24, -8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 120, 0) wpMaxs:(119, 127, 2)
Tile bounds: (104, 120, 0) to (119, 127, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_filler_m_a in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_filler_l_a Offset:(8, -40, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(136, 88, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 95, 2)
Tile bounds: (136, 88, 0) to (159, 95, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_filler_l_a in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_filler_l_b Offset:(32, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 151, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(160, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(167, 151, 2)
Tile bounds: (160, 128, 0) to (167, 151, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 151, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_filler_l_b in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_filler_m_b Offset:(32, -40, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 143, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(160, 88, 0) wpMaxs:(167, 103, 2)
Tile bounds: (160, 88, 0) to (167, 103, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 143, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_filler_m_b in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_filler_l_b Offset:(32, -24, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 151, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(160, 104, 0) wpMaxs:(167, 127, 2)
Tile bounds: (160, 104, 0) to (167, 127, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 151, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_filler_l_b in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_filler_m_b Offset:(32, 24, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 143, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(160, 152, 0) wpMaxs:(167, 167, 2)
Tile bounds: (160, 152, 0) to (167, 167, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 143, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_filler_m_b in 0.0s
Map:farm/f_silo Offset:(24, 32, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(152, 160, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 167, 3)
Tile bounds: (152, 160, 0) to (159, 167, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_silo in 0.0s
Rerouted for RMA in 0.0s
checksum for the map '+farm': 4234670077
ufo script checksum 3425744302
Created AI player (team 0)
Created AI player (team 7)
====== aduke1 (2009-11-08 09:54:46) ======

Fixed since r26618 :)
====== sf-robot (2009-11-23 02:20:08) ======

This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
the administrator of this Tracker).
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