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Author Topic: Links for 2.3 Development Binaries - Full Builts & Incremental Builts Only  (Read 91855 times)


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UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R24413!!
« Reply #30 on: May 13, 2009, 11:43:06 am »
A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R24413 is compiled and is being uploaded to nakido.
(Last complete maps rebuilt as of this revision - R24322)

Its now uploaded to nakido and ETA abt maybe 2-3 hrs before completion. (Started 5.18pm +8GMT today [Evening Updates])

The file's Ready yet, but when it is, it will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R24413 Developer's Built (No Links Yet, somehow nakido changed a lil bit on way it works.... check out tat when i am back tml!)

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)

PS: Please take note as this is compiled using a new Codeblocks (aka CB) compiler with Mattn's and Muton's and a couple of other tweaks to make it work, i have yet to test it out..... i will bring this installer home myself and test it when i am home! Do feedback ok? :)

PS2: Feedback in a new thread pls, if required. :)


Bad news.... this is to be on hold.... the installer wont work properly.... as in after installation, the game cannot start, even though CB compiles successfully and NSIS script works. Pending investigations....

Please take note that this compiler strangely compiles w/o the file intl.dll.
You will have to manually download this file "intl.dll" from the SVN directory or simply download from my nakido's directory - i have provided this out of your convenience.

The Intl.dll File Required.

I have tested it out and the game runs fine, once you have got the intl.dll file into the installed UFOAI directory!


PS x 100: Mattn / BTAxis / Muton / Other developers - I still have not been able to resolve the later Issues with CB arising after this built... it just dun work again............ grrr... any help here?
« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 06:31:54 pm by odie »


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Will download this this weekend! I'll also prolly be creating an account in Sourceforge so I can report bugs. (but concept art for this game takes first priority) For now though, it's day job day job day job...


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UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R24413 (See Above)
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2009, 06:34:52 pm »
Dear Folks,

I managed to get the R24413 to work after some tweaking and testing....

See my link (2 msg above) and continue testing.

Meanwhile, i am halting my updates for the nx coming revisions until i can get some feedback (Open new thread pls, i will keep track there - keep this track clean).

I will also need to get some help into the CB issues, and hopefully the dev (who are working very hard btw, so dun push em with your unkind and uncompassionate words) can work out the things in this coming nx wk!

:) Have fun!


  • Guest
Okie, i have decided to cancel this version and supercede with a better one... see 3 entries down.

A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R24458 is being compiled and will be uploaded to nakido now.
(I have decided to rebuild the maps again as of this revision - R24458.)

Its is being uploaded to nakido and ETA abt another 5-6 2 hrs before completion as the maps are still being rebuild (/clean) as of now. (Now is 2.45pm Started 12noon +8GMT today [Morning Updates])

The file's Not Ready yet, but when it is, it will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R24458 Developer's Built(No Links Yet, somehow nakido changed a lil bit on way it works.... check out tat when i am back tml!)

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 8% Done)

PS: Please take note that since this is the first time everything seemed to run smoothly again at CB stage, with Muton's patch, Mattn's work and alot of the programmers' stuff in, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that all of us test it extensively early....ok?

PS2: Feedback in a new thread pls, if required. :D


PS3: I am sorry for miscomm earlier (for those who noticed) because i copy and paste w/o codes formatting. :P
« Last Edit: May 19, 2009, 10:06:57 am by odie »


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Odie, you said "DONE" but didn't post the link. I did a search in Nakido and came up with this:

Is this the correct link?

Also, it still needs the int.dll file. Will the old "int.dll" do? Or is there a new version? If the latter, where's the link for the new int.dll?


Keep up the good work man! :D


  • Guest
Odie, you said "DONE" but didn't post the link. I did a search in Nakido and came up with this:

Hi Ildamos,

First, the link's not ready, cos somehow nakido's changing and testing some of its functions.... aniwae, i got the link. Refer bak to my latest post on the revisions ok?

Is this the correct link?
No it is not. Refer back to the link previously.....

Also, it still needs the int.dll file. Will the old "int.dll" do? Or is there a new version? If the latter, where's the link for the new int.dll?

Nope. Actually is i dunno cos i just compiled it.... thats why my disclaimer. haha. But will be bringing this back home later tonite and installing over my old one to test. haha

Let u know..... but in case, u might just want to have a copy of that intl.dll (note that it is I N T L not INT) standby.


Keep up the good work man! :D
Thanks alot. I came from the frustrations of setting up, so i guess i help us to speed up this part. lol.

The programmers are still the ones doing the tough work. :D

Glad it is bringing more serious beta testers and expertise like urself on the team. :P


  • Guest
Yep. Nakido's fixing something. It says "File does not exist."


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UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R24460
« Reply #37 on: May 19, 2009, 06:54:37 am »
Yep. Nakido's fixing something. It says "File does not exist."

Hi, Ildamos,

Yes, something went wrong with nakido last nite after i went back.
I have to reupload today again...... sorry for the inconvenience.....

Aniwae, here's the revised link
UFOAI 2.3 Developer's Built R24460

Its still uploading though..... Barely 2%...... Hope this will be fast..... < 2 hrs... (12.55pm +8GMT)


  • Guest
UFO 2.3 Developer's Edition R24460 (With Complete Maps Rebuilt)
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2009, 10:05:30 am »
A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R24460 is compiled and has been uploaded to nakido. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps as of R24458)

Its is uploaded to nakido now.

The file's Ready at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R24460 Developer's Built

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 100% Done)

PS: Please take note that since this is the 2nd time everything seemed to run smoothly again at CB stage, with Muton's patch, Mattn's work and alot of the programmers' stuff in, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that all of us test it extensively early....ok?

PS2: Feedback in a new thread pls, if required. :p



  • Guest
UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R24468
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2009, 08:09:35 am »
A new NON-DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R24468 is compiled and has been uploaded to nakido. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps as of R24458)

Its is currently being uploaded to nakido now.

The file, when ready, will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R24468 Developer's Built

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 100% Done) (4.45pm +8GMT)

PS: Feedback in a new thread pls, if required. :p


Edit - My apologies. I updated the CB and did not realised that the default options for compilations changed. Previously i said it was in DEBUG mode, but i realised its not. Hence this note. This is NOT a debug version. My apologies once again.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 07:11:21 am by odie »


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UFO 2.3 Developer's Edition R24484
« Reply #40 on: May 25, 2009, 07:10:07 am »
A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R24484 is compiled and has been is being uploaded to nakido. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps as of R24458)

Its is currently being uploaded to nakido now.

The file, when ready, will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R24484 Developer's Built

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 100% Done) (3.56pm +8GMT)

PS: Feedback in a new thread pls, if required. :p

« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 09:58:46 am by odie »


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UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R24489 (With Complete Maps Rebuilt)
« Reply #41 on: May 26, 2009, 10:06:30 am »
A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R24484 is compiled and is being uploaded to nakido. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps as of this version, R24484)

Its is currently being uploaded to nakido now. Estimate about another 2-3 hrs?

The file, ready, at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R24489 Developer's Built

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 100% Done) (6.03pm +8GMT)

PS: Feedback in a new thread pls, if required. :p

« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 08:49:00 pm by odie »


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UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R24496
« Reply #42 on: May 28, 2009, 05:54:53 am »
A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R24496 is compiled and is being uploaded to nakido. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps as of R24484)

Its is currently being uploaded to nakido now. Estimate about another 1-2 hrs?

The file, when ready, will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R24489 Developer's Built

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 100% Done) (1pm +8GMT)

Try this version if u have the dark models issue, a fix has been attempted to try to resolve the dark models issue.

Revision notes:
(See attached PDF)

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 07:04:48 am by odie »


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UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R24498 (With Complete Maps Rebuilt)
« Reply #43 on: May 29, 2009, 05:47:48 am »
A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R24498 is being compiled and will be uploaded to nakido. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps as of this version, R24498)

Its will be is being uploaded to nakido nowlater, as maps recompilation is still taking place.... will take some 2-3hrs. Then estimate about another 2 (unknown as of now) hrs for upload. (Now = already 3.40pm! This rebuilt of maps taking longer than usual).

The file, when ready, will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R24498 Developer's Built [No Links Yet]

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 100% Done) (7pm +8GMT)

Revision notes from 24496 to 24498
* set initial value for combo to prevent segfault
Thursday, May 28, 2009 8:17 PM
Commit by RudolfoWood
r24498             /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/sidebar/entityinspector.cpp:
* set initial value for combo to prevent segfault

Thursday, May 28, 2009 2:51 PM
Commit by tlh2000
* added details

For earlier revision notes, refer to:
Last 100 revision notes for UFOAI 2.3 Development Phase (Or see attached file)

The above link was kudos to RudolfWood! He provided me with that handly link! :D

PS: Feedback in a new thread pls, if required. :p

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: May 29, 2009, 07:19:18 pm by odie »


  • Guest
UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R24523
« Reply #44 on: June 01, 2009, 09:41:14 am »
A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R24523 is being compiled and will be uploaded to nakido. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps as of R24498)

Its is being uploaded to nakido now and will take another 1-2 hrs. (Now = 5.29pm +8GMT).

The file, when ready, will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R24498 Developer's Built

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 100% Done) (5.29pm +8GMT)

Revision notes from 24498 to 24523 (See attached file or see below).

* prevent more terror missions hapening in the same city at the same time
Monday, June 01, 2009 4:47 AM
geever * r24523 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/campaign/missions/cp_mission_terror.c: * prevent more terror missions hapening in the same city at the same time

* save (and load) installation idx which is attacked (fixes a segfault)
Monday, June 01, 2009 2:35 AM
geever * r24522 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/campaign/cp_campaign.c: * save (and load) installation idx which is attacked (fixes a segfault)

* update cvar:mn_installation_count if installation destroyed by ufo
Monday, June 01, 2009 1:34 AM
geever * r24521 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/campaign/ (cp_installation.c cp_installation_callbacks.c): * update cvar:mn_installation_count if installation destroyed by ufo

* Reinit buildinglist on one destroyed
Monday, June 01, 2009 12:27 AM
geever * r24520 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/campaign/cp_base_callbacks.c: * Reinit buildinglist on one destroyed

* updated blend source file for the soldier models
Sunday, May 31, 2009 2:41 PM
tlh2000 * r24519 /ufoai/data_source/models/characters/destructavator/ (soldier_male_armor.blend soldier_male_female_armor.blend): * updated blend source file for the soldier models

* file renamed
Sunday, May 31, 2009 6:15 AM
bayo-fr * r24518 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/ui/equip.ufo: * file renamed

* rename file with the name of the window
Sunday, May 31, 2009 6:15 AM
bayo-fr * r24517 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/ui/aircraft_equip.ufo: * rename file with the name of the window

* fix 2 unittests ("menu" dont exists, it is called "root")
Sunday, May 31, 2009 5:17 AM
bayo-fr * r24516 /ufoai/trunk/contrib/scripts/menu/unittest_condition.ufo: * fix 2 unittests ("menu" dont exists, it is called "root")

* fix rank of non-soldier employee
Sunday, May 31, 2009 5:12 AM
geever * r24515 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/campaign/cp_employee.c: * fix rank of non-soldier employee

* typo
Sunday, May 31, 2009 5:06 AM
bayo-fr * r24514 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/m_condition.c: * typo

* add "elif" into ui script * if "..." { ... } elif "..." { ... } else { ... }
Sunday, May 31, 2009 5:02 AM
bayo-fr * r24513 /ufoai/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs):

* add "elif" into ui script
* if "..." { ... } elif "..." { ... } else { ... }
* ui fixes; cleanup
Sunday, May 31, 2009 4:43 AM
geever * r24512 /ufoai/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): * ui fixes; cleanup

* feature: open/close Building preview window via checkbox
Sunday, May 31, 2009 4:11 AM
geever * r24511 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/ui/buildings.ufo: * feature: open/close Building preview window via checkbox

* feature: maximum number of building of the same type allowed per base
Sunday, May 31, 2009 3:36 AM
geever * r24510 /ufoai/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): * feature: maximum number of building of the same type allowed per base

* moved sounds from data_source into trunk
Sunday, May 31, 2009 3:02 AM
tlh2000 * r24509 /ufoai/ (6 files in 2 dirs): * moved sounds from data_source into trunk

* wood break sound
Sunday, May 31, 2009 2:46 AM
tlh2000 * r24508 /ufoai/trunk/base/sound/misc/breakwood.wav: * wood break sound

* fixed sound filenames
Saturday, May 30, 2009 8:28 PM
tlh2000 * r24507 /ufoai/trunk/base/sound/misc/ (breakglass.wav breakmetal.wav glassbreak.wav metalbreak.wav): * fixed sound filenames

* details, levelflags, lights
Saturday, May 30, 2009 8:19 PM
tlh2000 * r24506 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ * details, levelflags, lights

* fixed light entity definitions
Saturday, May 30, 2009 7:56 PM
tlh2000 * r24505 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/entities.ufo: * fixed light entity definitions

* added new map to mapdef
Saturday, May 30, 2009 6:03 PM
tlh2000 * r24504 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/maps.ufo: * added new map to mapdef

* moved map into trunk
Saturday, May 30, 2009 6:01 PM
tlh2000 * r24503 /ufoai/ (2 files in 2 dirs): * moved map into trunk

* details
Saturday, May 30, 2009 5:58 PM
tlh2000 * r24502 /ufoai/data_source/maps/unfinished/ * details

* Download, not the nonexistent version 2.3.6
Saturday, May 30, 2009 1:42 AM
btaxis * r24501 /ufoai/trunk/contrib/scripts/ * Download, not the nonexistent version 2.3.6

* stairs + details
Saturday, May 30, 2009 1:08 AM
tlh2000 * r24500 /ufoai/data_source/maps/unfinished/ * stairs + details

* blend source file for the soldier model
Saturday, May 30, 2009 12:20 AM
tlh2000 * r24499 /ufoai/data_source/models/characters/destructavator/ (. soldier_male_armor.blend): * blend source file for the soldier model

* set initial value for combo to prevent segfault
Thursday, May 28, 2009 8:17 PM
RudolfoWood * r24498 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/sidebar/entityinspector.cpp: * set initial value for combo to prevent segfault

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 03:24:27 am by odie »