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Author Topic: Weapon Sounds To-Do  (Read 14748 times)


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Plasma Blade
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2007, 11:49:17 am »
As well as the medikit in the previous post, here's a plasma blade (going off the description in the wiki it kinda sticks, then discharges causing a mess to the internals of machinery and people)

Offline Winter

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Weapon Sounds To-Do
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2007, 12:43:05 pm »
Quote from: "Alex" ?

I'm away for 2 weeks, so I hope the sounds you have are enough to get you through till the next release.

Good for me, someone please commit this.

As well as the medikit in the previous post, here's a plasma blade (going off the description in the wiki it kinda sticks, then discharges causing a mess to the internals of machinery and people)

I like that, but it's much too long. The plasma blade sticks, and then it goes BAM (explosion of the shaped charge, plasma going into you, big mess). Or rather, PZORCH. It's just not sudden or violent enough.


Offline Zenerka

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Weapon Sounds To-Do
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2007, 01:23:04 pm »
Pistol, Machine Pistol, SMG, Micro shotgun, Riot shotgun, sniper, kerrblade, knife and medikit sounds commited to trunk and enabled in scriptfiles. These will go to 2.1 as well.

Alex, big thanks for your work.


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Weapon Sounds To-Do
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2007, 03:56:49 pm »
Quote from: "Winter"
Quote from: "Alex"

I like that, but it's much too long. The plasma blade sticks, and then it goes BAM (explosion of the shaped charge, plasma going into you, big mess). Or rather, PZORCH. It's just not sudden or violent enough.


Cool no worries - I leave tomorrow, and I'm not sure I'll have a chance to get it right before I go, but I'll have another shot at it.

To my mind I was thinking it locks on then makes a long, steady stream of plasma, not a single explosive discharge...  I'll change the sound accordingly.

Offline Winter

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Weapon Sounds To-Do
« Reply #19 on: March 31, 2007, 10:26:47 pm »
Zenerka has just informed me that we also need a sound for the Bolter rifle's Cannonade firemode. This should sound like the Bolter rifle firing 3 flechettes all at once, like a shotgun spray rather than a repeating firearm. 1 shot of 3 bullets rather than 3 shots of 1 bullet.



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Weapon Sounds To-Do
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2007, 03:16:49 pm »
Ok, bolter canonade is done, medikit is done, and the plasma blade is done.

I just need to update the todo list and see what's left.

Offline lfloden

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Something I noticed the other day
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2007, 03:53:51 pm »
Because my wife doesn't let me turn up the sound when she is around when I'm playing I hadn't noticed that the plasma guns sound like a machine gun.

If I can figure out how to hook my keyboard up to my laptop I'll try to come up with something. Or if anyone else has anything already lets hear it.

I think these (along with the other energy weapons) need more of an energy sound, maybe a sizzle of the air.


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Weapon Sounds To-Do
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2007, 05:17:46 pm »
A few of the current sounds used in the game seem out of place because the sounds for some of the guns haven't been made yet, and in their place other sounds have been used.

While there are plans to update these sounds, any help is always appreciated.

Thanks for the feedback Ifloden

Offline PhilRoi

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Weapon Sounds To-Do
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2007, 05:47:56 pm »
Alex,  I have a flashbang sound worked out.  I've heard real flashbangs (being in the army and all...)
This is closer to what you hear.

More Percussive and less explosive is the trick.  A flashbang is designed to burn VERY quickly and give a percussive BANG and be done.  There is no fragmentation.   Resulting a in a relatively "clean" percussive sound.

A grenade is desined to fragment so you get resulting mini sonic booms as fragaments fly off in diffrent directions.  resulting in a "dirtier" sound.
hope that helps.


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Weapon Sounds To-Do
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2007, 07:37:26 pm »
The trouble I had with the flash bang was trying to recreate the "flash" sound, which is really a visual rather than auditory phenomenon.  Those were the instructions I was given.  A fizzing flash, followed by a bang.

Ultimately Winter has the final say on which sounds get included, so if you can come up with a sound he likes, it will most definitely be included.


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Weapon Sounds To-Do
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2007, 12:01:42 pm »
I personally think that the assault rifle and riot shotgun shooting sounds would be better otherwise around. The assault rifle has a real strong sound whereas the shotgun sounds like a toy gun.