« on: August 02, 2012, 12:03:17 pm »
In the beginning I would like to thank for this excellent game. Great work!
I've playing 2.5 dev for some time and have some thoughts about it:
-I like the abundance of maps
-new wound and medikit system is far more realistic, although it can be problematic without more soldiers at your disposal
-new sniper rifle is excellent! I like also gauss rifle with 4 rounds.
-bolter is now some kind of handcannon? 28 TU for aimed shot? Isn’t it a bit too much? And only 2 rounds?
-heavy laser seems to me inferior compared to plasma rifle. In every way. Less damage, same spread, high range is not really so useful, requires a lot of research
-plasma blaster seems now to be useless. Only 35 damage? It’s good for unarmored targets only.
-grenade launcher without multiply shots is not worth using. I think that handgrenades are better.
-needler gun is now more an assault than sniper rifle. Too much spread, seems a bit strange compared to ufopaedia.