10.9 years in the US Navy. 3 Gulf deployments. Solo test dives in Atmospheric Dive Suits (google it) down to 2,000ft. Qualified on all military diving equipment known to mankind (damn near).
1 year bodyguarding in India.
Other security/intel work, experience drafting classified Conf/Secret messages.
Published writer, expert-level English.
Former WoW pvp/pve movie maker with ~400,000 views, longest movie 1h33min.
Chaos Gate faq writer (gamefaqs.com).
Just managed to get the game working last night, played til 0430 and noticed stuff I can fix:
intro_sequence.txt - I can toss stuff together if you tell me what you want, how long, and in an easy-to-write txt format. I have zero coding experience but I can copy/paste. Show me the backstory or no story and I'll come up with something.
UFOpaedia - should really be UFOpedia imho. It seems somewhat ready to go on the wiki at
http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/Translation:Laser_txt/en...but it's not in game. I'm guessing that's a ways off due to getting it into the right format.
If you just need a blurb for each in-game entry in a text file, then I can knock out a hundred of those in a day. They won't be accurate, but it'll be something.
I'm currently job-hunting so not right now, but conceivably later on I could make a pretty spiffy little intro/advertising video for the game. See my past WoW work or my rl film here: