ok, I've had the time to translate a few buildings.
I see

I gave it a quick look, I will read them carefully after I post this message.
I noticed that a second look at the text let's you see where the translation is too literal, what do you think if each of us gives a second read to the other's pages? Just a quick look to make the text more fluent or correct any typo.
It may sound as double work, but we could call it QA

In my experience is easyer to find errors in other people work than in your own.
As a "rule" we could discuss what requires more than just a typo correction.
- courtesy forms: should we use 'tu', 'voi', o 'lei'? Or keep it impersonal?
I vote for "Lei" when we are translating mail messages to the Commander, "tu" when we talk to the player (ie: manual pages, game interface)
- "Recommended Doctrine" ?
I'd translate as "Raccomandazioni"
- Unita di Risposta [all'attivita] Extraterrestre PHALANX -> ok Unita di Risposta all'attivita extraterrestre. Or maybe 'Unita' di Difesa Extraterrestre'? Or 'Unita di controffensiva'?
I don't know of any kind of organization like that to take as example, except "Unit