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How you can help to speed up the next release?

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Speaking of helping you guys out...without being able to run UFO: AI, I can't test anything I make in-game to see if it works.  :-[

I can still make things tough, alltouhg I've en kinda busy and absent-minded lately.

If you need more research images I can always do those.
Oh yeah...finish that heavy needler....

EDIT: I notice the StarChaser still isn't in the 2.2.3. Are there any problem with the mesh?

agentsteel: new here too and id love to help out if i can... great game btw :)

1. the only place to report a bug for 221 is in the sourceforge site??

2. if thats the case you will probably lose some people just because they d be bored to start 2 new accounts just to report a few bugs..just a thought...



--- Quote from: agentsteel on July 13, 2009, 03:44:02 pm new here too and id love to help out if i can... great game btw :)

1. the only place to report a bug for 221 is in the sourceforge site??
2. if thats the case you will probably lose some people just because they d be bored to start 2 new accounts just to report a few bugs..just a thought...

--- End quote ---

Hello and welcome.

I  don't think we would lose people just because that.
 Also 2.2.1 is quite old, if you wanna help speeding up the next release use the latest development version. The source from the SVN is the best but a third party build can do it as well (like odie's build in the sticky (Windows) thread)
I think we didn't dismiss any report just because it was not reported on SF.  But still that's the preferred location for them.


I have a suggestion, or rather a request, in order to speed up the speeding up.

Would it be possible to assign a contact person to each point on the todo list?
That is, an name or link to whoever made the last changes / largest contributions to that area or simply has an overview of the state of things. In short, the person to connect with if one wants to contribute to a certain point.

I know that this is open source and everybody can go and make changes as he wishes. Still, I for one like to talk to people before I go about modifying their work, and nobody wants to waste time on unnecessary (parallel) developments because they didn't know it was already being done.
And while it is possible to find out these things by searching and asking in the forums, at least having a name makes things easier imo.

Alternatively, a pinned "most recent state of things" in each dev forum might help new people like me in their orientation, if someone is willing to keep those updated.

Not sure if you request is still valid, because meanwhile you have learned more about how this project works. But others might want to know too, so I'm posting.

Most changes are discussed between multiple devs (storyline, game balance, coders,...) before being implemented, so there usually is no *single* person to talk to.

Imho it's best to post a brief concept in an appropriate forum. Hint: make it obvious in the title that *you* want to do (most of) the work, because in times of heavy bugfixing feature requests might get a little less attention ;)


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