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Author Topic: Mystical(and annoying) assertion error  (Read 3141 times)

Offline annoyedmodder

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Mystical(and annoying) assertion error
« on: May 22, 2013, 03:05:31 pm »
Hello everyone, its unfortunate, that I have to report a bug/glitch/error(or whatever you want to call it) as my first entry in UFO:AI forums, but thats how its going to be.

Note that I've modified few .ufo files(basemanagement, campaign, team_templates) in 0ufos.pk3, but they have nothing(as far as I can see) to do with this error, except for it only appearing with them modified(does'nt appear with fresh 0ufos.pk3 from backup).

Here are the modified parts of those files(everything else left as it is):

basemanagement(added another base template):

Code: [Select]
basetemplate advanced {
building (building_entrance "0 2")
building (building_quarters "1 2")
building (building_quarters "2 2")
building (building_aliencontainment "0 3")
building (building_storage "2 4")
building (building_powerplant "4 3")
building (building_command "0 3")
building (building_hangar "0 1")
building (building_intercept "4 1")
building (building_lab "3 2")
building (building_lab "4 2")
building (building_radar "0 4")
building (building_hospital "2 3")

campaign(added another campaign):

Code: [Select]
campaign advanced
name "_Advanced Campaign"
text "*msgid:standard_campaign_txt"
team "phalanx"
soldiers 16
scientists 8
workers 8
pilots 8
difficulty 0
minhappiness 0.25
maxdebts 75000
xvirate 75
firstbase advanced
researched rslist_phalanx
ugvs 2
equipment campaign_player
soldierequipment phalanx_initial
market campaign_initial_market
asymptotic_market campaign_asymptotic_market
credits 1250000
map "map_earth"
visible true
events main
researchrate 1.0
uforeductionrate 0.25
healingrate 2.5
employeerate 1.0
alienbaseinterest 200

date "2084 79 6"
basecost 125000

salary {
soldier_base 1250
soldier_rankbonus 125
worker_base 750
worker_rankbonus 0
scientist_base 1250
scientist_rankbonus 0
pilot_base 1250
pilot_rankbonus 0
robot_base 7500
robot_rankbonus 0
aircraft_factor 1
aircraft_divisor 25
base_upkeep 12500
admin_initial 1250
admin_soldier 75
admin_worker 75
admin_scientist 75
admin_pilot 75
admin_robot 250
debt_interest 0.005

team_templates(changed stats for teams):

Code: [Select]
chrtemplate soldier {
rate 100
strength "30 45"
speed "30 45"
accuracy "30 45"
mind "30 45"
close "30 45"
heavy "30 45"
assault "30 45"
sniper "30 45"
explosive "30 45"
piloting "0 0"
targeting "0 0"
evading "0 0"
health "120 180"

chrtemplate pilot {
rate 100
strength "0 0"
speed "0 0"
accuracy "0 0"
mind "0 0"
close "0 0"
heavy "0 0"
assault "0 0"
sniper "0 0"
explosive "0 0"
piloting "15 30"
targeting "15 30"
evading "15 30"
health "120 180"

chrtemplate civilian {
strength "15 30"
speed "15 30"
accuracy "15 30"
mind "15 30"
close "15 30"
heavy "15 30"
assault "15 30"
sniper "15 30"
explosive "15 30"
piloting "0 0"
targeting "0 0"
evading "0 0"
health "60 120"

And here is that error I get(it happens when I click Full Campaign button in main menu screen):

Code: [Select]
Assertion failed!

Program: D:\Games\Invasion\ufo.exe
Line: 563

Expression: depth < MAX_CLIPRECT

Thats the error message I get, with three options(Abort, Retry, Ignore).

Here is what ufoconsole says about it(last bit of it only):

Code: [Select]
--- save subsystem initialization --
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added campaign subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added research subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added base subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added hospital subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added market subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added employee subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added aliencont subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added aircraft subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added alien base subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added interest subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added installation subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added mission subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added ufostores subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added production subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added messagesystem subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added stats subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added nations subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added transfer subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added xvirate subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added messageoptions subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 added triggerevents subsystem
2013/05/22 15:40:19 ********************
2013/05/22 15:40:19 ERROR: Base template 'advanced' has ambiguous positions for buildings set.
2013/05/22 15:40:19 ********************
2013/05/22 15:40:19 CL_GetCampaign: Campaign "main" doesn't exist.
2013/05/22 15:40:19 Invalid Campaign id: main
2013/05/22 15:40:19 Music: track changed from van_theme to karlmacklin_geoscape.

As far as I can see there is no problems with positions in basetemplate and I have no idea why it cant find main campaign, its left untouched, so please help me to solve this error(I hope I've provided enought information).

P.S. There is another minor bug with main menu screen, you can move whole menu tree up a bit if you hold LMB on one of menu items and drag.

Offline ShipIt

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Re: Mystical(and annoying) assertion error
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2013, 04:38:28 pm »

basemanagement(added another base template):

Code: [Select]
basetemplate advanced {
building (building_entrance "0 2")
building (building_quarters "1 2")
building (building_quarters "2 2")
building (building_aliencontainment "0 3")
building (building_storage "2 4")
building (building_powerplant "4 3")
building (building_command "0 3")
building (building_hangar "0 1")
building (building_intercept "4 1")
building (building_lab "3 2")
building (building_lab "4 2")
building (building_radar "0 4")
building (building_hospital "2 3")

Not sure about this one, but it seems like Alien Containment and Command Centre are located at the same place ("0 3") in the grid.

Offline annoyedmodder

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Re: Mystical(and annoying) assertion error
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2013, 07:05:05 pm »
Well..., I guess I have all right to say that the lesson of this is as follows: Dont make assumptions on problems level of complication, if you're unsure about your blindness to obvious.

It's now working fine, no more mystical errors after placing numbers in right order.

Thanks for your help in form of fast reply, I should've really spotted that myself...