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Messages - Tlactar

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: Missing/bugged textures on map crashed ufo
« on: September 13, 2009, 12:44:12 pm »
works fine, thanks! Now i just got to refresh my mapping skills... a lot! :D

ok, got my base destroyed the way it's meant to be ;) Now there's only one glitch left: it does still store the antimatter, even without the antimatter containment :D

in addition: the losing screen makes the game freeze... r26164

Discussion / Re: Ammunition for Particle Beam Weapon
« on: September 13, 2009, 02:37:25 am »
You're speaking about two different things. In 2.2.1 aircraft particle weapon was not working. That's working in 2.3-dev already. For man-portable particle beam weapons (worked in 2.2.1 too) you can't produce ammo, it's beyond our technology (If you had read the research text you would have known.) You have to capture ammo from aliens.


guess i wasn't really clear with what i meant. I do have more than 100 "pistol particle accelerator"s (odd naming for ammo...) but i can't select them in the equip screen. I can only equip the pistol without ammunition. (see the screenshot, no ammo next to the pistol) Even if i can't produce it my people should be able to put it into the pistol at home. Atm i'd really have to get the ammo on the battlefield by shooting an alien and taking it from his body... not likely how it's meant to be ;)

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: Missing/bugged textures on map crashed ufo
« on: September 13, 2009, 02:15:20 am »
Can you please elaborate with details (error messages, etc.)?  We need people who can make and update maps, and if the custom map-editor isn't working, that makes that goal very difficult.
got that working now, it runs fine with a clean new installation of your latest build.
But... i'm lost already :D Guess it's really been a while...
To which paths do i have to set the preferences to again? The wiki isn't really helpful on that or at least i'm unable to find that information ^^ I'm supposed to use the uforadiant.exe, right?

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: odd lighting on +farm
« on: September 13, 2009, 12:50:14 am »
interesting configuration, though it's more often the other way round ;)

Processor is a Core 2 Duo P8400, 4GB RAM, so it shouldn't be too slow for UFO:AI (i really hope so :P )
driver for the graphics card is Newer ones don't work that well for me :(

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: odd lighting on +farm
« on: September 12, 2009, 11:47:47 pm »
Not sure if it's a problem with the game (renderer), the videocard (or driver), or just speed.


speed? :D

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: odd lighting on +farm
« on: September 12, 2009, 11:26:41 pm »
look again ;)

compare for example the walls around the toilet or the crates on the first 2 pictures. It looks not that bad on the pictures, but in-game it's a bit ugly :D Until now it only happened on +farm

here are 2 more screens

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / odd lighting on +farm
« on: September 12, 2009, 11:03:30 pm »
there are strange black "shadows" moving on all walls when i scroll the map. (r26264 by Destructavator)
I checked with my previous version (r26082) but they weren't there.

OS is Windows 7 x86 RC, my graphics card is a geforce 9600M GT

checked with 2 other maps and there are no such shadows

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / fences too high?
« on: September 12, 2009, 10:47:37 pm »
if the aiming line doesn't actually touch / pass an object there should be a free line of fire, right? The fences on maps like +farm seem to be larger than their textures suggest. I'm aiming above the fence from the 1st story of that building, yet still i'm not able to hit (see the line passing above the fence, not through it?)

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / alien counting mistake (+farm)
« on: September 12, 2009, 10:16:30 pm »
i've seen it happen on other maps like crashed ufo for example, so it probably has nothing to do with the map itself.

On the map are 3 visible aliens, but the counter on the top right says 4. When i click it 4 times i'm back at the 1st alien, the 5th is the 2nd and so on, so i guess there aren't 2 aliens in the same space.

happened in r26082 and r26164

edit: ok, after that green fellow killed his comrade he alone counted as 3... after killing him (last alien) the counter went down to 2 and the map was finished.

FAQ / How many weapons is the Dragon supposed to carry?
« on: September 12, 2009, 04:57:11 pm »
I just researched the dragon interceptor, read it's ufopedia description and... was disappointed to see only 2 hardpoints. Am i interpreting the ufopedia entry wrongly or it is missing 1-2 hardpoints?

"The upper two prongs can mount small retractable weapons (1-2 small ones), the bottom prong contains a medium weapon (one medium) compartment and the central structure was designed to accommodate the main hardpoint -- the mouth (one large)"
- makes 3-4 hardpoints... not 2

Windows / Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« on: September 12, 2009, 04:13:58 pm »
hmm, that one gives me an error when trying to run the game, roughly translated stating sth. like "program cannot start because intl.dll is missing on the computer" - that didn't happen with your earlier builds...

it works by putting the old intl.dll from the last build into the UFO AI folder, so i guess that one just got lost somewhere in the process of compiling the exe ;)

i'll attach it in case someone else is lacking it, too. Easier than downloading & installing the old one to get it i guess :D

FAQ / Re: Trunk - usehomedir
« on: September 12, 2009, 03:35:22 pm »
me too ;)

It would be great if we could change the directory... that way it would be easier to see if bugs i noticed in one version got fixed in another. And it's simply... a better way to do it :D

Saving stuff in the app dir is one of the worst "innovations" i've seen in windows / games over the last years. It's just not a good idea to force people to save on their system partition ( i know there are ways to move the user directory, but it's a pain in the ass to do so). My system partition is for my system. Nothing else. It's bad enough that windows by default stores user data there (like music, documents etc., i don't use those folders...) but going along with it by saving everything else there, too, is even worse.
(best thing i've seen so far: Sins of a Solar Empire. You even have to put mods (which can be 1gb+) in there. Quite ugly if your system partition was planned to be only for your system...)

In addition: I got most of my games on an external drive so i can take them with me.

So... uhm... at least add an option to change it, please? :D

guess it's not that important, but it's still odd....

the highlighted soldier here was the one who spotted the ortnok, and i kinda think he shouldn't be able to do so. (first map in the log)


edit: found an alien hiding spot on another instance of "tropical drug", too. (second map in the log)
Either my man is... well... blind or that alien had some ninja training, hiding in plain sight... it got visible when my soldier went right beside it (where he stands now. He was directly looking at that spot the round before.) and the alien's body disappeared right after killing it...

FAQ / Are antimatter engines working already? r26082
« on: September 12, 2009, 01:22:55 pm »

I wonder if antimatter engines are implemented yet or if it's bugged / a dead end. I researched "Alien Propulsion" and the "upgrade: antimatter engines techs", but the last one only returned a text file's name, so i won't know if i should be able to use them or not... (See screen, stumbled upon some of them aleady...).

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