UFO: Alien Invasion Issue Tracker
UFO: Alien Invasion
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icon_project.png UFO: Alien Invasion / Closed Bug report #1864 When base is attacked popup menu item Enter does not work
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "Not determined".
Issue basics
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    Bug report
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    Not determined
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    3. Normal
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    Not triaged
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    Not determined
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[http://sourceforge.net/p/ufoai/bugs/1864 Item 1864] imported from sourceforge.net tracker on 2013-01-28 19:12:13

I can enter base and return back to menu, Auto mission works (lost battle :(), but Enter to defend base myself does not work. Simply menu closes and nothing happens. It is in geoscape and base is red ie. under attack. No error message on console. Save game just before base is attacked is attached. Unfortunately it does not work with latest rev due to save game incompatibility so I cannot test with latest rev.
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====

====== mslama (2008-10-11 21:23:21) ======

Save game just before base is attacked
====== mslama (2008-10-11 21:34:49) ======

I must add I have no soldiers in base but I was told on forum that soldiers will be 'teleported' automaticaly from another base in such case. Though I have no idea what/how 'source' base is selected how many soldiers should be teleported and what equipment they will have.
====== geever (2008-10-12 18:47:11) ======

yes, error message (on DEBUG_CLIENT) :
CL_GameGo: No team in dropship. teamSize=0

I&#039;ve checked the code it will only summon soldiers that are hired on that base (cl_campaign.c:1458). Maybe should be modified so teamsize <= 0 mean instant failure. I know the current system isn&#039;t good (every (active) soldier should be on an aircraft), but changing this isn&#039;t obvious.

I&#039;m attaching your updated savegame.
To update the others. Change to revision 19582 Load&Resave them then update to the latest.

File Added: slot5.sav
====== mslama (2008-10-13 11:19:43) ======

Ok. I see. IMO this should be documented somewhere. When I hire some soldiers to base it works. But I do not know how to equip these soldiers. I can only equip soldiers using Assign soldiers to aircraft but I do not have any transport ship in this base. So how to equip unassigned soldiers? Difficult to kill aliens by hands... Thanks.
====== geever (2008-10-13 22:12:46) ======

You cannot equip soldiers who are not on any aircraft - that&#039;s part of the soldier-craft dependency I&#039;ve mentioned before. I&#039;ve found I could put 1 soldier on a stiletto so I have base defence. However I don&#039;t know what&#039;s with newer interceptors.

btw. Did you try equiping when base defence asks (Enter, Equip soldiers...)? (There is a fake aircraft stuff for base defence and soldiers get assigned to it, maybe you can equip them then, but not sure.)

====== nobody (2008-11-13 06:41:02) ======

i think geever put some work into this recently - still an issue in current trunk?
otherwise please close this geever.
====== geever (2008-11-13 18:34:46) ======

This is still an issue.
The point of this is what to do if there are no soldiers in the base?
a) lose the battle
b) "call" soldiers from another base ( => what if no soldier in any )

I vote for a). :)

Another issue (maybe another bug) :
How to equip soldiers if there are no aircraft in the base?
(I have an idea...)

====== geever (2009-02-08 17:32:20) ======

Fixed. If there are no soldiers on a base it&#039;s lost. If you have soldiers, you can equip them for that battle using the fakeAircraft.

====== sf-robot (2009-03-18 18:54:13) ======

This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
the administrator of this Tracker).
Steps to reproduce this issue
Nothing entered.
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