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Some ideas

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Ain Soph Aur:
for me personly, the "Search & Rescue - VIP/Briefcase" sounds very interesting! would love to see that in the game.

--- Quote ---...but theyr job is to implement the most-wanted features as soon as possible...
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i dont see it that way. they dont have a "job". they work for free, can do what ever they want and hey, you can also implement the features you like your self. so the only thing you can do is to inform (or inspire) the developers about what you would like to see in the game (and you have done that). and they must not hurry up! i also want to play the 2.3 as soon as possible but overall i am glad that the game is open source and exists at all...


--- Quote from: Ain Soph Aur on July 07, 2009, 09:26:41 pm ---for me personly, the "Search & Rescue - VIP/Briefcase" sounds very interesting! would love to see that in the game.

i dont see it that way. they dont have a "job". they work for free, can do what ever they want and hey, you can also implement the features you like your self. so the only thing you can do is to inform (or inspire) the developers about what you would like to see in the game (and you have done that). and they must not hurry up! i also want to play the 2.3 as soon as possible but overall i am glad that the game is open source and exists at all...

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nicely said, but it would be my trollish pleasure to add more.

why telling ufo-ai developers what their job is, sounds so irritating to them (as i understand it from their allergic responses).
so, what do those statements about the ufo-ai developer's job sound like?

--- Quote ---i can toss people around from a position of authority, like a boss or something.
and then that pleases my ego and completely shuts down my common sense.
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i think that it is not worth starting a forum war over it every time like it has happened so often here.
everybody behaves irrationally sometimes.
if you have read the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, in that book douglas adams quite subtly explains how humans are not descendants of apes but are descendants of cretins, and gives something like a linguistic proof of it.

i hope btaxis and whoever who gets annoyed about people who talk about ufo-ai as their job will get enlightened and come to terms with other people and themselves being cretins.
believe me, i was bit disappointed in people myself at some point, and found great relief in that statement, and actually it is also the truth, and has always been true even when i didn't see the truth myself yet : )
denial of the truth tends to create most problems ; )

really, this may seem like a small detail to some people, but telling freeware devs what their job is produces an allergic reaction.


--- Quote ---nicely said, but it would be my trollish pleasure to add more.
--- End quote ---

Yikes, is such a thing really necessary here?

Further, I can see your point in the rest of your post after this statement, but it isn't on topic, and it doesn't contribute anything at all to this project really.

That, and I'd also like to point out that yes, this is a project people work on in their spare time, not some full-time dedicated job, which is probably why it doesn't advance as quickly as some might like.

In the last several days this forum sure heated up, I think some people here need to calm down a bit, geez...

Edit:  I'll also say that those who want to contribute something to this project, something constructive, are more than welcome to post some artwork, clips, fire up an editor and make something, whatever, but I'd appreciate it if we didn't have people picking on each other here...

by "worktime" i was meaning "the time you work over the developing of the game"...  :-\

see what i say? my english is good in terms of words, but poor in terms of saying what i kinda the reverse of the terrorist in the "terrorist interview" video. (for those who dont know it --> )...I NEED SUBTITLES FOR MY BRAINWAVES! :P

and aboult still wrong version...well...whatever...the important thing is that the version i have is really the last stable available...


--- Quote from: Digin_BR on July 08, 2009, 12:08:32 am ---by "worktime" i was meaning "the time you work over the developing of the game"...  :-\

--- End quote ---

Ok, still: Are we using our time efficiently if we're doing the features YOU would like to see? Who do you think you are?
Shit. Arguing with you must be very efficient...

Please send a patch to our Patch Tracker once you implemented those "easy" new missions.



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