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Author Topic: autosorting and highligting  (Read 2661 times)

Offline Czert

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autosorting and highligting
« on: September 23, 2006, 01:33:17 pm »
1.please add highligting to useable ammo for selected weapon, is hell to newbie to known correct mag.
2. add autosorting to equping of soldiers - e.qw. I give soldiers weapons from begining ( left upper corner) of equpment screen, but places remain free, no "auto-moving" of others equpment to free place. Idealy will be here to select "rallying point" (upper left/rigt corner etc).
3.weapons manufacturing - I notice manufacturing of equpment is 10 times more costly than buing them, and this realy strange.
4.please add needed/remaining time for one/totall item in production screen.

Offline Czert

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autosorting and highligting
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2006, 02:16:28 pm »
and please increase capacity of belt/backpack - is realy strange to be able to have only one mag in belt - realistic is 4 - if you add "boxes" 2x2 to corners - this allow 4 magazines, and prevent add here weapon (yes, pistol can be here, but this is realistic too, I know - is here holster, but have SMG/shotgun etc. in holster in belt is little unrealistic) - boxes are to small for weapon.
And  increase backpack size - if I want change weapon and have 2 bigs, I must one drop to groung, equip with second and then pickup first weapon to backpack.
and for bases- show size of selected building and proposed position of selected place for building
and alow to build second/third etc. level of base - of course for price (half  price of new base).
and another - plese, add screen of running cost (expanses) of base/all bases, wages for soldiers/scientists..etc.

groun combat - a)add icon (number) how many aliens soldier currently see (ala ufo aftershock)
b) reworking of current camera rotation - right-click rotation (ala aftershock)
c)show path of soldier (moving/planed).
d)allow group moving (ala C&C).
e)add one shot (aimed/sponaeus) for assault rifle.
f)amphideroux fire - is here ? Is possible to have two pistols in hands, but no "trigger" to fire with booth at the time.


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autosorting and highligting
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2006, 11:13:08 am »
Quote from: "Czert"

groun combat - a)add icon (number) how many aliens soldier currently see (ala ufo aftershock)

This already exists (though there is nothing in game that tells it). It is the little window beside the "end turn" button. I don't know if it tells how many aliens the seloveted soldier can see, or if it's all visible aliens.

Quote from: "Czert"

b) reworking of current camera rotation - right-click rotation (ala aftershock)

Right-click is better used for soldier commands IMHO, but thats up to the developers.

Quote from: "Czert"
c)show path of soldier (moving/planed).

I totally agree. First click shows path, second click makes the soldier move there.

Quote from: "Czert"

f)amphideroux fire - is here ? Is possible to have two pistols in hands, but no "trigger" to fire with booth at the time.

Just fire one of the pistols and and the soldier will shoot with both automatically


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autosorting and highligting
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2006, 02:33:21 pm »
Quote from: "Czert"
increase capacity of belt/backpack ... allow 4 magazines

There are not that many aliens - I rarely need extra ammo
(exceptions RPG, SMG + grenadelauncher)

increase backpack size - if I want change weapon and have 2 bigs,
I must one drop to groung, equip with second and then pickup first weapon to backpack.

I agree that switching items is cumbersome.
Maybe the behavior could be changed so that the item in hand gets
swapped with the item in an occupied slot.

c)show path of soldier (moving/planed).

Activate "confirm actions" in the game-options.
Actions are then executed only after pressing the enter-key.
It also shows the line of fire, and you can look at it in detail,
which I find quite important for longer shots.