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Messages - ShipIt

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 61
Those problems are well known. However, saving the battlescape will not solve them, it would be more of a workaround. The goal should be to keep the time required to play a mission within a reasonable range.

In 2.6-dev, alienbase, basedefence and mansion maps are already using mission targets to give players a shortcut in those scenarios. I was thinking about doing the same for mission with large UFOs, not sure about that, though.
Next step would be to find a way to adapt the map size to the number of actors involved, which unfortunately is a major task.

Geever has his own opinion.
None can ignore my points about battlescape bug reproduction and increasing map sizes however.
I wonder how much devs play the game still ? Naturally, developing a game time-conflicts with playing it - perhaps there was more interest in battlescape saves if devs had more time for playing ? When did you last play one of those 5+ hours attacks on an alien base ?

I am sure geever spent more time for this game than you did. So I doubt you are in a good position to question him.
I am for sure would be able to ignore whatever you write if I just wanted to.
I do. Yes, it naturally does, as one can do only one of those things at a time - doubt about the latter. Never - maybe I just don´t care enough about my squaddies.

... if the team would just say "Patches welcome for battlescape save&quit function" ...

Actually, this is exactly how the team always thought about this.

... an easy excuse for not needing to implement and maintain battlescape saves. ...

If this would actually be true, I would say we at least have an excuse.

And I would ask, what is yours?

3. Maps & Cover: From reading here, I know it's a known problem, but I want to stress that some maps [name the map(s) in question, attach a screenshot to illustrate] have just brutal layouts, where your troops are just standing out in the middle of a field with aliens around when you start the mission.  Some maps [name the map(s) in question, attach a screenshot to illustrate] just don't seem to have enough cover available.  I know smoke grenades can help with that to a degree, but it would be nice if the maps [put in the names, attach a screenshot to illustrate] were a bit more neutral, instead of favoring the aliens so much.

Just a suggestion.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: Range of Bloodspider's melee weapon
« on: October 26, 2015, 03:47:42 pm »
With a range of 1, I think they could not attack from a diagonally adjacent cell. Not sure, though.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: [map] Minor errors
« on: October 26, 2015, 07:39:25 am »
Changed this in master. Thanks for reporting.

Btw, map is called 'Estate'.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: Range of Bloodspider's melee weapon
« on: October 26, 2015, 06:26:49 am »
Range for Bloodspider Weapon is given as 1.5. There is a reason why it was done this way, unfortunately I cannot remember it. Will try to look it up.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: crash to geoscape on office map
« on: October 23, 2015, 08:53:42 am »
I didn't get this, but that map needs other fixes, in that:
1) The soldiers spawns partially inside the building, and, well, Murphy's law kicks in - either short-range soldiers will end up on the second floor or sniper or GL in the toilet... meaning you have to spend a round moving some to the start. Annoying.
2) One floor of the T-shaped building (left and below the left branch of "T", above the door from the area between the buildings) seems to be a floor without entrance other than some sort of busted makeshift elevator?

How to.

The fuzzy overlay is by design. You can remove it by replacing /base/pics/ui/screen.png with an empty one.

To switch to 2D Geoscape, open the Options menu in campaign, select <Options> and disable the 3D Geoscape checkbutton under <General> - Geoscape Options.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: [map] Minor errors
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:01:48 pm »
No clue about that, sorry.

Coding / Re: What may the AI see?
« on: October 14, 2015, 06:30:24 am »
DarkRain improved the LUA-AI a lot. In 2.6-dev we use it, not sure about 2.5.

Discussion / Re: Windows 8.1
« on: October 14, 2015, 06:25:17 am »

Discussion / Re: Windows 8.1
« on: October 11, 2015, 09:00:01 am »
You did automission because you couldn´t play it? What does the log tell?

Newbie Coding / Re: campaigns.ufo
« on: October 10, 2015, 08:13:05 pm »
//   xvirate - the highest rate of XVI infection allowed before the nations of the world close down the Phalanx project.

Newbie Coding / Re: campaigns.ufo
« on: October 10, 2015, 02:56:54 pm »
There is for sure an explanation about this at the very beginning of the file.

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