F nakido coins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Put this 2.3 on some better side for download and stop complicate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wat the f?
Did u not read the earliest entry??
This is not meant for discussion nor anithing else.
Get lost fantasy29. There are mani who enjoyed nakido and has no prob with it.
Get lost. Dun start pissing me off.
Mod: Pls ban him from further comments here and delete his previous entry. -.-"
Wouldn't it be easier to hit the "show log" button and copy the exact revision log into a code section in your forum post? Or you could just link to the CIA site, but it kind of sucks since it's impossible to browse the log.
Hi, BTAxis,
Thanks for the link. Actually, i did not know abt that page.

But sure it was helpful, cos i have been looking at the logs from SVN updates log....which is really a pain in the butt waiting for it to load up.
I dont think this was a discussion thread. Make upload suggestions/prefferals elsewhere.
Thanks vedrit. My exact sentiments.