General > Discussion

How you can help to speed up the next release?

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The TODO-list has not art items for 2.3.


I would like to support you but there are a lot of open topics and I don't know what of them to do.
I've never coded C/C++ (sry, only Java), but I got some (little) experience with Hibernate and in building plugins for eclipse.
I'm specialized in algorithms (there are people who like complexity theory ;-)). So if you have use for this, I can try about this.
Otherwise I can do some translations.

Greetings zyrano

Is there another account needed for editing articles and so on? When I try to work on the translations in a different tab, it says that login is needed (Cookies are accepted, using Firefox on Ubuntu Linux 7.10).


Yes, to edit the wiki you have to have a wiki account, which is different from your forum account.

Where or how are we allowed to edit in the Wiki?  I would like to start working on the Interceptors and UFO's section, adding in pages for the Stingrays, etc. and putting in any firm information that is available on them.



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