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Author Topic: Super Humans mod for UFO:AI 2.5 (cheat)  (Read 46681 times)

Offline beng

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Super Humans mod for UFO:AI 2.5 (cheat)
« on: January 26, 2015, 06:42:28 pm »
If you like your games hard and challenging, this mod is not for you. It gives the humans many advantages and seriously unbalances the game. It is basically a cheat mod. It does not add any new objects, just modifies specs for weapons, craft, base buildings in the game to make the humans super powered.

Some changes:
  • All human weapons need less TU to use.
  • Alien guns can earn you a lot of money when you sell them. After stealing them from dead aliens, just keep one for researching and sell the rest. You won't want to use them as human weapons are better.
  • The shotgun can shoot through thin walls, fences etc. So can the assault rifle snap shot.
  • The assault rifle aimed shot can go through more walls. So can the sniper rifle (both shot types).
  • Laser weapons rock. They are like the XCOM ones which need no clips. They shoot through walls (the bigger the gun, the more walls).
  • The aircraft laser cannon is the only weapon you will ever need to mount on your aircraft.
  • The base laser cannon will shoot down any UFO that flies within range. You may want to turn it off by opening your base view and clicking on the laser building and turning off auto fire if you want UFOs to land undamaged or attack your base so you can defend it.
  • D-F clips are not used for laser guns. They are instead used for making the assault rifle, sniper rifle, and pistol fire like the laser versions.
  • The pistol now fits on belts like the machine pistol.
  • Bolter and Coilgun can shoot through even more walls than heavy laser. Be careful not to shoot civilians or your own troops through walls when shooting aliens.
  • Grenade launcher now launches high trajectory grenades, enabling you to shoot over hills and low buildings to hit aliens hiding in defilade. However, it does not work well indoors because it will hit the ceiling.
  • The stun rod now shoots stun beams so you don't have to be standing beside the thing you want to stun.
  • The medikit can heal from a distance too.
  • Base buildings are faster to build and have more storage room inside.
  • Your starting base has a better layout for defence.
  • Stand alone radar towers now have greater radar range, similar to the basic base radar, with more tracking rage.

How to install / uninstall this mod: 2 ways

The quick and dirty unofficial way:
Just put the 1superhumans.pk3 file in your base sub-directory (and base is in your UFOAI install directory).
For example, the path to the file on my Windows system is: C:\Program Files\UFOAI-2.5\base\1superhumans.pk3

To uninstall just move it somewhere else or delete it.

The more complicated official way:
  • Create a sub-directory in your UFOAI install directory called mods (if you have not done so already for a previous mod).
  • In the mods sub-directory, created another subdirectory called superhumans (or whatever name you want this mod to have).
  • Open up the 1superhumans.pk3 file (using 7-zip or PakScape) and copy out the ufos folder into that subdirectory.
  • Run the game with the command line switch +set fs_gamedir superhumans (or whatever name you called it).
  • Alternatively start the game as normal, then pull down the console using ~ and type fs_mod superhumans to load the mod.

Update: New version uploaded 01/02/2015, bolter/EM rifle antimatter bullets will now explode when they hit aliens.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 10:37:47 am by beng »

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Super Humans mod for UFO:AI 2.5 (cheat)
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2015, 02:57:28 am »
  • Run the game with the command line switch +set fs_gamedir superhumans (or whatever name you called it).
  • Alternatively start the game as normal, then pull down the console using ~ and type fs_mod superhumans to load the mod.

We need to bring back the 'choose your mod' window...

Offline beng

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Re: Super Humans mod for UFO:AI 2.5 (cheat)
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2015, 05:22:36 pm »
File in the first post has been updated to a new version. Laser guns and coilgun now have 255 ammo (max ammo of any weapon is 255).

Bolter/Electromagnetic rifle antimatter clip bullets will now explode when they hit bodies. Be careful how you use them.

Also, the hybrid missile now has a longer range than the antimatter missile. You don't really need it though, laser canons will do.

Offline beng

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Re: Super Humans mod for UFO:AI 2.5 (cheat)
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2015, 01:20:39 am »
Updated the file in the first post to a new version:

Coilgun no longer needs clips. It's clip can be used for the shotgun. Coilgun also can fire armour piercing plasma grenade rounds.

Grenade launcher now uses 1 type of ammo (until you research plasma grenade ammo) with selectable 3 types of effects: high explosive, or incendiary, or flechette. Flechette mode can be used for reaction fire.

Heavy laser can fire laser or armour piercing incendiary rockets.

Starting base layout has been improved.

Offline beng

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Re: Super Humans mod for UFO:AI 2.5 (cheat)
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2015, 10:38:43 am »
Updated new version of the mod file, some tweaks and bug fixes.

Offline hagamablabla

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Re: Super Humans mod for UFO:AI 2.5 (cheat)
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2015, 06:44:10 am »
Thanks for this, it's pretty much everything I wanted.

Offline ViolentAJ

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Re: Super Humans mod for UFO:AI 2.5 (cheat)
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2018, 02:40:39 am »
I'd like to know if there is a way to deactivate the mod, or toggle it on and off.

I used the mod to shoot down a Corruptor that was going to raep my base, but want to put the game's settings back to normal in a save game.

Is this possible?
« Last Edit: February 06, 2018, 02:42:43 am by ViolentAJ »