UFO: Alien Invasion Issue Tracker
UFO: Alien Invasion
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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Closed Bug report #153 Can use unresearched weapons with reaction-fire
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "Not determined".
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    3. Normal
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[http://sourceforge.net/p/ufoai/bugs/153 Item 153] imported from sourceforge.net tracker on 2013-01-28 18:11:52

If I pick up an alien weapon I can't shoot it because
it's unresearched but if I click reaction-fire it
will fire the weapon if I see an alien.
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====

====== hoehrer (2006-08-31 13:00:25) ======

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Is this behaviour still there in current trunk/branch_2.0
resp. 2.0RC4?

If so I'll try to find & fix it.

====== cassiterite (2006-09-04 02:22:13) ======

Logged In: YES

I can confirm this bug is still present in SVN trunk as of
version 3295.

The fix is not immediately trivial since the "is researched
item" function exists on the client side only and the
reaction fire is happening on the server side (Bandobras,
Jitan and I spent a short while looking into it). We have
thought up some nice ways of implementing a fix however. We
will endeavour to discuss these with you (hoehrer) on IRC in
due course :)
====== hoehrer (2006-09-04 09:07:19) ======

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I suppose you mean something to similar to an extra
attribute ("researched") for the item-type on the server
side and the client sending a 'researched' info everytime a
research is finished?

I'll see that I'm on IRC more often.


On a related note: Sometimes I think we should really use
something like a central database (maybe SQLite? I dznno if
this can be made into a server) for storage of all the data
.. this would easy our Server/Client pain a bit since they
would both use the same database. :-/ Anybody with
experience with something like that here?
====== tlh2000 (2007-02-19 10:26:10) ======

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Originator: NO

what about this bug? still 'alive'?
====== decamps (2007-02-21 21:37:13) ======

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Yes, it's still in trunk as of Revision: 6435.
====== decamps (2007-02-21 22:32:13) ======

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Originator: NO

Would it be easier to implement the fact that a soldier cannot take a weapon it does not know (both in the "assign soldiers" screen from base, and the inventory screen during battle)?
====== hoehrer (2007-02-22 11:42:23) ======

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Originator: NO

I recently (rev 6445+6448) made some major changes to the reaction-fire code. With these changes I also try to fix this bug.
The changes are not tested at all yet (will do that in the afternoon) but at least it _should_ work correctly right now.

To save TUs (needlessly used for re-arranging the inventory in battlescape just to take a weapon) it would be good to still let the solders carry unresearched weapons in a free hand (and at all)
Hiding unresearched weapons in the equipment screen at a base on the other side sounds like a good idea (Are they displayed right now? Didn't check yet.)


====== sf-robot (2007-03-30 02:20:05) ======

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Originator: NO

This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
the administrator of this Tracker).
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