Nothing entered.
[ Item 2640] imported from tracker on 2013-01-28 19:43:45
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00007ffff56cd085 in raise () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.
#1 0x00007ffff56ce32f in abort () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.
#2 0x00007ffff56c6271 in __assert_fail () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.
#3 0x00000000004c3aed in UFO_CampaignRunUFOs (deltaTime=6) at src/client/campaign/cp_ufo.c:496
ufo = 0x4c0e9b0
ufoIdx = 1
k = 0
#4 0x0000000000493dfc in CL_CampaignFunctionPeriodicCall (dt=6, updateRadarOverlay=qtrue) at src/client/campaign/cp_campaign.c:596
No locals.
#5 0x0000000000494137 in CL_CampaignRun () at src/client/campaign/cp_campaign.c:722
currenthour = 18
currentmin = 1110
date = {year = 0, month = 0 '\000', day = 0 '\000', hour = 0 '\000', min = 0 '\000', sec = 0 '\000'}
currentinterval = 0
checks = 0
dt = 6
i = 0
#6 0x00000000004344ba in GAME_CP_Frame () at src/client/cl_game_campaign.c:397
No locals.
#7 0x00000000004336a3 in GAME_Frame () at src/client/cl_game.c:758
list = 0x5c84c0
#8 0x00000000004406d1 in CL_Frame (now=5765746, data=0x0) at src/client/cl_main.c:1070
lastFrame = 5765746
delta = 20
#9 0x000000000051d4b9 in tick_timer (now=5765746, data=0x13db9a28) at src/common/common.c:1199
timer = 0x13db9a28
old_interval = 20
lateness = 0
#10 0x000000000051d999 in Qcommon_Frame () at src/common/common.c:1350
time_to_next = 0
event = 0x1b458a78
#11 0x00000000005c70d2 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffdac8) at src/ports/linux/linux_main.c:53
No locals.
(gdb) p *ufo
$2 = {idx = 1, tpl = 0x4c1f310, id = 0x18fc6538 "craft_ufo_harvester", name = "UFO - Harvester", '\000' <repeats 48 times>,
defaultName = 0x18fc96b8 "Harvester U", image = 0x18fd38f8 "geoscape/air_ufo", model = 0x18fccf18 "geoscape/ufo_harvester", type = AIRCRAFT_UFO,
ufotype = UFO_HARVESTER, status = AIR_TRANSIT, price = 18000, fuel = 200160, damage = 300, size = 2, pos = {-163.328766, 1.35635602, 0},
direction = {0.193408996, -0.580568016, 0.790907025}, projectedPos = {0, 0, 0}, oldDrawPos = {-163.328766, 1.35635602, 0}, hasMoved = qfalse,
numInterpolationPoints = 0, point = 0, time = 232, hangar = 0, maxTeamSize = 12, acTeam = 0x0, pilot = 0x0, weapons = {{idx = 0, base = 0x0,
installation = 0x0, aircraft = 0x4c0e9b0, type = AC_ITEM_WEAPON, item = 0x4d09090, ammo = 0x4d0e588, size = ITEM_HEAVY, ammoLeft = 10,
delayNextShot = 168, installationTime = 0, nextItem = 0x0, nextAmmo = 0x0, pos = AIR_NOSE_LEFT}, {idx = 0, base = 0x0, installation = 0x0,
aircraft = 0x4c0e9b0, type = AC_ITEM_WEAPON, item = 0x4d09090, ammo = 0x4d0e588, size = ITEM_HEAVY, ammoLeft = 10, delayNextShot = 168,
installationTime = 0, nextItem = 0x0, nextAmmo = 0x0, pos = AIR_NOSE_LEFT}, {idx = 0, base = 0x0, installation = 0x0, aircraft = 0x4c0e9b0,
type = AC_ITEM_WEAPON, item = 0x4d09090, ammo = 0x4d0e588, size = ITEM_HEAVY, ammoLeft = 10, delayNextShot = 168, installationTime = 0,
nextItem = 0x0, nextAmmo = 0x0, pos = AIR_NOSE_LEFT}, {idx = 0, base = 0x0, installation = 0x0, aircraft = 0x4c1f310, type = AC_ITEM_WEAPON,
item = 0x0, ammo = 0x0, size = ITEM_HEAVY, ammoLeft = -1, delayNextShot = 0, installationTime = 0, nextItem = 0x0, nextAmmo = 0x0,
pos = AIR_NOSE_LEFT}}, maxWeapons = 3, shield = {idx = 0, base = 0x0, installation = 0x0, aircraft = 0x4c0e9b0, type = AC_ITEM_SHIELD,
item = 0x0, ammo = 0x0, size = ITEM_HEAVY, ammoLeft = -1, delayNextShot = 0, installationTime = 0, nextItem = 0x0, nextAmmo = 0x0,
pos = AIR_NOSE_LEFT}, electronics = {{idx = 0, base = 0x0, installation = 0x0, aircraft = 0x4c1f310, type = AC_ITEM_ELECTRONICS, item = 0x0,
ammo = 0x0, size = ITEM_HEAVY, ammoLeft = -1, delayNextShot = 0, installationTime = 0, nextItem = 0x0, nextAmmo = 0x0, pos = AIR_NOSE_LEFT}, {
idx = 0, base = 0x0, installation = 0x0, aircraft = 0x4c1f310, type = AC_ITEM_ELECTRONICS, item = 0x0, ammo = 0x0, size = ITEM_HEAVY,
ammoLeft = -1, delayNextShot = 0, installationTime = 0, nextItem = 0x0, nextAmmo = 0x0, pos = AIR_NOSE_LEFT}, {idx = 0, base = 0x0,
installation = 0x0, aircraft = 0x4c1f310, type = AC_ITEM_ELECTRONICS, item = 0x0, ammo = 0x0, size = ITEM_HEAVY, ammoLeft = -1,
delayNextShot = 0, installationTime = 0, nextItem = 0x0, nextAmmo = 0x0, pos = AIR_NOSE_LEFT}, {idx = 0, base = 0x0, installation = 0x0,
aircraft = 0x4c1f310, type = AC_ITEM_ELECTRONICS, item = 0x0, ammo = 0x0, size = ITEM_HEAVY, ammoLeft = -1, delayNextShot = 0,
installationTime = 0, nextItem = 0x0, nextAmmo = 0x0, pos = AIR_NOSE_LEFT}}, maxElectronics = 0, route = {numPoints = 40,
distance = 2.77047896, point = {{-163.838623, 1.75060904}, {-161.646729, 0.0557090007}, {-159.454956, -1.63927305}, {-157.25946, -3.33185291}, {
-155.056427, -5.01953602}, {-152.84198, -6.69979906}, {-150.612274, -8.37007713}, {-148.363434, -10.0277538}, {-146.091553, -11.6701422}, {
-143.792786, -13.2944756}, {-141.463196, -14.897891}, {-139.098938, -16.4774227}, {-136.696136, -18.0299892}, {-134.250977, -19.5523796}, {
-131.759766, -21.0412426}, {-129.218887, -22.4930859}, {-126.624893, -23.9042702}, {-123.974548, -25.2710018}, {-121.264938, -26.5893459}, {
-118.493462, -27.8552284}, {-115.658005, -29.0644474}, {-112.756973, -30.2127037}, {-109.789429, -31.2956104}, {-106.755157, -32.3087502}, {
-103.654839, -33.2477112}, {-100.490044, -34.1081314}, {-97.2634048, -34.8857841}, {-93.9786072, -35.5766296}, {-90.6404648, -36.1768875}, {
-87.2548676, -36.6831322}, {-83.8287582, -37.0923576}, {-80.3700104, -37.4020538}, {-76.8872833, -37.6102638}, {-73.3898544, -37.7156563}, {
-69.8873596, -37.7175446}, {-66.3895721, -37.615921}, {-62.9061508, -37.4114418}, {-59.4463692, -37.105423}, {-56.0189209, -36.6997871}, {
-52.6317215, -36.1970329}, {0, 0} <repeats 26 times>}}, homebase = 0x0, itemcargo = {{item = 0x0, amount = 0} <repeats 32 times>},
itemTypes = 0, building = 0x18fd0778 "building_big_ufo_hangar", mission = 0x0, missionID = 0x0, aircraftTarget = 0x0, radar = {range = 0,
trackingRange = 0, ufos = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, numUFOs = 0}, stats = {10, 18, 4, 100, 300, 100, 200160, 3000, 0},
tech = 0x4b25080, notifySent = {qfalse}, detected = qtrue, landed = qfalse, notOnGeoscape = qfalse, ufoInterestOnGeoscape = 0, detectionIdx = 43,
lastSpotted = {day = 760976, sec = 66600}, alienCargo = {{teamDef = 0x0, amountAlive = 0, amountDead = 0} <repeats 32 times>}, alienCargoTypes = 0}
Console log:
Loading savegame xml (size 62805)
Loading savegame
...version: 4 version: 2.4-dev
...xml Size: 779927, compressed? y
Shutdown gametype 'Campaign mode'
Cvar 'mn_uforecovery_actualufo' wasn't found
Change gametype to 'Campaign mode'
--- save subsystem initialization --
added base subsystem
added research subsystem
added campaign subsystem
added hospital subsystem
added market subsystem
added employee subsystem
added aliencont subsystem
added aircraft subsystem
added interest subsystem
added mission subsystem
added installation subsystem
added ufostores subsystem
added production subsystem
added messagesystem subsystem
added stats subsystem
added nations subsystem
added transfer subsystem
added alien base subsystem
added xvirate subsystem
added messageoptions subsystem
Campaign data loaded - size 3341800 bytes
...techs: 200
...buildings: 19
...ranks: 16
...nations: 8
...cities: 457
Load 'slot1' 20 subsystems
...Running subsystem 'base'
...subsystem 'base' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'research'
...subsystem 'research' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'campaign'
R_LoadImageData: image '***r_radarTexture***' is already uploaded
R_LoadImageData: image '***r_xvitexture***' is already uploaded
R_LoadImageData: image '***r_dayandnighttexture***' is already uploaded
...subsystem 'campaign' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'hospital'
...subsystem 'hospital' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'market'
...subsystem 'market' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'employee'
...subsystem 'employee' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'aliencont'
...subsystem 'aliencont' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'aircraft'
CP_GetMissionByID: Could not find mission cat3_interest87_0
CP_GetMissionByID: Could not find mission cat2_interest90_0
...subsystem 'aircraft' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'interest'
...subsystem 'interest' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'mission'
...subsystem 'mission' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'installation'
...subsystem 'installation' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'ufostores'
...subsystem 'ufostores' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'production'
...subsystem 'production' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'messagesystem'
...subsystem 'messagesystem' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'stats'
...subsystem 'stats' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'nations'
...subsystem 'nations' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'transfer'
...subsystem 'transfer' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'alien base'
...subsystem 'alien base' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'xvirate'
...subsystem 'xvirate' - loaded.
...Running subsystem 'messageoptions'
...subsystem 'messageoptions' - loaded.
File 'slot1' successfully loaded from compressed xml savegame.
music change to van_theme (from van_geoscape)
Didn't find parent window "main" for window push of "popup_tipoftheday"
music change to karlmacklin_geoscape (from van_theme)
music change to van_geoscape (from karlmacklin_geoscape)
ufo: src/client/campaign/cp_ufo.c:496: UFO_CampaignRunUFOs: ??????????? ??????????? <<ufo->mission>> ?? ?????????.
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====
====== tlh2000 (2010-08-05 08:09:46) ======
: have i don't something wrong while introducing the new interest category?
====== geever (2010-08-05 08:41:45) ======
Ouch! Yes. Now aircraft loading needs missions loaded and missions need aircraft. We have implemented a circular dependency here. The fix for this assert is moving mission loading back before aircraft but that breaks rescue mission's aircraft idx loading...
====== o01eg (2010-08-05 08:48:43) ======
Is it caused because player's aircraft loads alien's mission?
====== geever (2010-08-05 21:08:58) ======
For the new rescue missions we need saving the aircraft that is the subject of the mission (mission->data). For that, aircraft must be loaded before missions. But, ufos are linked to the missions they do also PHALANX dropships linked to a mission when flying to them (aircraft->mission). For that, missions should be loaded before aircraft.
I changed it back to the old order (missions, then aircraft) in r31270 to fix this bug and most of the missions but rescue missions are broken now.... hard...
====== geever (2010-08-07 20:24:47) ======
Found another bug in mission and interest save/load code, fixed in r31291.
Next time feel free to reopen the bug if you find it not working.
====== sf-robot (2010-09-29 19:00:09) ======
This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
the administrator of this Tracker).