Hello everybody !
I have discovered UFO:AI a few months ago, gave it a try and thought "Wow, that looks cool ! Let's wait and see if it gets better"... and today it has !

Since I have already contributed to the french translation of Battle for Wesnoth (
http://www.wesnoth.org), I thought I could help you improve the french translation.
As a french army reserve sergent, I am familiar with the military environment and tactics (my primary occupation being infantry squad leader), and can help you improve not only the translation in that field, but also game design issues related to that topic.
And since I LOVE guns and am an armorer in my unit, I can offer you all my knowledge and interest in firearms and weaponry (and it does NOT come from playing FPS games !).

So should you need my help (and I know you do, for I spotted a few mistranslations in the french version already

), just tell me... I stand ready !