Nothing entered.
[ Item 502] imported from tracker on 2013-01-28 20:22:06
Thanks a lot for 'animr', Mattn, as you maybe have seen it is already used heavily ;)
I also updated the wiki with information about the latest upgrade to the material system, so you have no additional work there...
Nevertheless I would need a additional version of 'animr', because the version we have is not suited for fluid motion, as there is no check built in to prevent the display of the same frame two or several times in a row. That is why it is not suited for fluid motion animations, but more than perfect for slowly switching buttons ;)
I would suggest following:
A ADDITIONAL (do not delete animr, please)
'animrf' (for random fluid animation) or whatever you want to call it, which falls back to animr, if the animation has less than say 3 frames, to prevent too many randomization loops & endless loops (1 frame animation) ;) & has another check this time built into the loop to randomize again if the next generated randomframenumber is the same like the current one.
This would prevent stuttering animations, so I would be able to make fluid randomized animations via the material system also...
I know that for a experienced programmer like you this means 3 minutes of work ;), unfortunately I am still not very familiar with the C Syntax, so what should I say ?!
Mattn, please ;)
Thanx in advance ;)
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====
====== mcr2010 (2010-08-03 10:03:24) ======
This really would be nice to have... ;)
====== mcr2010 (2010-08-06 11:21:02) ======
Mattn, please.
This means max. 15 minutes work 4 you ;)
& it is the last normal animation command I'm really missing...
====== tlh2000 (2010-08-07 04:58:15) ======
[quote]I know that for a experienced programmer like you this means 3 minutes of work[/quote]
Statements like these DO NOT speed things up - they don't belong here! (In fact they even speed things down because i don't like this kind of "motivation")
also increasing the priority every few days on your own DO NOT speed things up.
The only thing that would speed things up, would be to pay me money for a particular feature request. Until that happens - nothing will speed things up.
Having that said we can get back to topic.
The feature is coming in a few minutes, as i'm also working on fr #3022387
please update the wiki after that (for both)
====== tlh2000 (2010-08-07 05:07:12) ======
animf is the new command - done in r31274
====== mcr2010 (2010-08-07 11:10:10) ======
Thanx a lot. Works like a charm :)))
I will try to not make such statements anymore, I really did not want to hurt your feelings, sorry again...
I am just increasing priority for things that imho have gained a higher priority (@ least for me) & you now already that I like the different colors also ;)
If I would be rich, I would even donate to this project, but all I can do in the moment is helping whereever I can to make this project better...
Ofc., I will update the wiki after I've finished testing stuff. You can consider this done.