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Contribute: Coding, Debugging, Scripting, Packaging


See also Coding/Debug commands.



  • Compile the game in debugging mode
    • To add debugging symbols in Windows use in C::B the Build target, through the build menu:
      instead of
  • The Code::Blocks-installation includes gdb.
  • Integrated debugging
    • Use +set vid_fullscreen 0 +set vid_grabmouse 0 +set developer 1 as program arguments
    • Just select the debugging option from the menu - you will get a backtrace and so on after the game crashed
  • Manual debugging
    • You should add the Code::Blocks installation folder to your environment path variable (most likely C:\Code::Blocks\bin)
    • To start UFO:AI in the debugger you need to enter the windows-console (Start->Execute->cmd.exe)
    • Enter the UFO:AI folder and type
      gdb ufo.exe
    • Now you are in the debug console of gdb
    • Run the game with
      • run +set vid_fullscreen 0 +set vid_grabmouse 0
      • or with
        run +set vid_fullscreen 0 +set vid_grabmouse 0 +set developer 1
        if you need the debug-messages from within the code.
    • After a crash you can toggle via Alt Tab to gdb console.
    • To locate the problem, type
      bt full
      which generates a backtrace and displays the values of local variables.
  • Submit this information to the bugtracker.


Dr.MinGW is a JIT debugger (Just-In-Time-Debugger) - see the homepage for more information about it.

gdb on Windows

Yes, gdb also works under Windows. The usage is the same as shown in the #Linux and #Useful gdb stuff section below.

Add instructions here on how to make gdb work. It seems to be incldued in Dev-Cpp, but not in others - and even in Dev-Cpp you need to set paths.


Disable ingame backtrace

./configure --disable-execinfo


  • You have to have gdb installed (included in the Codeblocks package).
  • Add the gdb.exe to your path.
  • Compile the game in debugging mode (standard).
  • Go to directory where ufo binary is located (see directory tree).
  • Run
    gdb ufo
    from the commandline.
  • Now you are in the debug console of gdb
  • Run the game with
    • run +set vid_fullscreen 0 +set vid_grabmouse 0
    • or with
      run +set vid_fullscreen 0 +set vid_grabmouse 0 +set developer 1
      if you need the debug-messages from within the code.
  • After a crash you can toggle via 'Alt Tab to gdb console.
  • Type
    bt full
    to generate a backtrace and locate the problem.
  • Copy the output in the console and submit to the bugtracker.

Visit this site for a more in-depth gdb tutorial.

Generate core dumps

You can also generate core dumps from a running process - attach gdb to the process, type generate-core-file and detach again. Now you have the core file for later debugging.


There are several commands to set breakpoints via gdb:

  • break function
  • break filename:line

To remove them type:

  • clear function
  • clear filename:line
  • delete
Remove all breakpoints
  • delete n
Remove the ith breakpoint

Type info breakpoints to get a list of all breakpoints

Inspect variables

You can use print i or the abbrevation p i to print the content of the variable i. You can also print structures by typing ptype structureName_t.

print accepts some format parameters:

  • o = octal
  • x = hex
  • d = decimal
  • u = unsigned decimal
  • t = binary
  • f = float
  • a = address
  • c = char

Use them via print /x i

Other useful commands

  • To find out where you currently are type the command: where
  • To print some source around the current location type: list
  • step Execute a single line in the program. If the current statement calls a function, the function is single stepped.
  • next Execute a single line in the program but treat function calls as a single line. This command is used to skip over function calls.
  • To log output to a file, start by entering
set logging file <filename>

when ready to start logging, enter

set logging on

usually you will want to enter bt full to generate & log the backtrace.


Use valgrind to detect and fix memory bugs. There is a script that might help you in contrib/scripts/ named It will create a logfile in trunk of the output.


bugle can be used to trace OpenGL calls, hunt for unchecked OpenGL errors, take video shots, and do plenty of other OpenGL-related debugging.

e.g. to get a full trace of OpenGL calls:

BUGLE_CHAIN=trace LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/ ufo +set gl_driver /path/to/

glibc backtrace

The glibc feature for producing stacktraces is used in UFO, too - to get meaningful output from the printed stackstrace you can use the addr2line command from the binutils package.

Useful gdb stuff


  • Use tab for command and variable completion
  • Ctrl C stops the program (use c or continue to continue the execution


help [command]
Prints information about the gdb command
Prints code from current active position (useful to set breakpoints)
Handle breakpoints. Type help breakpoints to gdb console to get information. Example: break 184 if (status == 0)
b CL_ParticleRun2 will e.g. set a breakpoint to the function CL_ParticleRun2
Sets a watchpoint. The main difference between watch and breakpoints is that a breakpoint was set for a specific line - and a watchpoint can get active on every line - it only needs it's condition to get true. Example: watch (varname > 1024)
Prints the value of a variable to gdb console (see print)
Prints a value of a variable to gdb console (see inspect). If variable is a pointer you can dereferencing it by typing print *[varname] - like in C. You can even assign a value to a var by typing print [varname] = [value]
Prints the type (typedef or struct) of the given variable name
Prints the backtrace
Continue the game execution
