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Author Topic: Searching translators  (Read 177791 times)


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Searching translators
« Reply #30 on: July 03, 2006, 06:52:59 pm »
Lol :D i am a guy who works/worked on Estonian translation :D

Now About tarnslating:  it is hard, noone told it will be easy .... Lol i had BIG problem with Sniper rifles as there are no word in estonia for rifle (it would sound weird) so i just readed UFOpedia and found out that many weapons have code names like LA132 (just sample).....  

Also the suggestion from mattn and BTAxis that don't alter the names of aliens as its gonna be hell of a translating in ufopedia....


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« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2006, 07:54:10 pm »
Unfortunately, this is not the only problem I encountered. For example, in English, the word "tachyon" can be both a substantive and an adjective; in Italian, instead, we have two different ways to express them, so, without seeing the context in which this word is used, I can't translate it! This is true also with other words. For instance, let's consider the word "stun". How can I know the mood of this verb? In Italian, we have different conjugations for each person, number and mode. How can I know if this verb is to be translated into the infinitive mood or the indicative one?
I definetly need to play the game before being able to translate correctly!


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« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2006, 06:21:53 am »
Read ufopedia in WIKI, that helps and just think how stun might be used in game finish the transaltion post it and wait for version where its in (ur translation) then download that version, play it and see for bugs or errors, its the most easyest way......

also about translating tachyon i left it untransalting til i know what it is.... i guess its something like those wormholes that einsteins theory (i belive it was hes) that can take u fast from one place to other(with seconds u can be in one galatic point to other.... but i am not sure.....

lol just have to wate now for new version.


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« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2006, 12:11:00 pm »
einstein would be surprised with such treatment of his theories... =)

to find more info about tachyons and other sci-fi game stuff, use


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« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2006, 12:15:04 pm »
Tahcyons are tachyons... No way to trnslate them in any diferent way... So translate only the look of the word (tachyons -> tahioni in SLO)...

@linux4ever: Do u think, that italian is hard to translate? Slovenian is, as far as the scientist don't lie hardest language oin the world...

@Northen_Wolf: Tachyons are not wormholes (as far as i know), they r special kind of particles, like atoms, elektrons, pozitrons and stuff like that...

we got
  • 3 persons (same as in english)
  • not only 2 quantities (like 1 person and more persons in english), we got 1 person, 2 persons and more persons... (except Slovenians, ponly Finlands and some serbians in Germani have that...
  • ok, we got only 4 times, that is more easy
  • for every sex of the word, we got 4 diferent ways of conjugation

That was only an example...

Offline BTAxis

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« Reply #35 on: July 04, 2006, 12:20:05 pm »
Quote from: "inzenir"
Slovenian is, as far as the scientist don't lie hardest language oin the world...

It's Chinese, actually.


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« Reply #36 on: July 05, 2006, 12:15:32 pm »
Yeah, and thousands of Chines signs... I was thinking only languages with latin alphabet...


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« Reply #37 on: July 05, 2006, 06:56:12 pm »
i remember reading somewhere that chinese lang is easy actually only thing that makes it hard is it signs.....

 Estonian is hard too but i got the .po files translate w.o. anyone help expt mattn and BTAxis who i was bugging like hell... (only talking about things name and ufopedia stuff) afcorse i don't know how well i did til i download the ai (yeah haven't done it yet cuz da** company who provides internet they cuted my connection on 1kb/per sec and ask money for it!)

So q for mattin and/or BTAxis you just have to add .po ( in some directory and its ok ? or u need more work doing that?

Offline Mattn

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« Reply #38 on: July 05, 2006, 08:13:12 pm »
Quote from: "Northen_Wolf"
So q for mattin and/or BTAxis you just have to add .po ( in some directory and its ok ? or u need more work doing that?

You need to compile them and copy them to base/i18n/ets/LC_MESSAGES/

see for more infos


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« Reply #39 on: July 06, 2006, 11:22:25 am »
Yeah, ok i make .mo file in PoEdit, with saving as other file and change that .po into .mo... Yeah... And I place the file in that directory... But what now? Game is still running in english, and if i make  + set s_language ets it still doesn't work!

PLZ, help


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« Reply #40 on: August 02, 2006, 07:55:16 am »
Hi to all!
I'm currently working at the translation to Spanish. But Have the same question as above, what can I do to compile the game to see how is all going? I can't understand the wiki that well. :oops: :cry:

I would also like to know if there is some kind of diff file to make things easier, and where can I get it.


Offline Bandobras

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« Reply #41 on: August 02, 2006, 11:56:54 am »
Quote from: "Serpentus"
Hi to all!
I'm currently working at the translation to Spanish. But Have the same question as above, what can I do to compile the game to see how is all going? I can't understand the wiki that well.

I have not clue about Win, but in Linux running e.g. ./ufo +set s_language "de" is not enough --- you have to have installed the system-wide "de" language local files. So, in Win you probably have to have an international, or just German version of Windows... And then change the UFO:AI language setting...

I would also like to know if there is some kind of diff file to make things easier, and where can I get it.

You mean en.po that collects all wiki stuff? It's at*checkout*/ufoai/ufoai/trunk/src/po/en.po


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« Reply #42 on: August 02, 2006, 10:43:38 pm »
Quote from: "Bandobras"

I have not clue about Win, but in Linux running e.g. ./ufo +set s_language "de" is not enough --- you have to have installed the system-wide "de" language local files. So, in Win you probably have to have an international, or just German version of Windows... And then change the UFO:AI language setting...

You mean en.po that collects all wiki stuff? It's at*checkout*/ufoai/ufoai/trunk/src/po/en.po

Sorry, yes I have Linux..

Anyway, that ./ufo +set s_..... Works with the *.mo or the *.pot or *.po???? Cause, like I said, I'm translating it and want to see the results to see if some phrases aren`t to long, if they look good, etc...

So, I only have to make the dir in the "l18 "(I'm not at my PC now, sorry, so don't know the direct location) copy the .mo and compile the game, then run it with:

./ufo +set s_language "es" ("es" is for spanish) and the game will run in spanish with the translation I did??? oh, and yes, I have the system wide language for spanish.



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« Reply #43 on: August 04, 2006, 09:43:11 am »
Hi to all again.

Ok, this is important (I think)! I've managed to load a translation even if I dont have the system wide language package.... =D I use Linux, in English, and installed the spanish system wide language, but couldn't load the game in spanish T_T... SO, I tried to do something, and it worked, I even managed to load the russian translation without having any rusian packages installed in my PC =D

The thing I did:

Since the game loads this .mo:


i simply got the spanish or the russian .mo and changed its name to and overwrote the /base/i18n/en/LC_MESSAGES/ and then runned the game again, and walla, the game ran in the language I wanted =D

maybe a programmer can manage to make an option on the settings of the game to overwrite that file with the desired .mo and auto restart the game... Or ask the user in what language does he want the game to run before the game is lounched...

I haven't tried this on Windows, but in linux it seems to work fine =D at least on my PC =D

Hope this helps in something! Maybe it could be an alternative...

By the way, how can I upload a file to the SVN? I would like to update the spanish translation, couse my first release has a lot of spelling mistakes.


Offline Bandobras

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« Reply #44 on: August 04, 2006, 02:01:37 pm »
Thanks for your tests. BTW, there was a major ufopedia update last night. I suggest you upload your texts as a patch to sf.

BTW, is it you that calls his translation es_CL? I guess this makes it ususable for any es people other than es_CL (e.g. South America people? unless it's intended or unless people use the hack you've suggested). Just "es" is safer, but if this includes Catalonian and Basque languages, we are in trouble here, too...