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Author Topic: Mem_CheckSentinels: bad memory footer sentinel (buffer overflow)  (Read 2641 times)

Offline SoftwareSimian

  • Rookie
  • ***
  • Posts: 34
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2013-May-21 win32

I tried to auto-mission a landed UFO (Harvester), and the game crashed to desktop, with the UFOAI console up and flashing this in red:
Mem_CheckSentinels: bad memory footer sentinel [buffer overflow]
pool: Client: Local (per game)

alloc: src/client/cgame/campaign/cp_messages.cpp:#66
free: src/client/cgame/campaign/cp_campaign.cpp:#1264
So I clicked the "quit" button and this whole list of additional errors flew past, and the console didn't quit as one would expect it to when clicking "quit".
Code: [Select]
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_results not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_getdescription not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_getcampaigns not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_start not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_listalienbase not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_alienbasevisible not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: aircraft_namechange not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: aircraft_start not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_select_aircraft not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: aircraft_return not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: aircraft_update_list not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_listaircraftsample not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_listaircraft not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_listaircraftidx not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_listinstallation not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_finishinstallation not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_interestlist not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_interestset not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: nation_stats_click not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: nation_update not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: nation_select not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_listcities not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_listnations not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_missionauto_check not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_mission_autogo not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_missionsetmap not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_missionadd not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_missiondeleteall not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_missiondelete not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_missionlist not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_trans_caplist not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_trans_fill not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_trans_add not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: trans_list not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: trans_init not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: trans_close not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: trans_start not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: trans_emptyairstorage not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: trans_selectbase not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_listtransfers not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_transferufo not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_selecttransferyard not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_fill_ufotransfer not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_destroystoredufo not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_selectstoredufo not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_uforecovery_init not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_uforecovery_sell_init not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_uforecovery_store_init not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_uforecovery_nationlist_click not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_uforecovery_store_start not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_uforecovery_sell_start not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_uforecovery_sort not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_liststoredufos not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_storeufo not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_removestoredufo not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: employee_update_count not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: employee_init not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: employee_delete not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: employee_hire not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: employee_select not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: employee_changename not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: employee_scroll not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_listhired not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_addemployees not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: update_base_radar_coverage not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: addeventmail not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: stats_update not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: game_go not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: game_timestop not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: game_timeslow not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: game_timefast not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: game_settimeid not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: map_center not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_start_xvi_spreading not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_spawn_ufocarrier not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: cp_attack_ufocarrier not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_fullcredits not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_itemadd not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_antimatteradd not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_listitem not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: airequip_updatemenu not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: airequip_selectcategory not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: airequip_list_click not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: airequip_slot_select not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: airequip_add_item not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: airequip_remove_item not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: airequip_zone_select not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: basemapshot not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: basesummary_selectbase not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_base_prev not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_base_next not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_base_select not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_base_build not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: base_changename not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_set_base_title not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: base_init not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: base_assemble not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: base_building_space not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: building_init not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: building_status not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: building_destroy not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: building_ufopedia not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: check_building_status not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: buildings_click not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: reset_building_current not added
Cvar 'mn_base_max' wasn't found
Cvar 'mn_base_cost' wasn't found
Cvar 'mn_base_title' wasn't found
Cvar 'mn_base_count' wasn't found
Cmd_RemoveCommand: add_battery not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: remove_battery not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: basedef_updatebatteries not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: basedef_updatemenu not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: basedef_selectitem not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: basedef_additem not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: basedef_removeitem not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: basedef_autofire not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_market_fill not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_market_showinfo not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_market_buy not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_market_setautosell not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: market_openpedia not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_team_changeskin not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_team_deequip not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_team_fillequip not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_team_fillbdef not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_team_fill not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_team_assign_ucn not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_team_select_ucn not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: debug_teamlist not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: hosp_empl_init not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: hosp_init not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: hosp_list_click not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: hosp_list_up not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: hosp_list_down not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_build_installationtype not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_fill_installationtypes not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ui_fillufoyards not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_installation_select not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_installation_build not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_installation_changename not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_installation_destroy not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_installation_update_max_count not added
Cvar 'mn_installation_count' wasn't found
Cvar 'mn_installation_title' wasn't found
Cvar 'mn_installation_max' wasn't found
Cvar 'mn_installation_type' wasn't found
Cmd_RemoveCommand: prod_init not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: prod_type not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: prod_up not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: prod_down not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: prod_change not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: prod_inc not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: prod_dec not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: prod_stop not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: prodlist_rclick not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: prodlist_click not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: research_init not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: research_select not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: research_update not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: research_type not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_rs_add not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_rs_change not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_rs_remove not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_start_research not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_stop_research not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_show_ufopedia not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: msgoptions_setall not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: msgoptions_set not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: msgoptions_toggle not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: msgoptions_scroll not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: msgoptions_init not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: msgoptions_backup not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: msgoptions_restore not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_upcontent not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_upupdate not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ufopedia not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ufopedia_click not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mailclient_click not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_mail_readall not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ufopedia_openmail not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: ufopedia_scrollmail not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: techtree_click not added
Cmd_RemoveCommand: mn_upgotoresearchedlink not added
Cvar 'mn_uppretext' wasn't found
Cvar 'mn_uppreavailable' wasn't found
Cvar 'mn_uprequirement' wasn't found
Cvar 'mn_upmetadata' wasn't found
Clicking quit again cleared the console this time and left just this in the display:
There are still 1 opened files

Mem_CheckSentinels: bad memory footer sentinel [buffer overflow]
pool: Client: Local (per game)
alloc: src/client/cgame/campaign/cp_messages.cpp:#66
free: src/common/mem.cpp:#647
After that, repeated "quit" just gets another copy of
There are still 1 opened files
added to the console, but it won't go away (had to terminate from task manager).