UFO: Alien Invasion Issue Tracker
UFO: Alien Invasion
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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Closed Bug report #141 can't scroll northward and westward
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "Not determined".
Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Bug report
  • Category
  • Targetted for
    Not determined
  • Status
  • Priority
    3. Normal
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
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  • Last updated
  • Estimated time
    Not estimated
Issue details
  • Resolution
    Not determined
  • Reproducability
    Not determined
  • Severity
    Not determined
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    Not determined
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    Not determined
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    Not determined
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[http://sourceforge.net/p/ufoai/bugs/141 Item 141] imported from sourceforge.net tracker on 2013-01-28 18:11:52

at revision 1896 can't scroll with mouse northward or
westward, but can scroll eastward or southward.

===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====

====== tlh2000 (2006-07-15 11:40:35) ======

Logged In: YES

fullscreen? os? renderer?
====== dpblnt (2006-07-15 11:47:25) ======

Logged In: YES

fullscreen, gentoo, nvidia-glx
====== nobody (2006-07-15 13:58:22) ======

Logged In: NO

do you use the same resolution for ufo as for x?

do you compile with dga? (see makefile and console-log)
====== dpblnt (2006-07-15 14:04:21) ======

Logged In: YES

grep dga src/Makefile
BUILD_WITH_DGA=NO # dga support compiled in
BUILD_WITH_DGA=NO # dga support compiled in

I run X on 1280x1024 and ufoai on 1024x768

cat ~/.ufoai/base/ufoconsole.log
Console initialized.

------- sound initialization -------
Using SDL
Soundsystem: SDL.
SDL audio driver is "dsp".
Bits: 16
Frequency: 44100
Samples: 1024
Channels: 2
sound sampling rate: 44100
------- Loading ref_glx.so -------
LoadLibrary("ref_glx.so"): can't open /etc/ufo.conf -
setting search path to .
ref_gl version: GL 0.12
Initializing OpenGL display
...setting fullscreen mode 6: 1024 768
Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 2.2
Using hardware gamma
GL_VERSION: 2.0.2 NVIDIA 87.62
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_fragment_program
GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader
GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_multisample
GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query
GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters
GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shader_objects
GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp
GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat
GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix
GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program
GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_S3_s3tc
GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra
GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_func_separate
GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract
GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader
GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord
GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays
GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels
GL_EXT_paletted_texture GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object
GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal
GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette
GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D
GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map
GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_timer_query
GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_HP_occlusion_test
GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat
GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square
GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fence
GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program
GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_half_float
GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint
GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil
GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite
GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners
GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_texgen_reflection
GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4
GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_rectangle
GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2
GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_vertex_array_range
GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_program
GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2
GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow
...enabling GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
...using GL_EXT_point_parameters
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
...GL_SGIS_multitexture not found
...ignoring GL_ARB_texture_compression
...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic [ 8 max] [ 1
...using GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
...using GL_EXT_fog_coord
...GL_ATI_separate_stencil not found
...max texture size:
......detected 4096
......but using 2048 as requested
...SDL_ttf inited
CDAudio_Init: No CD in drive.
CDAudio_Init: CD contains no audio tracks.
CD Audio Initialized.
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
...using language: en_US.UTF-8
Shared Client/Server Info loaded
Couldn't open 'music/theme.ogg'
====== UFO Initialized ======

Changing to Singleplayer
Savefile version 4 detected
Longitude for mission 'excavation' is bigger than 180 EW (310)
Latitude for mission 'excavation' is bigger than 90 NS (400)
Longitude for mission 'mine' is bigger than 180 EW (315)
Latitude for mission 'mine' is bigger than 90 NS (398)
Longitude for mission 'pdi' is bigger than 180 EW (308)
Latitude for mission 'pdi' is bigger than 90 NS (412)
Longitude for mission 'rocketsilo' is bigger than 180 EW (308)
Latitude for mission 'rocketsilo' is bigger than 90 NS (412)
Longitude for mission 'spedition' is bigger than 180 EW (308)
Latitude for mission 'spedition' is bigger than 90 NS (412)
Longitude for mission 'stadium' is bigger than 180 EW (308)
Latitude for mission 'stadium' is bigger than 90 NS (412)
Longitude for mission 'subway' is bigger than 180 EW (308)
Latitude for mission 'subway' is bigger than 90 NS (412)
Longitude for mission 'terrain' is bigger than 180 EW (308)
Latitude for mission 'terrain' is bigger than 90 NS (412)
Longitude for mission 'tower' is bigger than 180 EW (308)
Latitude for mission 'tower' is bigger than 90 NS (412)
Global data loaded
Campaign 'slot0' loaded.
...aircraft inited
Couldn't open 'music/geoscape.ogg'
Couldn't open 'music/mission2.ogg'
------- Loading game.so -------
LoadLibrary failed
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
LoadLibrary (/mnt/storage/games/ufoai/./base/game.so)
==== InitGame ====
------- Server Initialization -------
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s01
CM_AddMapTile: token: +h01
CM_AddMapTile: token: +h03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +drop
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s14
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d04
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d06
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +r03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d07
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d04
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d02
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s04
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +r03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d01
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s13
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d02
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d05
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s07
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s13
Created AI player (team 0)
Could not find alien armor ''
Could not find alien armor ''
Could not find alien armor ''
Created AI player (team 7)
------------------------------------- client_connect
Couldn't open 'music/mission2.ogg'

Couldn't open 'music/mission2.ogg'
Map: +villaged
You are already on team 1
balint has taken control over team 1.
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
(player 0) It's team 1's round
Couldn't open 'music/mission2.ogg'
==== ShutdownGame ====
Couldn't open 'music/mission2.ogg'
Couldn't open 'music/theme.ogg'
Couldn't open 'music/theme.ogg'
SDL audio device shut down.

====== dpblnt (2006-07-15 14:09:53) ======

Logged In: YES

i tried with BUILD_WITH_DGA=YES , nothing changed

grep DGA /var/log/Xorg.0.log
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DGA

====== dpblnt (2006-07-15 14:11:25) ======

Logged In: YES

i changed game resolution to 1280x1024, still can't scroll
====== mikonmimuw (2006-07-15 14:13:55) ======

Logged In: YES

the same for others. For now use numerical keyboard.
====== nobody (2006-07-15 14:34:06) ======

Logged In: NO

well - please try the sdl renderer
see also http://ufo.myexp.de/wiki/index.php/Cvars
====== dpblnt (2006-07-15 15:15:51) ======

Logged In: YES

using sdl renderer scrolling works.
====== mikonmimuw (2006-07-15 15:19:07) ======

Logged In: YES

this is a recent but, week or two ago scrolling with mouse
worked OK. Maybe related to "* removed the 0 and 1024 border
check for mouse movement - please check this" (r1832)? For
me with ref_sdl.so the mouse does not work at all (stays at
the right border of the screen). The only effect of
BUILD_WITH_DGA is that mouse does not work both with sld and
glx (but with glx it stays in the middle of the screen).
Debian ustable, svn trunk.
====== tlh2000 (2006-07-17 08:44:36) ======

Logged In: YES

please try the current rev. should be fixed in rev. higher
than 1915
Steps to reproduce this issue
Nothing entered.
Todos (0 / 0)
Issue created
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