Nothing entered.
[ Item 143] imported from tracker on 2013-01-28 18:11:52
this is still a live bug?
i go to battle with 4 soldiers all equipped,
one starts unequipped. :(
===== Comments Ported from Sourceforge =====
====== mikonmimuw (2006-07-15 14:12:47) ======
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At revision 1902.
The same for me and even no strange debug messages (only
Could not find alien armor ''). 2 in 4 soldiers start with
====== mikonmimuw (2006-07-15 14:14:27) ======
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And please mark priority as 9. I think this a game-stopper. :<
====== mikonmimuw (2006-07-16 11:20:52) ======
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Updated to revision 1906. Trunk.
It seems that the bug disappeared, or I'm dreaming.
====== dpblnt (2006-07-16 14:02:52) ======
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unfortunately you are. :(
1 soldier out of 5 starts naked here.
revision 1906.
====== mikonmimuw (2006-07-16 14:29:30) ======
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Well, only one starts naked --- isn't it some progress?
====== mdhowe (2006-07-18 06:05:05) ======
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I get the same in rev 1925 (trunk), I had 4 soldiers with
assault rifles and 4 with sniper rifles. The soldiers with
sniper rifles were all naked. I'll do some more testing.
====== mdhowe (2006-07-18 06:47:51) ======
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This bug is a dupe of bug 1520869
====== dpblnt (2006-07-18 21:16:02) ======
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Revision: 1960
3 naked on the left side of the plain,
2 equipped on the right side.
they all had armor, only wepons were gone.
====== nobody (2006-07-22 18:37:12) ======
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I figured out, the game takes the items from the potential
recruit list, ignoring wether they are marked or not.
In other words first soldier on battelfield gets what first
entry in the recruit list has, second what is on the
second. For the time beeing chose always the first eight
soldiers, because then everything is fine.
For a test you can choose 1 soldier in the first eight to
fit out with gear, The others below the eight you can give
whatever you want, nobody on the battlefield will have it.
If the "first" within the first eight, is for example the
second soldier, so the second (and not the first) will be
given the gear. I hope this does not sound too complicated.
====== bandobraz (2006-07-24 00:28:34) ======
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If you are right, the bug is almost killed. Who will be the
one to squash it? Patches anybody?
====== bandobraz (2006-07-25 15:03:42) ======
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The bug is now probably closed with the patch #1527523 that
is now in trunk. Please verify.
====== mdhowe (2006-07-26 02:01:20) ======
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After a couple of battles with the latest revision, I
haven't seen this bug again.
====== nobody (2006-07-26 16:14:10) ======
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Soldier has NO equipment on retrys and some soldiers'
equipment disappears in transit to missions
====== bandobraz (2006-07-26 20:35:53) ======
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Dear nobody, is it on RC3 or trunk? The patch was not in
RC3, yet. And retries are not fixed even in trunk, yet...
====== nobody (2006-07-28 08:58:22) ======
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Unfortunately I found the same problem in RC3. 7 soldiers
were all fine, but once I chose an eigth one (no matter whom
I chose or how I equipped them) they always ended up
_completly_ naked on battlescape.
====== nobody (2006-07-29 19:40:40) ======
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I've had this problem too, equipment will dissappear from
soldiers especialy their primary weapon. I also can't get
all eight soldiers to be in a mission, you'll choose eight
but only four will arrive at the battle field.
====== nobody (2006-08-04 12:03:07) ======
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I have had the same problem. I think the game sends the
first N people into the mission, regardless of which ones
you wish to send N.
====== bandobraz (2006-08-28 21:20:14) ======
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Please reopen if this is not fixed in RC4.