UFO: Alien Invasion Issue Tracker
UFO: Alien Invasion
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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Closed Bug report #1935 segfault in in CL_ActorUpdateCVars
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "Not determined".
Issue basics
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    Bug report
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    Not determined
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    3. Normal
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    Not triaged
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    Not triaged
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    Not determined
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[http://sourceforge.net/p/ufoai/bugs/1935 Item 1935] imported from sourceforge.net tracker on 2013-01-28 19:14:56

revision 20851.
when exiting from single player while in battlescape :

==== ShutdownGame ====

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0xb6a93b70 (LWP 20865)]
0xb7cb6e43 in strlen () from /lib/libc.so.6
(gdb) bt full
#0 0xb7cb6e43 in strlen () from /lib/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#1 0xb7c8638a in vfprintf () from /lib/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#2 0xb7ca7694 in vsnprintf () from /lib/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#3 0x081477f1 in Q_vsnprintf (str=0x9dcfc80 "", size=4096, format=0x8149392 "%s\n", ap=0xbfb7e454 "\004") at src/shared/shared.c:419
len = 80
#4 0x08147667 in va (format=0x8149392 "%s\n") at src/shared/shared.c:284
argptr = 0xbfb7e454 "\004"
buf = 0x9dcfc80 ""
string = {"mn_stun0\0000\000up_tipoftheday;check_cvars;\n\000\000\" \000_stamm1.md2\" \000\" ", &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 4035 times>,
"\000n_moralemax0\000ndom;\n\000\000ching/standing up.\000\" \000\000\000\000 \000ry\000md2\" ", &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 4038 times>}
index = 1466514
#5 0x0804e576 in CL_ActorGlobalCVars () at src/client/cl_actor.c:372
tooltip = "\nHP: 91/91 TU: 31\n", &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 61 times>
chr = (const character_t *) 0x0
le = (const le_t *) 0xa24eac0
i = 0
#6 0x0805235e in CL_ActorUpdateCVars () at src/client/cl_actor.c:2194
refresh = qfalse
animName = 0x9dcec80 "mn_stun0"
time = 0
pos = "R\020\b"
dv = 0
fieldSize = 1
infoText = "Morale 142\000Walk 47 (-31 TU left)\n\000 14\n\000\0008) [83%] 28\n", &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 970 times>
mouseText = "- (-)\n\000\n\000uncher: Aimed Shot (1) [0%] 14\n\000\0008) [83%] 28\n", &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 969 times>
topText = "0-(139,80,3)\n\000)\n", &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 1007 times>
bottomText = "0-(139,80,0)\n\0001)\n", &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 1006 times>
leftText = "31-7\n", &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 1018 times>
tuTooltipText = "Time Units\n- Available: 16 (of 30)\n- Reserved: 0\n- Remaining: 16\n", &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 957 times>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "CL_ActorUpdateCVars"
#7 0x080a166e in CL_SlowFrame (now=3634029, data=0x0) at src/client/cl_main.c:2379
No locals.
#8 0x08103abd in tick_timer (now=3634029, data=0x181e9e24) at src/common/common.c:1072
timer = (struct timer *) 0x181e9e24
old_interval = 100
lateness = 1502
#9 0x08103d58 in Qcommon_Frame () at src/common/common.c:1153
event = (struct event *) 0x1deadb9c
time_to_next = 0
#10 0x08147ce7 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfb7e6b4) at src/ports/linux/linux_main.c:97
No locals.

===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====

====== richlv (2008-12-22 13:07:09) ======

problem still there in revision 21081
====== tlh2000 (2009-01-02 18:54:53) ======

please also print the cls and *le values

(gdb) p *le
(gdb) p cls

This function should only be called in battlescape mode - thus a living actor should have a character value assigned.
====== tlh2000 (2009-01-02 19:27:32) ======

(gdb) p cls
$1 = {state = ca_active, key_dest = key_game, key_dest_old = key_game,
deactivateKeyBindings = qfalse, realtime = 40000, frametime = 0.0199999996,
framerate = 50, disable_screen = 0, servername = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 255 times>,
serverport = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 15 times>, connectTime = 25421, waitingForStart = 0,
serverListLength = 0, serverListPos = 0, serverList = {{node = 0x0, service = 0x0,
pinged = qfalse, sv_hostname = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 255 times>,
mapname = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 15 times>, version = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000",
gametype = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", sv_dedicated = qfalse,
sv_maxclients = 0, clients = 0, serverListPos = 0} <repeats 128 times>},
selectedServer = 0x0, netDatagramSocket = 0x0, netStream = 0x17ab0cbc, challenge = 0,
team = 1, missionaircraft = 0x0, loadingPercent = 100,
loadingMessages = "Awaiting game start (0)\000&#65533;ltése\000ése", &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 59 times>, playingCinematic = 0, currentSelectedMap = 0, downloadName = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 255 times>,
downloadPosition = 0, downloadPercent = 0, downloadQueue = {next = 0x0,
ufoPath = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 63 times>, state = DLQ_STATE_NOT_STARTED}, HTTPHandles = {{
curl = 0x0, filePath = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 255 times>, file = 0x0, queueEntry = 0x0,
fileSize = 0, position = 0, speed = 0, URL = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 575 times>,
tempBuffer = 0x0}, {curl = 0x0, filePath = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 255 times>, file = 0x0,
queueEntry = 0x0, fileSize = 0, position = 0, speed = 0,
URL = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 575 times>, tempBuffer = 0x0}, {curl = 0x0,
filePath = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 255 times>, file = 0x0, queueEntry = 0x0, fileSize = 0,
position = 0, speed = 0, URL = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 575 times>, tempBuffer = 0x0}, {
curl = 0x0, filePath = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 255 times>, file = 0x0, queueEntry = 0x0,
fileSize = 0, position = 0, speed = 0, URL = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 575 times>,
tempBuffer = 0x0}}, downloadServer = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 511 times>,
downloadReferer = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 31 times>, curl = 0x0, model_weapons = {
0x0 <repeats 36 times>, 0x1611d520, 0x1611d6ec, 0x1611d8b8, 0x1611da84, 0x1611dc50,
0x1611de1c, 0x1611dfe8, 0x1611e1b4, 0x1611e380, 0x1611e54c, 0x1611e718, 0x1611e8e4,
0x1611eab0, 0x1611ec7c, 0x1611ee48, 0x1611f014, 0x1611f1e0, 0x1611f3ac, 0x1611f578,
0x1611f744, 0x1611f910, 0x1611fadc, 0x1611fca8, 0x1611fe74, 0x16120040, 0x1612020c,
0x161203d8, 0x161205a4, 0x16120770, 0x1612093c, 0x16120b08, 0x16120cd4, 0x16120ea0,
0x1612106c, 0x16121238, 0x16121404, 0x161215d0, 0x1612179c, 0x16121968, 0x16121b34,
0x16121d00, 0x16121ecc, 0x16122098, 0x16122264, 0x16122430, 0x161225fc, 0x161227c8,
0x16122994, 0x16122b60, 0x16122d2c, 0x16122ef8, 0x161230c4, 0x16123290, 0x1612345c,
0x16123628, 0x161237f4, 0x161239c0, 0x16123b8c, 0x16123d58, 0x16123f24, 0x161240f0,
0x161242bc, 0x16124488, 0x16124654, 0x16124820, 0x161249ec, 0x16124bb8, 0x16124d84,
0x16124f50, 0x1612511c, 0x161252e8, 0x16123290, 0x1612345c, 0x0 <repeats 19 times>},
sound_pool = {0x16b7d3f4, 0x16b7d4c4, 0x16b7d5ac}}
(gdb) p le
$2 = (const le_t *) 0xa22f180
(gdb) p *le
$3 = {inuse = qtrue, invis = qfalse, autohide = qfalse, selected = qtrue, hearTime = 0,
type = 2, entnum = 1, origin = {-208, 336, 40}, oldOrigin = {0, 0, 0}, pos = "y\212",
oldPos = "\000\000", newPos = "\000\000", dir = 0, TU = 31, maxTU = 31, morale = 139,
maxMorale = 139, HP = 94, maxHP = 94, STUN = 0, state = 0, reaction_minhit = 0,
angles = {0, 0, 0}, alpha = 0, team = 1, pnum = 0, client_action = 0,
contents = 8388608, mins = {-9, -9, -24}, maxs = {9, 9, 20},
inlineModelName = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", modelnum1 = 9, modelnum2 = 10,
skinnum = 0, model1 = 0x161281a0, model2 = 0x1612836c, think = 0, thinkDelay = 0,
path = &#039;\0&#039; <repeats 31 times>, pathContents = {0 <repeats 32 times>},
positionContents = 0, pathLength = 0, pathPos = 0, startTime = 0, endTime = 0,
speed = 0, rotationSpeed = 0, sfx = 0x0, volume = 0, as = {frame = 95, oldframe = 96,
backlerp = 0.760999978, time = 1000, dt = 239, mesh = 0,
list = "\n\000\000\000\000\000\000", lcur = 0 &#039;\0&#039;, ladd = 1 &#039;\001&#039;,
change = 0 &#039;\0&#039;}, particleID = 0x0, levelflags = 0, ptl = 0x0, ref1 = 0x0,
ref2 = 0x0, i = {c = {0x0, 0x0, 0xa20c640, 0x0, 0xa20c620, 0xa20c5a0, 0xa20c560,
0xa20c540, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, scrollCur = 0, scrollNum = 0,
scrollTotalNum = 0}, left = -1, right = 53, extension = 0, headgear = 0,
fieldSize = 1, teamDef = 0xc6db444, gender = 2, fd = 0x0, lighting = {point = {-208,
336, 4.03125}, normal = {0, 0, 1}, color = {0.465661287, 0.465661287,
0.465661287}, time = 39.2060013, colors = {{0.465661287, 0.465661287,
0.465661287}, {0.465661287, 0.465661287, 0.465661287}}, dirty = qfalse},
addFunc = 0x805777f <CL_AddActor>}
====== tlh2000 (2009-11-29 07:01:12) ======

isn&#039;t this issue fixed already?

and exiting means what? Exit the game or the current running campaign?
====== tlh2000 (2010-01-24 14:31:05) ======

setting to pending, no further feedback
====== sf-robot (2010-02-08 02:20:14) ======

This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
the administrator of this Tracker).
====== Missing Comment Alert ======

The importer failed to retrieve a comment in this thread. Please view the old ticket link above for full discussion details.
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