UFO: Alien Invasion Issue Tracker
UFO: Alien Invasion
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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Closed Bug report #1963 esc key from mail message opens empty index
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "Not determined".
Issue basics
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    Bug report
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    User interface
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    3. Normal
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    Not triaged
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[http://sourceforge.net/p/ufoai/bugs/1963 Item 1963] imported from sourceforge.net tracker on 2013-01-28 19:14:56

revision 21312.
open mailclient, open any message. press 'esc' key - mail index is shown, but all entries are empty.
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====

====== bayo-fr (2008-12-29 15:08:07) ======

Problem come from 2 things:

1. First, when we open the ufopedia from the mailclient, something reset TEXT_UFOPEDIA_MAIL. TEXT_UFOPEDIA_MAIL is only use by the mailclient, so its not very nice if nother 'process' manage this content too.

2. The exit button from ufopedia do extra function (to force to reinit the mailclient, maybe because TEXT_UFOPEDIA_MAIL is reseted). ESC button only pop menu, without extra commands.

I just fix the second part, moving the extra command into the 'close' function (call when we pop the menu).
====== richlv (2008-12-29 23:40:10) ======

the sympthom is fixed in revision 21316 - no idea about the cause.
somebody more experienced should decide whether first problem mentioned by bayo could/would be fixed in here, or warrants a separate report
====== richlv (2009-01-02 23:39:08) ======

let's consider this fixed, then.
Steps to reproduce this issue
Nothing entered.
Todos (0 / 0)
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