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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Closed Feature request #3873 Soldier Equipment: Ammo
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "Not determined".
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    Feature request
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    3. Normal
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[http://sourceforge.net/p/ufoai/feature-requests/388 Item 388] imported from sourceforge.net tracker on 2013-01-28 20:18:20

As of r21818, the soldier equipment interface is flawless, but the behavior of ammo still needs more work. Weapons are loaded in the equipment container, and it is not possible to switch ammo for weapons that use more than one ammo type.

Desired behavior:
- Weapons in storage are always unloaded.
- When a weapon is equipped on a soldier, it is automatically loaded with the first available ammo type. If no ammo is available, it remains unloaded.
- When a weapon is de-equipped, its ammo is removed and returned to storage.
- When an ammo type is dragged to a compatible weapon that is equipped on a soldier, the currently loaded ammo (if any) is removed and the new ammo is loaded instead. Ideally, this action should be accompanied by a sound effect.
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====

====== bayo-fr (2009-01-23 23:34:56) ======

We can think about a validation popup if the weapon is not unloaded. And a first right click to unload weapon, before unequiping the soldier.
====== bayo-fr (2009-01-24 22:56:28) ======

According to https://sourceforge.net/tracker2/index.php?func=detail&aid=2533398&group_id=157793&atid=805245 its a regression. 2.2.1 allow to assign new ammo
====== hedges (2009-01-25 00:34:07) ======

Sorry about the duplicate. Yes I played 2.2.1 last weekend and the behavior was, the weapon was automatically loaded with the default ammo type (i.e. HIT grenade shells for a grenade launcher) and then you could drag a new ammo (plasma grenade shells) onto the weapon. This unloaded the weapon returning its current ammo to storage, and loaded the new ammo.

I also had this idea if possible it would reduce busy-work equipping a soldier. If I right-click over an item in storage, could it figure out all the possible inventory slots that had room for the item and display them on a pop-up menu for selection? It is a PITA to drag six or eight grenades all the way up the screen for every soldier.

The interface for storage is nicer than 2.2.1. Good job!
====== geever (2009-03-25 23:11:39) ======

Changing ammo by dragging is working ((re)implemented by Bayo).

 @hedges : Equipping with right click was working already.

====== geever (2009-04-11 01:10:23) ======

Implemented in r23999.

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