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Author Topic: translation in french  (Read 59259 times)

Offline DarkRain

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2012, 01:38:00 am »
Are you sure these changes are not for v2.5 only ?? Because some ochre french entries are not corresponding to English version at all.
v2.5-dev has indeed seen a lot of changes to game texts, specially research/ufopaedia entries, so it is quite possible that is the case.

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2012, 08:31:17 am »
v2.5-dev has indeed seen a lot of changes to game texts, specially research/ufopaedia entries, so it is quite possible that is the case.

There is one more case: As I experienced when we add new strings to the game, the system tries to assign a translation to it automatically which often fail and assigns unrelated translated strings.


Offline Rodmar

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2012, 11:12:24 am »
That makes sense : a lot of ochre translations differ only for a '.', ':','^B', etc added in English version. Sounds like automatic "fuzzy" switching when you polished things. I will stick to the English version, then !

No problems with UFOpaedia/e-mails.

By the way, may I suggest for next versions to rely heavier in the original .po files on commentaries, to let the translators know better, for example, if a given line refers to a HUD Display (short sized, abbreviated capitalized text), a mouse-over hint (longer sized, literary text with punctuation), or a title. Or have the corresponding sections highlighted (if any). Sometimes, it is not so obvious.

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2012, 12:23:24 am »
Hello !

Updated french translation is completed and tested but I need a few last hints before posting the updated .po at SourceForge.

1°) Hint 1:
L9883 tips.ufo:62
"If you keep researching field equipment only, your workshops may not keep up with the work."
Does it have the following meaning ? "Don't forget theoretical research. If you keep researching..."

2°) Hint 2:
What is the difference between L2883 "Full Campaign" and L2887 "Simple Campaign" ?
Strait french translation is too long to fit in the buttons, and with your insight I may find something shorter.
(I did try the Simple Campaign and it crashed)

3°) Hint 3:
What does L10299 "Our team killed:" in aircrat_soldiers_ufo:502/popup_baseattack.ufo:293 mean ?
This is displayed below a "Civilians killed:" summary.
Either "This soldier has been shot by friendly fire" or
"PHALANX has killed" (X civilians)   ?

4°) Hint 4:
What does L11926 ui/material_editor.ufo:94 "Bump:" mean ? Is it related to Bump mapping ?
« Last Edit: October 20, 2012, 12:39:06 pm by Rodmar »

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2012, 09:00:31 am »
2°) You could use "Campaign" and "Scenario" instead, as we should do in the original, too. Imho.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2012, 12:38:36 pm »
I edited the post above to move the non-wanted features (the message's second part) to proper sub-forum.

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2012, 02:34:01 pm »
Three weeks later... I have posted the updated file.
Patch n°700

The three non answered questions have been reverted to non translated.

All the UI is revised/updated, but I didn't review all the large texts such as UFOpaedia and emails. May be I will work on those more extensively after testing v2.5.

However, you shall be warned that I have made heavy changes (in french) on some UFOpaedia/messages like Bolter, Needler and Particule Beam, sometimes, rewriting rather than translating (some explanations being weird for a physicist in electromagnetic). Or maybe is it what a "faithul' translation should be : not sticking to each and every word but to the general sense and spirit.

Offline DarkRain

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2012, 04:39:41 pm »
We seem to have missed your post (most of us at least), don't know how much use is this now but:

1.) Yes, its meant to encourage you to do theoretical research, autopsies, that kind of things.
3.) Means: 'Teammates killed by this soldier:' (or: 'Number of our team members killed by this soldier's 'friendly' fire:')
4.) Yes, that's bump mapping related.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2012, 06:12:49 pm »

I have posted a comment to patch 700 with a new version file attached. I hope this works. If not, I will open a new ticket.

By the way, I made translations for two new entries : Starchaser & Alien Communication, but without touching to the wiki. I don't know the procedure to synchronize and let you manage that point.

May I suggest you to have some friend, french speaking and skilled in 3D art, to review the graphical options, as I don't feel myself competent enough.

While I will review some UFOpaedia and e-mail long texts, I need advice from french-speaking people out of there, and Canadian and Ultramarine ones would be most welcomed, as I am unaware of your usages.

My suggestions, for a final version, are :

1°) Cleaning the file from excessive capitalization. Capitals Have a Very Restricted Use in French.

2°) Translating "race" into "espèce" (species), as "race" has a very peculiar sense here in Europe, more related to inbred inter-fertile animal sub-species, with the exception for a very old (not despicable) meaning of "belonging to the same blood/lineage". Truly, other usage are by racists and rude uneducated people, and those hardcore gamers grown with D&D ! ;)

3°) Translating "alien" into "extra-terrestre" or "envahiseur" ("invader"), a very long word, but using "alien" as an adjective is very weird (in french).

4°) Translating "harvester" into "moissonneur" ("the man/UFO who harvests"). I already corrected "moissonnage" into "moisson" (for "harvest"). The current translation for "harvester" is "moissonneuse" ("the machine that harvests"), which sounds ok, except that french tongue is very sensitive with genders, and "UFO"/"OVNI" is a masculine for us. All other UFOs names are masculine (as "ship" is, in french).

5°) How shall we translate Brand and Model names ? In spite of the French having the habit to "frenchysize" military names when they acquire and modify foreign equipments, as it seems to me, PHALANX is not a french agency (or a cryptic one, but nobody knows). So, I don't see the point to translate Brand names.
Starchaser is Starchaser, Sparrowhawk should remain Sparrowhawk (and not "épervier").

What do you think ?

Offline krilain

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2013, 10:37:52 pm »

I will go for fr:Pontons (en:Pier) until I hit this mission.

All explanations are clear, thanks.Are you sure these changes are not for v2.5 only ?? Because some ochre french entries are not corresponding to English version at all.

Now, testing in-game...
Pontons / quais ?

Offline Rodmar

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2013, 11:28:01 am »
Given the map (large cargoships in a commercial port, with stores, roads) we could use :

"Ponton : Appontement servant de débarcadère ( Accoster au ponton )." The light wooden/metal structure that allow the access to the ships whatever the water level and "temper". I can't remember well, but I think there are some on the map. Problem is that doesn't make for the whole map.

"Débarcadère : Tout emplacement d'un port ou d'une côte permettant l'embarquement ou le débarquement des passagers et des marchandises." The place in a port where ships load and unload their cargo/passengers/etc. I would go for this, especially because it has a secondary meaning as a pier/jetty, the walkway between the ship and the quay.


"Quai : Section de rivage d'un port, aménagée en vue de permettre l'accostage des bâtiments de navigation, l'embarquement ou le débarquement des passagers, le chargement ou le déchargement des marchandises." This is however the nearest "debarcadère"'s part to a ship (see "ponton").

But why not :

"Dock(s) :    Bassin entouré de quais, pour le chargement et le déchargement des navires.
                       Ensemble de magasins construits sur les quais pour recevoir les marchandises."

Maybe an English speaker could elaborate on the difference between a pier and a jetty/wharf ?

Offline krilain

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2013, 12:55:34 pm »
Parenthesis in french ;)

A mon avis il y a 3 raisons pour ces constructions et donc 3 manières de les nommer, parfois entremêlée.
  • La raison historique  ---> jetée / fonction brise-mer / protection pour le port ...
  • La raison d'usage ---> débarquadère/marché - ou même placette/chemin ou route ...
  • La question de l'aspect naturel ou humain de l'ouvrage ---> relief/obstacle ou aménagement/protection etc...
On voit des jetées dans des endroits d'où la mer s'est retirée. Certaines servent de routes de bord de mer. D'autres sont intégrés à un port avec place de marché etc... C'est dans ce cadre que "ponton" n'est pas toujours le meilleur choix. Parfois "marché" ou "débarcadère" est plus parlant.

Bon on fera pas une thèse mais c'est vrai que ce mot est difficile à traduire. On se demande vraiment à quoi il se réfère. Ca me rappelle personnellement les villes en bois ou en pierre.

J'ai une question à ton usage Rodmar. Quelle est la partie que tu traduis exactement? Parce que là je n'ai pas osé mettre mon nez dans les anciennes traductions, ne sachant pas qui en est l'auteur. Certaines ont besoin de corrections. D'autres part, sur le format des .mo. Techniquement, saurais-tu me dire s'il y a une correspondance en nombre de mots à respecter (pour des raisons d'affichage) ou si on traduit librement?



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Re: translation in french
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2013, 01:51:07 pm »
Maybe an English speaker could elaborate on the difference between a pier and a jetty/wharf ?

I had to check to make sure, but dock, pier, jetty, wharf all refer primarily to the physical object where ships are tied up. Port is a more general term for the area where all the ship-related activity occurs (loading, unloading, customs checks, etc). "Port" is the right English word for this map, I think.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #28 on: January 31, 2013, 04:35:15 pm »
"Port de commerce", then ? (as opposed to a fishing port or a marina)

J'ai une question à ton usage Rodmar. Quelle est la partie que tu traduis exactement?
I touched/checked the whole .po file. That should correspond in game to most words in the UI and some emails. However, I didn't checked some large .txt files which appeared only by their names, and I didn't rewrite most of them. It is hard to keep on the style of each NPC for example. You will recognize "my" version (presumably the latest one ?) by the fact all entries are translated, that is, no missing "blue" translations or "ochre" texts. There is more commentaries as well, the first ones being : Pier (:) ), Rescue mission, Tropical drug. Also, I am positive I changed the following translations :
Targeting Computer -> Ordinateur de Visée -> Ordinateur de Tir
Armor/Shield -> Armure -> Blindage
Containment Unit -> Unité de Détention -> Unité de Confinement

So, if you see in game an "armure" applied to an airplane, or a "Unité de Détention" build to collect and isolate alien corpses and prisoners, that is not the version I send (or someone came after me !).

ne sachant pas qui en est l'auteur.
We don't really care who is a past contributor, except if he still is in activity. I guess I still am in activity even if I don't have played the game for 2 months. I may return to v2.4 to assist you on your task.

D'autres part, sur le format des .mo. Techniquement, saurais-tu me dire s'il y a une correspondance en nombre de mots à respecter (pour des raisons d'affichage) ou si on traduit librement?
We better should talk about .po files (the .mo are a compressed version that is used by the exec). AFAIK, text format is free, except that you have to keep on with some formatting "beacons" that are already here or easily guessable (\n, \", ^B). The only limitation is the boxes' size in which some UI texts are displayed. I used the "error and trial" method here.

You have to use the free PoEdit program in order to edit a .po file, and at the end of a work session, it is automatically compressed in a .mo format. Of course, this .mo file must replace the older one in the game's directory.

Maybe, we should now go on with mp (in French !), in order to address the serious thing.

Offline krilain

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #29 on: January 31, 2013, 06:50:47 pm »
"Port de commerce", then ? (as opposed to a fishing port or a marina)
Enventually "la criée" for the market place of a fishing port.
Criée (
(Pêche) (Commerce) Marché de gros ou de détail spécialisé dans la vente de la pêche du jour

Ok, and for the rest, thanks a lot, very clear. I'll download the soft and we'll see for eventually doing some coordinated stuff ;)