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Author Topic: Graphics/Textures Problem  (Read 2405 times)

Offline GDG

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Graphics/Textures Problem
« on: February 23, 2011, 09:33:00 pm »

I have a weird problem with the textures in version 2.3.1. On the battlefield they all have some wierd black stripes on them. I read about this issue in other threads about other versions and I tried all solutions given there, i.e. turning down the textures to minimum, enabling textuer compression, turning up multisample buffersize and so on. Nothnign helps. Any Idea what the matter is?

Amd Athlon XP2800+
1,5GB Ram
ATI Radeon X1650 (Catalyst 10.2 installed.)

EDIT: Changing the Lightmap Cap to Normal did it...
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 09:48:21 pm by GDG »