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Messages - Fistleaf

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Ok, fair enough.
I don't think I will be posting in this forum anymore.  It is very tiring to have to self-censor myself for every single sentence so that I would not unknowingly anger the admin.

As I have already said, the "original poster", i.e. me, has no intention of attacking UFO:AI as a game.  Just giving my opinion which is different from the admin does not mean I am "unappreciative" and a "naysayer".  Maybe the admin has encountered too many of such flamers over the years to become so paranoid and defensive and label every opposing view as being against the UFO:AI team.
Also, what is the point in locking a "pointless" poll which is not going to affect the game development at all (as stated by the admin)?  As long as there is no attack on race, gender or religion, why not allow the freedom of expression?

Since BTAxis has already apologised, I will also apologise to BTAxis and all others involved for the use of provocative language.

Some points to clarify here:
I reread the post and realised what he meant - that the team should not be focusing on 3D and instead on the gameplay and 'other areas'..... my bad.

My intention in this post is not to criticise UFOAI as a bad game.  In fact, I have even posted in StrategyCore forum about how this game looks good.  What I wanted to bring up for discussion was why other XCom clones have failed, and how can UFOAI not make the same mistakes.  The part about "concentrating on 3D" was a general comment on the failure of XCom clones, not just directed at UFOAI.  Somehow the comment was misintepreted as an attack on UFOAI.  I have no reason to do that, as I am not creating a rival game to compete with UFOAI.

FYI, he IS the admin. i.e. He can simply Shut U Up and PBan u from forum.

I know that, but I have never encountered such an aggressive admin before (no offence intended).

On this point, probably becos of the fact u r new, u should know that there is such a thing as strategy. U CAN escape, just depending on your distance on the nearest base. (Btw, i do not even know the version of the UFOAI u r running..... and the OS you are running this on).

I am running the latest stable version 2.2.1 I think.  What strategy can I use if the first ship from my first base gets attacked on the way back from a successful mission on the other side of the globe?  It's back to square one instantly.  I have already lost 2 ships just doing maybe 5 missions.

Certainly this is better than XCOM in many ways:
1) It is 3D engine.
3) This IS FREEWARE and OPEN SOURCE and NOT commercial. Hence, its is TONS better.

These 2 points I do not agree with.  3D alone doesn't mean better, 2D graphics may work better sometimes.  Of course if it can be done in 3D, more power to you.
Freeware alone also doesn't mean better.  In terms of cost of game, it's better.  But a freeware game that nobody plays is not better than a commercial game.
Again, this is just for discussion.  Don't go overboard treating every single comment as an attack on UFOAI.

And btw, more DOES means better (most of the time). Let me ask u, if XCOM1 turns 3d, becomes better graphics, better music, allows longer better storyline, have more research and have options to conquer alien's homeworld, is it not going to be better?

This is a misconception.  As an analogy, a hit 2hour-length movie may end up ruined if extra scenes are added till it becomes a draggy 4hour movie.  Similarly, overdoing the features may end up ruining the perfect balance of the game.

Dun stereotype ppl is the lesson to be learnt here.

Yes, I agree.  Don't stereotype every comment as an attack on UFOAI.

And as for u, back to the last comment from u..... seriously, quoting yourself, i think 'you sound like a teenager by your use of language' too..... honestly. Hence, do take up some public relations lessons too yourself ok?

The teenagers in your country have such a high standard of English?  Which country are you from?  ;)
My public relations lessons all went down the drain after being pissed off by BTAxis.  But I am not angry with BTAxis now.

I guarantee you won't be much longer if you continue to be rude like that.

Now the pot is calling the kettle black.  I did not use a single vulgar term whereas you called me "bullshit".  You sound like a teenager by your use of language.
I am trying to be civilized and reason with you but you persist to be stuck up and undiplomatic. 
You do not deserve to be an admin at all and should take up lessons on public relations.

He was saying the game was bad BECAUSE it uses 3D graphics. Which isn't true, it's just the old "blah blah 3D graphics are all that matters in games these days blah blah need to go back to the old days when games had to be good to be successful blah blah" argument, except he doesn't know what he's talking about and is just trying to seem like a "better gamer" than the rest of us.

X-COM was a great game. It also had its flaws no matter what anyone says. UFO:AI aims to be a different game, and you can like that or not, but if you don't like it why are you even still here?

What are you getting so angry about?  Where in my posts did I mention anything about UFO:AI being a bad game?  Where did I mention that I am a "better gamer"?  I am just bringing up for discussion how the game can be better.
You are using your own prejudices to put down others who give sugggestions.

If the admin is so aggressive and cannot accept suggestions, then I guess, yeah, I should not be here at all.

Option 4 is never going to happen anyway.

That could be the reason why there is no worthy successor to XCOM1.  Maybe game creators should wake up & see what the real problem is, instead of concentrating on 3D graphics and more of everything.  More doesn't mean better.

What I mean is: how can Alien Invasion be at least as good as XCOM?
There are so many commercial versions of XCOM-like games like UFO:Afterlight/Aftermath/Extraterrestrials, but none has really achieved the cult status of the original XCOM.  Alien Invasion may end up as just another wannabe.

Personally, I will be satisfied with option 4.  Option 1 will make it better than XCOM.

Discussion / Dropships should be given a chance for evasion
« on: June 21, 2009, 07:05:26 am »
Currently, once the dropship is targeted by a UFO, it is most probably the end of the dropship with everyone on board.  This is not fun, especially when you can only hire a few soldiers every month.  There should be a chance for the dropship to escape, maybe in the form of an expensive upgrade installed on the dropship.

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