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Messages - DiDiT

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User modifications / Re: Anyone care to give me a hand?
« on: March 01, 2012, 08:35:36 pm »
Alright! thats working fine!

Now, I have to work out how to add in custom mail. Just something simple at the start to explain the new weapons along with a entry for each item.

User modifications / Re: Anyone care to give me a hand?
« on: March 01, 2012, 07:47:27 pm »
Right so adding in the items into the research file will remove the 'tech' error I'm getting to start?

User modifications / Re: Anyone care to give me a hand?
« on: March 01, 2012, 07:31:10 pm »
Ah, cheers! Is that all?

Also, how would I add custom mail?

User modifications / Anyone care to give me a hand?
« on: March 01, 2012, 09:20:25 am »
I'm a little rusty when it comes to modding so I'm wondering if anyone could lend me a hand.
I've written some new ammo types I'm trying to work with.

Code: [Select]
// =======================
// GrayTek Armoury
// =======================

// =======================
// Obsidian shard and Dragons teeth shells
// =======================

item shotgun2_Obsid_ammo
name "_Obsidian Shard Shells"
model weapons/shotgun2/shotgun_clip
type ammo
animationindex 0
shape "0 0 1 2"
center "0 0 0"
scale 1.2
price 500
size 4
is_primary true
dmgtype blast

weapon_mod shotgun2
name "_Single Shot"
skill assault
projtl bullet
impact bulletImpact
hitbody null
firesnd weapons/bullet-shotgunmini
impsnd impact/bullet-impact
bodysnd impact/bullet-bodyimpact
sndonce true
speed 3000
spread "1.8 1.8"
crouch 1.0
range 14
shots 10
ammo 1
delaybetweenshots 0
time 7
damage "25 10"
dmgweight normal_spray
reaction true

name "_3-Round Burst"
skill assault
projtl bullet
impact bulletImpact
hitbody null
firesnd weapons/bullet-shotgunmini
impsnd impact/bullet-impact
bodysnd impact/bullet-bodyimpact
sndonce false
speed 3000
spread "2.8 2.8"
crouch 1.0
range 14
shots 27
ammo 3
delaybetweenshots         36
time 12
damage "25 10"
dmgweight normal_spray
reaction true


item shotgun2_Dragon_ammo
name "_Dragons-Teeth Shells"
model weapons/shotgun2/shotgun_clip
type ammo
animationindex 0
shape "0 0 1 2"
center "0 0 0"
scale 2.0
price 35
size 5
is_primary true
dmgtype normal

weapon_mod shotgun2
name "_Single Shot"
skill close
projtl bullet
impact fireImpact
hitbody burning
firesnd weapons/flamer-small
impsnd impact/bullet-impact
bodysnd impact/bullet-bodyimpact
sndonce true
speed 3000
spread "1.5 1.5"
crouch 0.8
range 8
shots 1
ammo 1
delaybetweenshots 0
time 7
damage "60 15"
dmgweight normal_heavy
reaction true

name "_3-Round Burst"
skill close
projtl bullet
impact fireImpact
hitbody burning
firesnd weapons/flamer-small
impsnd impact/bullet-impact
bodysnd impact/bullet-bodyimpact
sndonce false
speed 3000
spread "2.4 2.4"
crouch 0.7
range 8
shots 3
ammo 3
delaybetweenshots 5
time 12
damage "60 15"
dmgweight fire_flamer
reaction true


// =======================
// Explosive Sniper Rounds
// =======================

item sniper_explosive_ammo
name "_Explosive Sniper Rifle Rounds"
model weapons/sniper/sniper_clip
type ammo
animationindex 0
shape "0 0 1 2"
center "0 0 0"
scale 1.15
price 300
size 5
is_primary true
dmgtype normal

weapon_mod sniper
name "_Snap Shot"
skill sniper
projtl bullet_sniper
impact explosionGrenade
hitbody null
firesnd weapons/bullet-sniper
impsnd impact/bullet-impact
bodysnd impact/bullet-bodyimpact
speed 3600
spread "1.5 1.5"
crouch 0.5
range 90
shots 1
ammo 1
time 12
damage "90 0"
spldmg "90 30"
splrad 3
dmgweight blast
reaction true
name "_Aimed Shot"
skill sniper
projtl bullet_sniper
impact bulletImpact
hitbody null
firesnd weapons/bullet-sniper
impsnd impact/bullet-impact
bodysnd impact/bullet-bodyimpact
speed 3600
spread "0.9 0.9"
crouch 0.5
range 90
shots 1
ammo 1
time 18
damage "90 0"
spldmg "90 30"
splrad 3
dmgweight blast
reaction true

// =======================
// Plasma rockets
// =======================

item rpg_plas_ammo
name "_Plasma Rocket"
model weapons/rpg2/rpg_ammo
type ammo
animationindex 0
shape "0 0 1 2"
center "0 0 0"
scale 1.1
price 1200
size 6
is_primary true
is_heavy true
dmgtype plasma

weapon_mod rpg
name "_Aimed Shot"
skill explosive
projtl rocket
impact plasmaBigExplosion
hitbody plasmaBigExplosion
firesnd weapons/rocket-human
impsnd weapons/explosion-plasma
bodysnd weapons/explosion-plasma
speed 450
spread "0.2 0.6"
crouch 0.6
range 250
shots 1
ammo 1
time 14
damage "15 10"
spldmg "110 20"
splrad 5
dmgweight plasma_heavy


// =======================
// Explosive Rifle Rounds
// =======================

item assault_explosive_ammo
name "_Explosive Assault Rifle Rounds"
model weapons/assault/assault_clip
type ammo
animationindex 0
shape "0 0 1 2"
center "0 0 0"
scale 1.25
price 1200
size 3
is_primary true
dmgtype normal

weapon_mod assault
name "_Snap Shot"
skill assault
projtl bullet
impact explosionGrenade
hitbody null
firesnd weapons/bullet-rifle-1x
impsnd impact/bullet-impact
bodysnd impact/bullet-bodyimpact
speed 3000
spread "1.8 1.8"
crouch 0.7
range 70
shots 1
ammo 1
time 8
damage "30 5"
spldmg "90 20"
splrad 3
dmgweight blast
reaction true

name "_3-Round Burst"
skill assault
projtl bullet
impact explosionGrenade
hitbody null
firesnd weapons/bullet-rifle-3x
impsnd impact/bullet-impact
bodysnd impact/bullet-bodyimpact
sndonce true
speed 3000
spread "2.0 2.0"
crouch 0.7
range 70
shots 3
ammo 3
delaybetweenshots 10
time 12
damage "30 5"
spldmg "90 20"
splrad 3
dmgweight blast
reaction true
name "_Aimed shot"
skill assault
projtl bullet
impact explosionGrenade
hitbody null
firesnd weapons/bullet-rifle-1x
impsnd impact/bullet-impact
bodysnd impact/bullet-bodyimpact
speed 3000
spread "1 1"
crouch 0.7
range 70
shots 1
ammo 1
time 14
damage "30 5"
spldmg "90 20"
splrad 3
dmgweight blast

I've still gotta test and balance it but as far as I can tell, this code should work fine. I've added it to the bottom of Weapons_human. Is that all I need to do for it to be in game or do I have to add anything else?

Also, how would I make certain items (E.G the plasma-rockets) require research? 

Artwork / Re: New civilian (child) model
« on: August 04, 2010, 12:30:06 pm »
Destructavator, I like how you've put your avatar on the shirt. ;3

Offtopic / Re: Whats in your pockets right now?
« on: August 04, 2010, 11:34:07 am »
big pockets are real pockets. ;3

anyway, currently I have: A bag of peanuts, a copy of original doom collectors edition on a memory card, my busted old mobile, and a ton of sweet (or 'candy' depending where your from) wrappers from a party a few days back

Offtopic / Re: Working towards power armor
« on: July 31, 2010, 01:17:21 pm »
Hmm... an exoskeleton system like this would make carrying extra thicker plates of armour easier, not to mention the other heavy equipment that It'll likely be able to help carry. just a matter of time now.

Tactics / Re: What's your favorite weapon?
« on: July 31, 2010, 01:10:21 pm »
Hmm... a recharging gun... the only way I can think of is giving said weapon insanely high ammo... or is it possible for a gun fire mode to actually create ammo instead of use it? if so, you could just make a 'recharge' fire mode that restores the ammo.

as for the tech, what do you need help with? adding research?

Tactics / Re: What's your favorite weapon?
« on: July 31, 2010, 01:21:30 am »
thank you Paul. X3

now, lets give these puppies a go!

Tactics / Re: What's your favorite weapon?
« on: July 30, 2010, 11:31:30 pm »
Ah, I remember my modding days... auto-lasers, plasma snipers, massively long range flamer's. good times...
...although, personally, I prefer making the game crazier than easier now... I remember when I modded the plasma rifle to be insanely deadly and made the alien armours almost invincible, then played a skirmish map with one godlike almost invincible super-alien vs my team of flamer snipers. that was crazy...

Enough of my rambling!

Paul, could I have a copy of your modded weapons so I could have a look at them? pretty please? :3 
(also, do you mind if I just call you Paul?)

i'm new to this community, hello :)
I experienced a bug in dev version: i "stun" an alien (don't know english name, i play italian version.. it's like when you kill an alien but it's not dead, and you can recover it alive in your base).
Then an other alien walks over the stunned one and i can't kill him. Once have used 4 soldiers firing at him from 4 sides but he was invincible. It's like the one on ground makes a shield for the one over him...

Sorry for my bad english ^^

first of all, fede, i would like to say 'stun' is the correct English name. also, I think thats something to do with the aliens still being treated as alive.

Discussion / Re: Still hopeful but disappointed
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:49:12 pm »
"Dash it all, Ginger, the beggar's only got particle beam weaponry. How utterly unsporting, he could at least give me a chance to shoot back. Strewth, that shot nearly took my handlebar off! Oh... and now it's lasers, eh? SWINE! This is just too much. Pass me the Very pistol, I'm going to teach this rude little Ortnok a lesson in fair play..."


Feature Requests / Re: New feature ideas
« on: July 15, 2010, 07:38:04 pm »
one: we cant use ideas from other games, so, sorry, I cant see that being included.
two: BBG? that sounds like a poor rip-off version of the BFG from doom. ;3

Discussion / Re: Some tweaking views from a UFO veteran
« on: July 11, 2010, 10:44:26 am »
Right! First off, Let me be one of the first to say hello, dingoperson. ;D
Now, moving on, here's my view of your suggestions.

* Have UFOs land more often and do terror missions less often, tweaked to give respectively smaller and greater impacts on nation scores.
Uh... aren't Terror missions and ufo's landing the same thing? from what I know, they only land when they need to harvest human subjects or want to attack a threat.

* Reduce dismantling times. Doing a big UFO mission in itself should best be somewhat frustrating and take quite a bit of effort, but with a very clear gain at the end. The extraordinary dismantling times takes away the "gain at the end" part.
I'll agree with you on this, the dismantling times are out of whack.

* It would be great to have automated training facilities, so there is some minor stat gain across the board for all soldiers over time. Otherwise nobody will ever change their soldier's weapon type, making Accuracy redundant.
I believe someone already suggested this a while ago although I'm not sure if the devs said 'no' or just put it on hold while other things were done.

* Reaction fire: Should be automatic based on remaining TUs. If there is a 'type of shot' button it should indicate which shot type is _preferred_ (and if there isn't enough for that, do a less accurate shot). Ideally, reaction fire should only be allowed against the soldier moving.
This is an interesting suggestion! although, IMO, reaction is basically a player chosen safety net and out-of-turn suppression tool but from what you've suggested I could stand around doing nothing, while one of my units systematically kills every alien around him as perfectly as possible. its sort of a kill-joy.

* Aiming: Percentage displayed should always be the right one. The maps would be better if the alien debris wasn't so bizarrely shaped (strange triangles) that you never know for sure whether a shot is blocked or not.
I think it normally is, as far as the computer can guess, the correct percentage already.

Right, that my two pence on your suggestions. ^_^ hope its all cool.


Design / Re: Underwater?
« on: July 09, 2010, 07:15:57 pm »
Although DiDiT's avatar makes him look like an irritating moron (no offense, I'm just talking about avatar )

Its cool, that why I picked it. :3
Also, hope I didn't offend you with my bluntness...


Oh, and before I forget!
you two just enjoy slapping another one down?

well... when you put it like that...


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