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Author Topic: Winning the 2.3.1 version  (Read 2462 times)

Offline Lisander

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Winning the 2.3.1 version
« on: April 26, 2011, 12:53:24 am »
Hi everybody!!

First of all, and knowing that it sounds stale: congratulations for all the aweseome work done to refit that old and wonderful UFO game. I found the game googling for tactical and strategy games some months ago... and omg, it was better than expected!

After the well deserved praises, my after action report.  :)

Finally I won the game after beating the aliens in his base on Earth. I know that there's a bunch of talented pals currently working in a new version of the game. I read some of the spoilers in the design forum. What I want to share is my ingame experience after beating several green asses.

-I found the alien base on april 11th, after tracking some supply ufos somewhere into Brazil. The base map was of course extremely difficult, ending with the lost of three beloved veterans. That's roughly a year and 20 days of ingame time. In the base attack i didn't found new alien races (i guess that only four races are active: tammies, ortnoks, lizardfolk-things and bloodspiders.) but i saw some new and huge and very powerful weapons. It was a pity i couldn't research those. Are they just a stub? New weapons for the future version?

-In all the game, i only faced four different ufo's.  scouts, fighters, nasty harvesters and supply ships. Are they the only active ufo's in 2.3.1?

- The last alien artifact investigated was the particle pistol. I researched (and built) all the new fighters and starfighters, and just after the alienbasespotting happened, the herakles project come into my mail. Those last projects doesn't have ufopaedia article, and you have to guess if the craft deserves time, money and (sometimes more valuable than anything) hangar space. Guess there is people working on that too.

-Some people is complaining about repetitive missions, difficulty and such. Well, the game can be a little tedious, but, honestly, XCOM with the monthly attacks at ships were hell compared to UFO: AI. There're lots of maps and the different spawning points for aliens makes the gameplay better. As for the difficulty: i've played in medium, and at the end of the game i had four veterans in my squad with 99 to 95 missions accomplished. The rookies had 10 or 12. Of course, they were the cannon fodder. Never go first with a veteran. In an average mission, one or two dead rookies were ok. Of course, sometimes you have to let your veterans die. (two of them in the alien base mission). A well balanced team with four heavy weapons (three plasmas and a glauncher), coilgun sniper's and the accurate electrogun worked well for me.  I cried the lost of my shotgun veteran, but then i realised the guy was only useful in ufo stormings. The late shocking grenades are awesome, of course.

- I found investigation not very well balanced. I quickly built three bases with 20-40 investigators each to build up my arsenal, and for the last six months, i had 40 guys enjoing well paid holidays in their bunkers. Please, more investigation proposals!! Maybe about the aliens? The alien threat, alien behavior and alien mind were GREAT. Im looking forward for more data about the alien society-army. (remember the UFO and XCOM proposals for the different ranks of aliens?)

Well. That's nearly all. Dunno well if this post is a collection of tips, a collection of spoilers or some proposals for the programmers. But i swear im overenjoyed of playing this new UFO!!
Im looking forward for the next game update. My best wishes to everybody and keep on the good work!

Greetings from the "sunny" AndalucĂ­a.
