I have posted a comment to patch 700 with a new version file attached. I hope this works. If not, I will open a new ticket.
By the way, I made translations for two new entries : Starchaser & Alien Communication, but without touching to the wiki. I don't know the procedure to synchronize and let you manage that point.
May I suggest you to have some friend, french speaking and skilled in 3D art, to review the graphical options, as I don't feel myself competent enough.
While I will review some UFOpaedia and e-mail long texts, I need advice from french-speaking people out of there, and Canadian and Ultramarine ones would be most welcomed, as I am unaware of your usages.
My suggestions, for a final version, are :
1°) Cleaning the file from excessive capitalization. Capitals Have a Very Restricted Use in French.
2°) Translating "race" into "espèce" (species), as "race" has a very peculiar sense here in Europe, more related to inbred inter-fertile animal sub-species, with the exception for a very old (not despicable) meaning of "belonging to the same blood/lineage". Truly, other usage are by racists and rude uneducated people, and those hardcore gamers grown with D&D !
3°) Translating "alien" into "extra-terrestre" or "envahiseur" ("invader"), a very long word, but using "alien" as an adjective is very weird (in french).
4°) Translating "harvester" into "moissonneur" ("the man/UFO who harvests"). I already corrected "moissonnage" into "moisson" (for "harvest"). The current translation for "harvester" is "moissonneuse" ("the machine that harvests"), which sounds ok, except that french tongue is very sensitive with genders, and "UFO"/"OVNI" is a masculine for us. All other UFOs names are masculine (as "ship" is, in french).
5°) How shall we translate Brand and Model names ? In spite of the French having the habit to "frenchysize" military names when they acquire and modify foreign equipments, as it seems to me, PHALANX is not a french agency (or a cryptic one, but nobody knows). So, I don't see the point to translate Brand names.
Starchaser is Starchaser, Sparrowhawk should remain Sparrowhawk (and not "épervier").
What do you think ?