Apparently this isn't affecting everyone but it does consistently for me. I'm using Windows XP and rc4.
I'm now at the point when alien craft are flying around. When a craft appears, I select the craft and then it asks me which of my craft I wish to send after it. Incidentally I have one transport ship and TWO interceptors. I built an extra interceptor hanger early in the game (from my old xcom experience I remembered that it was very helpful to have more than 1 interceptor to take down the medium craft and bigger).
So, no matter what ship I select (and the correct one is highlighted), the ship that is ACTUALLY sent out after the ufo is the transport. Even after this erronious behavior, I can try and send out the interceptors again after clicking on the ufo - but with no different reaction. They just stay in the base.
Now I CAN manually "START" an interceptor from the base/ships and send it "towards" the alien craft - but I can't actually "target" the alien craft w/ the interceptor. Even when I get the interceptor to basically intercept its course, there is still no real interception, with the anticipated ship-to-ship arial battle that I would expect from the xcom games.
Can anyone help me? Is there someway for me to configure the game to capture some data for you guys?
Best regards!!!