UFO: Alien Invasion Issue Tracker
UFO: Alien Invasion
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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Closed Bug report #2768 MAX_GL_TEXTURES hit (+farm)
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "Not determined".
Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Bug report
  • Category
  • Targetted for
    Not determined
  • Status
  • Priority
    4. Useful
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
Affected by this issue (0)
There are no items
People involved
Times and dates
  • Posted at
  • Last updated
  • Estimated time
    Not estimated
Issue details
  • Resolution
    Not determined
  • Reproducability
    Not determined
  • Severity
    Not determined
  • Complexity
    Not determined
  • Platform
    Not determined
  • Architecture
    Not determined
Attachments (0)
There is nothing attached to this issue
Duplicate issues (0)
This issue does not have any duplicates
[http://sourceforge.net/p/ufoai/bugs/2768 Item 2768] imported from sourceforge.net tracker on 2013-01-28 19:47:16


Win32 debug rev:
commit 0498978de289000387fa032ff8cac3c01684a8b3
Date: Wed Jan 5 07:01:21 2011 +0100

* init the cgame mode in GetCGameAPI


Landing on terror mission
drop to geoscape
after playing some time
A game restart solves the problem

Line 524
if (r_numImages >= MAX_GL_TEXTURES)
Is r_numImages ever decremented?
Are Battlescape textures removed from array r_images after battle?

2011/01/05 13:49:14------- Loading game.dll -------
2011/01/05 13:49:14not found at '/usr/local/lib'
2011/01/05 13:49:14not found at 'C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\zelli\Anwendungsdaten\UFOAI/2.4-dev/base'
2011/01/05 13:49:14found at './base'
2011/01/05 13:49:14==== InitGame ====
2011/01/05 13:49:14CM_LoadMap: "-farm/f_ +craft_drop_firebird +craft_ufo_harvester +field_a +farmhouse_a +stables_a +farmhouse_b +farmhouse_c +barn_a
+stables_b +filler_l_b +filler_l_a +barn_b +filler_m_b +silo +filler_l_a +filler_l_a +filler_m_b +wind +filler_l_a" "-16 8 0 -24 -32 0 8 8 0 16 -40 0 16 -24 0 -40 -40 0
-40 -16 0 16 -8 0 -40 0 0 -24 0 0 -16 0 0 -40 24 0 32 -8 0 8 0 0 -24 24 0 -24 32 0 0 24 0 -24 -40 0 -8 -40 0"
2011/01/05 13:49:21Rerouted for RMA in   2.0s
2011/01/05 13:49:21checksum for the map '+farm': 3317002004
2011/01/05 13:49:21ufo script checksum 2128701727
2011/01/05 13:49:21Created AI player (team 0)
2011/01/05 13:49:21Created AI player (team 7)
2011/01/05 13:49:21Used inventory slots after ai spawn: 0
2011/01/05 13:49:21-------------------------------------
2011/01/05 13:49:21Connecting to localhost...
2011/01/05 13:49:21connection attempt from loopback connection
2011/01/05 13:49:33load material file: 'materials/farm.mat'
2011/01/05 13:49:41********************
2011/01/05 13:49:41ERROR: R_LoadImageData: MAX_GL_TEXTURES hit
2011/01/05 13:49:41********************
2011/01/05 13:49:41Shutdown server: Server crashed.
2011/01/05 13:49:41Shutdown the game thread
2011/01/05 13:49:41==== ShutdownGame ====
2011/01/05 13:49:41Free inventory slots in game on shutdown: 0
2011/01/05 13:49:41Unload the game library
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====

====== tlh2000 (2011-01-09 16:42:49) ======

no, it's never decremented, but this is also not needed. we are first looking for free slots in the image array, and only if none is free we increment the r_numImages variable. meaning that when this error is hit, the max amount of textures is really in use (or not freed properly)
====== mcr2010 (2011-02-13 10:44:43) ======

Another report here: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3164581&group_id=157793&atid=805242
====== tlh2000 (2011-02-13 10:59:05) ======

i've added texture list to the ufoconsole.log output in case the error occurs. please post this list here.
====== freakyd (2011-02-17 03:30:54) ======

2011/02/16 08:38:55 Free inventory slots in game on shutdown: 0
2011/02/16 08:38:55 Unload the game library
2011/02/16 08:38:55 music change to karlmacklin_geoscape (from ufo2)
2011/02/16 08:38:55 ------------------
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 1 idx: pics/envmaps/envmap_0
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 2 idx: pics/envmaps/envmap_1
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 3 idx: pics/flares/flare_0
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 4 idx: pics/flares/flare_1
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 5 idx: pics/flares/flare_2
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 6 idx: pics/flares/flare_3
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 7 idx: pics/flares/flare_4
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 8 idx: pics/flares/flare_5
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 9 idx: pics/flares/flare_6
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 10 idx: pics/flares/flare_7
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 11 idx: pics/flares/flare_8
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 12 idx: pics/flares/flare_9
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 8 8 RGB: 13 idx: ***r_notexture***
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 14 idx: ***r_warptexture***
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 0 0 RGB: 15 idx: ***cinematic***
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 16 idx: pics/sfx/shadow
CH2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 17 idx: pics/conchars
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 32 RGB: 18 idx: pics/cursors/wait
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 19 idx: pics/cursors/ducked
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 32 RGB: 20 idx: pics/cursors/reactionfire
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 21 idx: pics/cursors/reactionfiremany
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 22 idx: pics/cursors/cursor1
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 16 RGB: 23 idx: pics/ui/bar_border
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 24 idx: pics/buttons/big_blue
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 25 idx: pics/buttons/big_blue_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 26 idx: pics/background/base_bg
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 27 idx: pics/icons/pen
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 28 idx: pics/icons/pen_hovered
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 29 idx: pics/icons/pen_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 30 idx: pics/icons/aircraft_return
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 31 idx: pics/icons/aircraft_return_hovered
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 32 idx: pics/icons/aircraft_return_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 33 idx: pics/icons/alien_unused
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 128 RGB: 34 idx: pics/ui/hosp_button_green
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 256 RGB: 35 idx: pics/ui/base_ul
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 256 RGB: 36 idx: pics/ui/base_ur
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 37 idx: pics/ui/base_lr
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 38 idx: pics/background/options_bg
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 39 idx: pics/background/main_bg
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 40 idx: pics/background/losegame_bg
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 41 idx: pics/background/wingame_bg
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 64 RGB: 42 idx: pics/buttons/blue2-1
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 64 RGB: 43 idx: pics/buttons/blue2-1_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 44 idx: pics/background/equipment_bg
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 45 idx: pics/buttons/large_blue
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 46 idx: pics/buttons/large_blue_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 1024 RGB: 47 idx: pics/ui/geo_menu
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 48 idx: pics/buttons/blue3
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 49 idx: pics/buttons/blue3_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 50 idx: pics/icons/geo_nations
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 51 idx: pics/icons/geo_nations_hovered
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 52 idx: pics/icons/geo_nations_disabledPI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 53 idx: pics/icons/geo_nations_clicked
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 54 idx: pics/icons/geo_radar
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 55 idx: pics/icons/geo_radar_hovered
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 56 idx: pics/icons/geo_radar_clicked
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 57 idx: pics/icons/geo_xvi
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 58 idx: pics/icons/geo_xvi_hovered
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 59 idx: pics/icons/geo_center
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 60 idx: pics/icons/geo_center_hovered
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 61 idx: pics/icons/geo_option
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 62 idx: pics/icons/geo_option_hovered
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 63 idx: pics/icons/geo_option_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 64 idx: pics/icons/geo_option_clicked
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 32 RGB: 65 idx: pics/ui/popup_button_hl
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 66 idx: pics/geoscape/radar
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 67 idx: pics/geoscape/defence
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 68 idx: pics/geoscape/ufoyard
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 69 idx: pics/geoscape/base
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 70 idx: pics/icons/bighead_soldier
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 71 idx: pics/icons/bighead_pilot
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 72 idx: pics/icons/bighead_worker
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 73 idx: pics/icons/bighead_scientist
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 74 idx: pics/icons/health_unused
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 75 idx: pics/icons/scroll_top
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 76 idx: pics/icons/scroll_top_hovered
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 77 idx: pics/icons/scroll_bottom
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 78 idx: pics/icons/scroll_bottom_hovered
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 512 RGB: 79 idx: pics/althud/bar_right
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 64 RGB: 80 idx: pics/althud/bar_top
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 81 idx: pics/hhud/btnset_lft
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 82 idx: pics/hhud/inv_icon
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 32 RGB: 83 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/indicator_time
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 84 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/indicator_health
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 32 RGB: 85 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/indicator_moral
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 256 RGB: 86 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/button
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 256 RGB: 87 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/button_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 256 RGB: 88 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/button_clicked
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 89 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/time
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 90 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/time_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 91 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/item
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 92 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/item_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 93 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/team
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 94 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/team_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 95 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/shoot
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 96 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/shoot_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 97 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/move
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 98 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/move_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 64 RGB: 99 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/lookat
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 64 RGB: 100 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/lookat_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 128 RGB: 101 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/standup
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 128 RGB: 102 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/standup_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 103 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/crouch
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 104 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/crouch_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 105 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/cancel
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 106 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/cancel_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 107 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/soldier_prev
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 108 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/soldier_prev_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 109 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/soldier_next
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 110 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/soldier_next_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 111 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/list
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 112 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/list_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 113 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/arrowup
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 114 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/arrowup_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 115 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/arrowdown
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 116 idx: pics/hudphone/sprites/arrowdown_disabled
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 117 idx: pics/hud/bar_inventory
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 118 idx: pics/background/irc_bg
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 119 idx: pics/background/won_bg
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 120 idx: pics/background/lost_bg
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 121 idx: pics/background/mail_bg
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 122 idx: pics/icons/mail_read
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 123 idx: pics/icons/mail_read_hovered
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 16 RGB: 124 idx: pics/ui/bar_rahmen
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 125 idx: pics/icons/notify_notice
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 126 idx: pics/icons/notify_pause
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 32 RGB: 127 idx: pics/icons/notify_sound
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 128 idx: pics/background/multiplayer_bg
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 129 idx: pics/hud/bar_phys
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 130 idx: pics/icons/arrow_top
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 131 idx: pics/icons/arrow_top_hovered
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 132 idx: pics/icons/arrow_bottom
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 133 idx: pics/icons/arrow_bottom_hovered
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 134 idx: pics/icons/mapselection
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 135 idx: pics/icons/mapselection_clicked
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 136 idx: pics/background/skirmish2
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 137 idx: pics/background/stats_bg
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 138 idx: pics/icons/system_capture
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 139 idx: pics/icons/system_parent
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 140 idx: pics/icons/system_child
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 141 idx: pics/icons/system_next
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 142 idx: pics/background/game_team_edit_bg
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 143 idx: models/aliens/taman/body01a
2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 144 idx: models/aliens/taman/body01a_gm
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 145 idx: models/aliens/taman/body01b
2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 146 idx: models/aliens/taman/body01b_gm
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 147 idx: models/aliens/taman/body01c
2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 148 idx: models/aliens/taman/body01c_gm
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 149 idx: models/aliens/taman/body01d
2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 150 idx: models/aliens/taman/body01d_gm
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 151 idx: models/aliens/taman/head01
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 1024 1024 RGB: 152 idx: pics/background/loading
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 153 idx: models/aliens/taman/head02
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 154 idx: models/aliens/taman/head03
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 155 idx: models/aliens/taman/head04
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 156 idx: models/aliens/ortnok/body01a
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 157 idx: models/aliens/ortnok/body01b
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 158 idx: models/aliens/ortnok/body01c
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 159 idx: models/aliens/ortnok/head01
2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 160 idx: models/aliens/ortnok/head01_gm
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 161 idx: models/aliens/ortnok/head02
2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 162 idx: models/aliens/ortnok/head02_gm
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 163 idx: models/aliens/ortnok/head03
2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 164 idx: models/aliens/ortnok/head03_gm
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 165 idx: models/aliens/shevaar/body01a
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 166 idx: models/aliens/shevaar/body01b
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 167 idx: models/aliens/shevaar/body01c
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 168 idx: models/aliens/shevaar/head01
2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 169 idx: models/aliens/shevaar/head01_gm
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 170 idx: models/aliens/shevaar/head02
2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 171 idx: models/aliens/shevaar/head02_gm
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 172 idx: models/aliens/shevaar/head03
2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 173 idx: models/aliens/shevaar/head03_gm
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 174 idx: models/aliens/bloodspider/bloodspider
2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 175 idx: models/aliens/bloodspider/bloodspider_gm
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 176 idx: models/civilians/female/body03a
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 177 idx: models/civilians/female/body03b
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 178 idx: models/civilians/female/head04a
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 179 idx: models/civilians/female/head04b
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 180 idx: models/civilians/female/head04c
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 181 idx: models/civilians/male/body02
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 182 idx: models/civilians/male/head02
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 183 idx: models/civilians/female/body01a
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 184 idx: models/civilians/female/body01b
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 185 idx: models/civilians/female/body01c
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 186 idx: models/civilians/female/body01d
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 187 idx: models/civilians/female/head01a
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 188 idx: models/civilians/female/body02a
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 189 idx: models/civilians/female/body02b
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 190 idx: models/civilians/female/head01b
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 191 idx: models/civilians/female/head02a
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 128 RGB: 192 idx: models/civilians/female/head02b
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 193 idx: models/civilians/female/body05a
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 194 idx: models/civilians/female/head05a
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 195 idx: models/civilians/male/body01a
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 196 idx: models/civilians/male/body01b
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 197 idx: models/civilians/male/body01c
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 198 idx: models/civilians/male/head01
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 64 RGB: 199 idx: models/civilians/male/head03
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 200 idx: models/civilians/male/soldier01_body
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 201 idx: models/civilians/male/soldier01_head
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 202 idx: models/civilians/male/scientist01
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 203 idx: models/civilians/male/sci_head01
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 204 idx: models/civilians/male/sci_head02
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 205 idx: models/civilians/male/sci_head03
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 206 idx: models/civilians/male/worker_body
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 207 idx: models/civilians/male/worker_body02
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 208 idx: models/civilians/male/worker_head
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 209 idx: models/civilians/male/worker_head02
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 210 idx: models/civilians/male/worker02_head
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 211 idx: models/soldiers/female/body
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 212 idx: models/soldiers/female/body_jungle
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 213 idx: models/soldiers/female/body_desert
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 214 idx: models/soldiers/female/body_arctic
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 215 idx: models/soldiers/female/body_yellow
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 216 idx: models/soldiers/female/body_cccp
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 64 RGB: 217 idx: models/soldiers/female/head01
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 64 RGB: 218 idx: models/soldiers/female/head01_jungle
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 64 RGB: 219 idx: models/soldiers/female/head01_desert
ST2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 64 RGB: 220 idx: models/soldiers/female/head01_arctic
-------CONTINUES ON LIKE THIS FOR 1024 texture names!
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 1005 idx: pics/sfx/blood/bloodsplatter_d00
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 1006 idx: pics/sfx/blood/bloodsplatter_d01
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 1007 idx: pics/sfx/blood_2
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 1008 idx: pics/sfx/blood/bloodsplatter_d02
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 1009 idx: pics/sfx/blood/bloodsplatter_d03
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 1010 idx: pics/sfx/heal
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 1011 idx: pics/sfx/blood/blood_oil_2
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 1012 idx: pics/sfx/weapons/bolt
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 1013 idx: pics/sfx/weapons/muzzleplasmaspiral
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 1014 idx: pics/sfx/blood/blood_green_0
EF2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 1015 idx: pics/sfx/blood_0
SK2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 1016 idx: models/aliens/ortnokmedium/head02
2011/02/16 08:38:55 512 512 RGB: 1017 idx: models/aliens/ortnokmedium/head02_gm
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 1018 idx: pics/sfx/smoke
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 32 16 RGB: 1019 idx: pics/sfx/spark
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 16 16 RGB: 1020 idx: pics/icons/system_close
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 16 RGB: 1021 idx: pics/sfx/weapons/bullet
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 256 256 RGB: 1022 idx: pics/sfx/weapons/lasermuzzle
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 64 64 RGB: 1023 idx: pics/sfx/laserimpact
PI2011/02/16 08:38:55 128 64 RGB: 1024 idx: pics/sfx/weapons/laserbeam_b
2011/02/16 08:38:55 Total textures: 1024 (max textures: 1024)
2011/02/16 08:38:55 Total texel count (not counting mipmaps): 98811712
2011/02/16 08:38:55 ********************
2011/02/16 08:38:55 ERROR: R_LoadImageData: MAX_GL_TEXTURES hit
2011/02/16 08:38:55 ********************
2011/02/16 08:39:26 music change to Crystan-Geosphere04 (from ufo2)
2011/02/16 08:39:40 ------------------
EF2011/02/16 08:39:40 1024 1024 RGB: 1 idx: pics/envmaps/envmap_0
EF2011/02/16 08:39:40 1024 1024 RGB: 2 idx: pics/envmaps/envmap_1

====== tlh2000 (2011-02-21 07:56:13) ======

====== tlh2000 (2011-02-21 07:59:59) ======

as you can see in the attached ufoconsole.log a few hundrets (220 in that case) textures/pt images are loaded, the map loading screens are not freed (only the default and the one of the current map should be active).

we really have to reduce the amount of textures/pt.

the hud icons can be packed into one image and defined as iconpacks in the script files.
====== aduke1 (2012-09-22 20:29:27.051000) ======

So who will do what here ?
====== tlh2000 (2012-09-23 15:46:54.914000) ======

the pt textures are no longer there. the texture loading was reworked (glGenTextures) is used.
Steps to reproduce this issue
Nothing entered.
Todos (0 / 0)
Issue created
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