UFO: Alien Invasion Issue Tracker
UFO: Alien Invasion
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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Closed Feature request #3879 Snipers shot as newbies
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "NOT AN ISSUE".
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[http://sourceforge.net/p/ufoai/feature-requests/394 Item 394] imported from sourceforge.net tracker on 2013-01-28 20:18:20


When a sniper use his weapon, He usually fires from the shoulder and not from the belt. The 50 centimeters which separate the two would allow him to touch his target in the case in image.
When your marksman will use his weapon in the same way as that, dismiss him immediately from your army.

SVN 22167
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====

====== desman64 (2009-01-31 09:13:40) ======

What he sees and what he does.
====== btaxis (2009-01-31 20:39:38) ======

No animations for firing from the shoulder exist. Until we get some, this won't change.
====== desman64 (2009-01-31 21:00:12) ======

It is absolutely not a question of animation. If it was only this I would not consider it as a bug.

When you fire of the hip you cannot pass above barriers. When you fire of the shoulder you can. It is a question of 3D localization of the point of departure and the point of destination of the shot.
From ground it is quite impossible to kill an alien second or third level, even when you see his head, because as we shot from hip, we can't pass through the windows but shot the wall. Same thing with small barriers around the fields.

The first thing I learned in army, long time ago, was : If you can see somebody, you can kill him.

I forgot, my nickname on forum is Zoltic.
====== btaxis (2009-02-10 17:44:55) ======

I repeat: we don't have animations for firing from the shoulder. As long as we don't have some, we CAN NOT make soldiers fire from the shoulder. Provide the required animations and we'll talk. Until then, don't hold your breath.
====== nobody (2009-03-02 07:53:25) ======

Can't we just have it in engine, but without animations for the first-time? There will be rather small graphical inconsistencies, but it will address the main point of this request: if you see something, you *should* be able to shoot it.

For now, this issue is a really nasty mini-puzzle. See alien? Good. Now go find a spot to shoot him. Oh and BTW, *he* knows all the spots to shoot *you*.
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