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Messages - cevaralien

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 6
Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: July 15, 2016, 01:49:49 am »
Hi again.

I want to mod the character inventory places. For example, i want to move the holster more to left. How can i make it?

Another question; when i load the game, my graphic and sound settings returns to default. I tried to change the config files, but it's useless. What is happening?


Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: July 03, 2016, 03:34:13 pm »
That is!

I have a research.ufo files outside of the 0ufo.pk3 files. I deleted it and the game works. Thanks DarkRain.

Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: July 03, 2016, 03:15:17 am »
Hi again.

I lost my HDD partition table and... well... all my info, including my mod. I`m doing it again, but i have some problems. This one is older, in fact, i post it here before, but, i don`t remember how i fixed it.

The console drops this message:

ERROR: RS_InitTree: Could not find a valid tech for item laserpistol

Again, i deleted all laser weapons from research.ufo, except the base turret and ammo and aircraft laser weapon. I deleted this weapons from all .ufo files of the 0ufo.pk3 file.

Thanks for the help

Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: May 21, 2016, 11:49:41 pm »
Done. It works fine! Thanks again, geever.

Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: May 21, 2016, 01:32:01 am »
Returning to my initial problem... I'm removing the Starchaser and Dragon aircraft. I removed all information related to both craft from the following files:
- research.ufo
- aircraftmanagement.ufo

But the ufoai console send me the error:

ERROR: 'craft_inter_dragon' not found.

Which files i must modify to remove a craft?

Thanks again!

Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: May 21, 2016, 12:58:25 am »
I checked the .ufoai folder and /base folder (linux). I erased all config files and... nothing.



I moved the ufo.pk3 mod files to a new folder and... it works!!! Just like you said, geever, the games merges the configs. It's strange to me, because i changed the name of my mods .pk3 files.

So, for anyone; don't mix the mod .pk3 files on the same folder.

Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: May 18, 2016, 04:10:58 am »
When I talk about "console", i refers to Linux console, not ufoai console.

Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: May 18, 2016, 03:12:10 am »

I was modding my game when suddenly it crash. I return to the original but the crash continues.

This is the console message:

Error: Invalid aircraft size given for 'craft_drop_raptor'

Please, help.

Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: May 12, 2016, 12:20:42 am »
Since some time, there is many UFOs spawning. I can't advance more than one day without a massive ufo spawn. It's possible to reduce the ufo flights frecuency? It's very hard to play every crash land, althougth I ever try to shoot them over the sea. There's many of them and auto play kills many of my soldiers.

Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: May 01, 2016, 06:14:10 pm »
It's possible to mod the health growth? I don't want my soldier's health increase, because it reduce the difficulty. If i can't stop the growth, at least, i want reduce it's speed. How can i do that? It's hardcoded?

Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: April 30, 2016, 08:51:25 pm »
Forget it. I tried with a new game and the mod is working well.

Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: April 30, 2016, 08:17:28 pm »

I have another problem. I made a tech for laser weapons that works like the "Encased Plasma Rounds" - weapons clips. When i research EPR, i got automaticaly the EP rounds. I tried to do the same but with laser weapons; i do a "Hand Laser Weapons" tech, so, when i finish the research, automatically gives the laser pistol, rifle and heavy laser. The problem is that doesn't works, the wepons research options are there.

How can i do this works? i want all laser weapons available from one single tech.

Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: April 30, 2016, 06:38:52 am »
Thanks geever

Some additional questions:

1. Where can i change the radar coverage of base instalations?
2. Which software can i use to mod an alien armour graphics? I want to do a new one.
3. Which software can i use to mod a weapon? I want to do a new smg clip, an encased plasma round. In fact, i do it, but i need a pic for the clip with the blue line.


Discussion / Re: Help with the modding
« on: April 28, 2016, 03:04:27 am »
I don't remember the key that open the console. Can you refresh me please?

Discussion / Help with the modding
« on: April 27, 2016, 02:08:14 am »

I'm trying to remove the laser weapons from my mod, but, it doesn't works. I removed all laser weapons and D-F cartridges from "research.ufo" files, except base defense and laser cannon. I modified the equipement.ufo files removing all laser weapons.

The games launch, but when i select a campaing, the intro is skipped to the geoscape and i can't build my first base.

What i need to change?

Thanks for the help.

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