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How you can help to speed up the next release?

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--- Quote from: Ildamos on December 19, 2007, 11:48:14 pm ---I looked at the articles and they are about research. May I do some alien paintings?
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What we really need is paintings to go with that research, to show in art what the research is about. However, if you really want to paint the aliens, then go ahead, we can probably use it somewhere.

--- Quote ---Are there no close up screenshots of the various alien species?
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As BTAxis said, that doesn't make much sense. A screenshot is a screenshot. You can find the gallery here:

If you mean paintings, then no, we don't have paintings of every species.


@BTAxis: No problem.

@BTAxis and Winter: Sorry for the confusion. What I meant was ingame screenshots showing aliens and humans in a firefight. I am particularly curious about those hulking things and that spider drone. This way I could see size comparisons and other details not apparent in model screenshots where the races are just standing with arms away from their torsos.

@Winter: Ah. So you want art for the research topics only? Where will my art be placed (if you guys will approve of it)? And yes it's free but all I ask is giving credit to me for creating it. (like placing a popup "Created by: Artist's Name" everytime someone hovers their cursor on the art.) Is this possible?

Ehm, research is boring but I'll make that "injector" thing that powers the ufos if you want. (just give me rough descriptions so I'll have a rough idea of what you guys want.

Late reply; sorry about this. Work, RL, etc.

More power to the project!


--- Quote from: Ildamos on December 26, 2007, 05:02:45 pm ---And yes it's free but all I ask is giving credit to me for creating it. (like placing a popup "Created by: Artist's Name" everytime someone hovers their cursor on the art.) Is this possible?
--- End quote ---

No, sorry, this is not possible. we can of course add you to the contributors list on the website - and if you send a patch for the sequence script (base/ufos/seq_credits.ufo) we can also add you here, but there will be no tooltips.

best regards

Ah. Darn. No problem though; I'll just put a small signature on the picture then.

Btw, solid writing in the wiki. Who made that? I've been doing some reading and the alien descriptions and the background story are solid! Good work!  ;D


--- Quote from: Mattn on June 03, 2006, 01:16:11 pm ---There are several things you can do to speed up the release.
First of all head over to the wiki and have a look at the TODO-list

other task you can do:
[*]we need reports for maps. Please check whether there are any glitches in the maps right now. Missing models, unreachable areas, and so on... Please submit screenshots of the problems. Use "developer 1" (type this into the console) to show missing models in console and send these strings, too
[*]the best would be to send a fixed map :-)
[*]check the wiki for open translations or spellcheck already translated articles
[*]found a bug? add it to the bug tracker
[*]opengl problem? e.g. black geoscape or wrong textures on some models? use r_checkerror cvar and set it to 1 - report the console output (ufoconsole.log - see faq)
[*]... maybe this list is going to be extended - but check back the TODO in our wiki if you wanna help.

--- End quote ---
It's a very good thing you have this thread here. You should include the changes I made for easier access to other parts of the project pages though. (I also fixed a link) Quote this post to see the bbcode for the following:

There are several things you can do to speed up the release.
First of all head over to the wiki and have a look at the TODO-list

other task you can do:
[*]We need reports for maps. Please check whether there are any glitches in the maps right now. Missing models, unreachable areas, and so on... Please submit screenshots of the problems. Use "developer 1" (type this into the console) to show missing models in console and send these strings, too
[*]The best would be to send a fixed map :-)
[*]Check the wiki for open translations or spellcheck already translated articles
[*]Found a bug? add it to the bug tracker!
[*]Opengl problem? e.g. black geoscape or wrong textures on some models? use r_checkerror cvar and set it to 1 - report the console output (ufoconsole.log - see faq)
[*]... maybe this list is going to be extended - but check back the TODO-list in our wiki if you wanna help.[/list]


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