General > Discussion
Saving game & replacing units
Iron man mode. Nuff said.
If it's not too much trouble, maybe you could add a code that compiles how many times you save your game to determine end game outcome? I.e., you don't get the best ending if you saved 5,500 times in-mission. Out of mission saves probably shouldn't count, but maybe they should.
We don't HAVE in-mission saving. And Zenerka already said nobody on the team is going to code it nor include a patch for it in the official release. It's a design decision that has been made, and there will be no compromises.
That's a little defensive there Sarge... I thought the point of the forum was for people to add their input and suggestions, regardless of what the devs decided was gospel or not. Consider that maybe someone will have an idea that really makes sense and maybe, just maybe one of the devs will decide that they really like the idea and change their minds. ;)
Yeah, but this happens to be one point about which they've already made up their minds. The thing is that sometimes you just have to go with the plan rather then jump at a new idea, even if it's a good idea. Jumping at ideas is how you get feature creep. I'm not saying that mid-mission saving would be feature creep (as my earlier post in this thread suggests, I'm all for iron-man style saving), but you have to make a decision at some point. For almost every feature, both existing and imaginable, goes that some people will want it and others will not. If you're going to change your design decisions based on a convincing speech, then you'll end up changing stuff around every few days. So what I'm saying is, this particular issue is pretty much beyond debate.
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